Tuesday 22 September 2009

Willkommen in Lederhose

Some time ago we drived past a place called Lederhose... HAHAHAHHAHA. I still laugh about that. How can someone in his/her right mind name a place for Lederhose? For those who does not know, Lederhosen is something like "leather pants", but it sounds so, so, so, SO much better in German. The word Lederhosen is an own source of happiness for me, God knows (I seriously doubt that, just an expression y'know) how many hours I spent laughing of that word. Lederhosen. Lederhosen. Lederhosen. You could make a poem with just the word Lederhosen. Or even a whole book of poems (I'd buy it, I swear).

Anyway, so now the point is that there is a place in Germany named that. Lederhose. Imagine when sending a letter to someone in Lederhose. Adresses sound quite funny, even without the name. Hohohoho, if there's a Friedbert in Lederhose then I'd wanna meet him to get a signed picture or something like that.

Friedbert Dickmann
Hauptstraße 1
07589 Lederhose

I kinda wanna try just for funsies. I could send them a request for autograph, so if there's really someone I'll win something out of the situation. I'd frame it, put it on the wall, and everytime my day is sad, I take a glance on the picture. My own little altar of happiness. Great idea, Trolldis!

Blablabla, didn´t wanna write anything long, just wanna share this fun name with people. Oh my.. I have to go on holidays there sometime. Maybe on my honeymoon when I get married, or maybe I should simply move there. Hohohoo. ANYWAY. Good evening and stuff! :)


  1. HAHAHAH:D Genial adresse. Eg tenke meg at det neppe var tilfeldigheter at du kalte vedkommande for Friedbert Dickmann? Ahhh, herregud så genialt.
    Kom heeeeim! Eg savna deg:(


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