Saturday 11 July 2009

What is WRONG with people?!

Warning: Contains strong images. At least for dog lovers...

Some 12-year old British girl did this. How fucking cold hearted can you be? Poor dog. Can't defend itself or nothing. I hope this girl gets attacked by a horde of wasps. Or fall down the stairs. It is her who deserves to get her ass kicked :( And a 12 year old.. Something gotta be pretty wrong in that home..

Read more about it here. (And yes, I know it's old news. But it's still horrible)


  1. Ok, eg vil ikkje sjå filmen en gong:O Las berre teksten. Eg er definitivt ein "dog lover" :p Må berre sei at enkelte burde ikkje få vere i nærheten av dyr ein gong. Å btw.. 12 år? What the fuck? Ein smule sjokka :O

  2. ARgh, ja, eg og. Klarte aldri sjå heile videoen, var nok med litt. Meir enn nok :(


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