Thursday 27 August 2009

We have to hide our wallets!!

 "The man tried to steal them, I have to go hide the wallets. Before he comes again."

Who? What man?

"The man who tried to steal our wallets. I must hide them for him."


"The man!"

Why would he steal our wallets? 

"I have no idea, but the man is trying to, and we need to hide them. "

What man?

"Grhhh. It doesn't matter. I have to hide our wallets!"

What are you talking about?

"The.. wallets. Wait.. I'm talking in my sleep again? But it makes sense!"

It makes sense, huh?

"Yes.. I mean, the man.. who.."

What man!?

"GRRRR. I don't know! Stop that now!"

Don't get angry? What man?

"Uhm... Uhm.. Hehehe, actually I have absolutely no idea!"

This is weird.

"But it's funny, I'm talking in my sleep when I'm awake! HohohHAHAHAHAHEHEHh...huhu. "


The weird one in the dialogue is me, and I'm asleep. In the start, at least, eventually I wake up and realize what nonsense I'm talking! I haven't even number over how many times my boyfriend confronts me the day after telling all the shit I said in my sleep. Of course with a smile around his mouth, I believe that it is indeed quite funny.. Waking up by a girlfriend who is talking absolute nonsense when she herself believes everything makes perfect sense. I did it god-knows how many times here in Germany. Hell, one of the times (the first night) I manage to wake up the whole house with my loud talking in sleep. Luckily (?) I spoke in Norwegian, so noone understood a shit, exept for my boyfriend who understood "It's so cheap! It just costs 99 krones!". (Made perfect sense, I dreamt that I was buying perfume =P ).

I somehow wish I wrote down everything my boyfriend said that I said in my sleep, it could be fun reading xD   Some more things I remember is some obsessing over a pillowcase, almost panicing cause mine and my boyfriends was not matching, and one time I actually took all my bedsheets down to our toilet, plus my cellphones and my chargers, cause I believed that someone was "controlling" my bed. (Whatever that is about).. and ohye, one time I kissed my best friend in sleep cause I was sure I was lying next to my boyfriend. My, my.... Is this normal, or is something wrong with me? xD Just askin'....

Anyway! Have a nice evening further! Tudeluuu~

PS: Sorry for inactivity on blog, wanted to write concert-reviews after Summer Breeze and stuff, but I've been sooo tired and sooo lazy. Mabe it comes sometime. Hm.


  1. hahah, totally normal.. for you that is... xD


  2. Haha. Det må jo vere veldig artig for Tamas då;p. Hum. Eg drømte faktisk at eg møtte deg også det første eg sa var "HAHA, eg leste blogginnlegget ditt om lommebokadrømmen din". Kanskje eg snakka eg i søvne sjølv? Eg veit ikkje.


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