Saturday 6 November 2010

My boyfriend comes from Bavaria

In the process of getting to know people, there are always certain questions that always turns up. A dialogue could be something like this...

Where are you from?  
I'm from Norway

Why are you studying in Germany then? 
 (long answer, irrelevant for blog-post)

Where do you live?                                                
(no, rapists out there, this info I will not give you)

Huh?? You live with your boyfriend?
Yes, I do.

How did you meet?
(long answer, irrelevant for blog-post)

Is he from Leipzig?                                                
No, he is just studying here.

Where then?                                                          
He's from Bavaria.


Believe me, the "oh" is always followed by a very awkward, silent moment. And sure, I get it. Bavaria equals fat guys in Lederhosen drinking litres and litres of beer, right? Speaking a dialect of German that no Germans really understands. So, the guy who brought my heart, and therefore me, to Germany looks like this:

Picture from here.

This is why I understand the awkward, silent moment. Cause in the minds of whoever asked me the questions, thoughts are wandering around, and all of them officially declares me as crazy. I'll be the one with the stamp in the forehead saying "I left my home-country for a fat guy in Lederhosen".

So, it has come to a point where I always have to throw in a sentence after saying that he's from Bavaria. But he's not all weird! Really! I do not think anyone believes me. I actually think saying he's from Yemen would bring less reactions. Crazy.

Next time somebody asks, he's from Frankfurt : D You know, I'm a lazy soul, so this is strictly to save me from the argue, and the awkward moments. Who likes those anyway?

Have a nice evening :)

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