Sunday 20 September 2009

When it comes to Lederhosen and the nationalday in Norway

Do you see any equalty between the following picture...

and this one?

I guess the answer is yes? I see that the first picture is x-years older than the second, and that the first one is in the city, and the second one in the middle of nowhere... aand other things. But equalties, EQUALTIES.

Here goes:

1) A "train" of people. (don't know a English word to cover that nicely, sorry for that)
2) National suits.
3) Flags*

* would be equal if I would have found a better picture as my first picture...

Does anyone know what is on these two pictures? Neh?

The first one is from Octoberfest in Germany. So beer, beer, beer. Party, party, party. Drunk bavarians in Lederhosen everywhere. (Lederhosen, hohohoh)

The second picture is from the Norwegian nationalday. The 17th of May, the day where Norway once in the time got free from Sweden. Or was it Denmark? (I really should know this o.O).. Not that it matters now. It's the Norwegian nationalday, period.

What I find funny is that Germans celebrate beer like Norway celebrates freedom. In the exact same way. The flags, the national suits, the "trains" (they just said on telly here in Germany that the train in Munich today was 7 Km. SEVEN KM WITH DRUNK PEOPLE IN LEDERHOSEN ((heheheh, Lederhosen))!). And yes, the tv-coverage. I don't know how many channels sends things about Octoberfest here in Germany, like we do at the 17th of May in Norway, with the clown.. eh.. king, waving from a balcony and stuff.

So what does that say about Germany?

(Lederhosen?.. Nein.. Bier)

What a lovable country. Drunk Germans is more interesting than the waving clown, eh.. king, any day! Man how I love Germany!


And here is a little extra treat, for my dear readers. A picture... of a dude in Lederhosen. HAHA:

Good evening!


  1. hahah, that's quite interessting. xD

  2. "Germans celebrate beer like Norway celebrates freedom."

    Haha! Norge hørtes plutselig veldig kjedelig ut :p


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