Saturday, 28 November 2009


No comment needed.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

There is no pictures in this blog-post

As you see, I lied. Since I'm guessing my blog-readers are FED UP with pictures I felt that I did what I had to to stick to my readers. Mean? ........ Let's not go there.

These photos are all taken today. The first one I uploaded here for one reason and one reason only. Do you see the heart-cloud? I think it's charming and cute, and therefore.. Yes. The other one is from the lovely nortnerh light that's dancing all over the sky today. Northern light is so, so, so, so, so, so, so damn beautiful that there aren't words. Sigh..

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

So, back in Norway!

I'll sum it up shortly. How was Germany? Great, like always. I feel even more connected to the country than I was before, and that's not saying nuthin'. The "home"-feeling is stronger in Germany than here in Norway, why can't it be easier to just go there, get a decent job, and everyone is happy (well, maybe not eeveryone, but I'd be damn happy!). Sigh, bla. Boh, breh. Hmz.

The weather was lovely all the time, some places in Germany had up to 21 degrees during the two weeks I was there. Where I was it was mostly around 13 degrees I think! So very mild. If I would get a memoryloss or if I'd become dement, and come back into those temperatures I would never guess it was friggin November! But I like it, snow and cold doesn't have to come before in December if you ask me!

Otherwise I used the two weeks to chill, windowshop and drool all over the christmasdecorations that they were putting up. Of course I spent alot of qualitytime with my love, which is the main reason why I'm in Germany at the first place!. I was also being very tourist some days. It's fun! Here's a HDR I made of a crematory there. (I'm not morbid or anything, it just looks lovely)

That's a small image of my tourism-days there. Not much more to say about the stay, just that I can't wait to go back! Today it is 20 days til that, so not long, not long :) And then I altso get to experience WEIHNACHTSMARKT!! God, can't wait. I saw before I left all the lovely decorations they put up, and it frustrated me from day one that I'd leave the day weihnachtsmarkt opened :( At least I'll see it in December. Three times hurray? ... one ought to do it. Hurray!

How was the trip home? What do ye think, waking up half past five travelling the whooole day. First having to take trains from Leipzig to Berlin, change two times, then checking in, flying to Norway, waiting for hours, flying home, waiting for bus, two hour bus, one hour waiting, half an hour car, and finally I can breathe out. Went ok, though. All I needed was a phone with Facebook and Sudoku. AND the most beautiful Northern Light on the bustravel home. Holy potatoes how beautiful, I was totally stunned. It was covering the sky, dancing, creating beautiful patterns. At one point it looked like five fingers stretching out, I was totally blown away. I think I can see the northern light a million times, and every single time I see it, I will find it beautiful. I will never get sick of it. Never. Like in never ever. You believe me? Good.

On the first flight I sat with a guy that was probably 60 years plus, but acted like 6 years minus. A re-he-heally annoying dude. As his wife (poor you) said to him that she wanted a sandwich menu, he responded with (and when you read this, imagine a six-year-old said it, that's how it was) "But I don't want a sandwich menu!!". When the cabincrew came closer and closer, he started to get veeery unpatient, so when they were 3-4 rows in front of us, he started waving with his money trying to get contact. I never thought I'd passively say this to a dude over 60 on my blog, but please grow up?

Afterwords going to the bus to get abit closer to home than the airport was, and I cannot even express how much I dig bus-drivers from Northern-Norway. Let me give you two conversations. One with a western-Norwegian bus driver (WNB) and me, and one with a north Norwegian(NNB) bus driver and me. Note that it's nothing special with these convos, I just wanna show you the difference...

ME: I'm going to Vassenden

ME: I'm going to Sortland
NNB: Oh, that's just fine, cause I'm goin there too!
ME: *laughs*
ME: So do I pay now, or do you come around with the machine later?
NNB: Hm.. we can just as well take it now, get it overwith!
ME: Sure!
NNB: Ok, you're paying with card I see.. then you stick it in here. Top up, chip down.
ME: Like this?
NNB: Yep, you've got it there!
ME: Ok, that's it. Thanks!
NNB: Miss? Don't you want your ticket?

Sooo, in which bus would you rather drive? Maybe you don't get the point that well, but I can tell you.. I find it soso cosy when the busdriver is all talkative and happy. Opposed to taking their money and goodbye. (I'm not claiming that all busdrivers from western Norway is like that, general).

I actually intended to make this blog-post short, but guess I got carried away or sth. Ironic that I start the convo with "I'll sum it up shortly". HAPPENS, now congrats to everyone who came all the way to these last words :)

Friday, 20 November 2009

I think this is funny

And I´m not the type that digs every commercial out there, I can tell you. But this.. mmm... cool :)

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Is there really anything cuter?

Old couples holding hands?


I don´t think there is!

Friday, 13 November 2009

Rawkin' in.. is it slippers?

First of all there's a word I really don't know in English, and maybe you can help me. All sorts of online dictionaries call these slippers:

Are they?

Cause for me slippers are these:

The same word in English covers all? .. I'll just assume that then. Please don't kill me if I'm wrong ^^

Getting to the point.. soon, I promise. Yesterday I was out walkin the streets of Leipzig as I encounter a store with tons and tons of cute slippers. Of course this makes me stop and laugh abit, and touch them. (You really can't NOT touch them, they were too cute and soft for that.), and after felling in love with one, boof, there comes another.

Now what I saw first was this, for me it was darn cute (and even more dorky) until later.

Homer is cool, can't hide that. But what I realized now later is that he really looks like.. ehrm.. he looks abit like homer (I'll give him that), and much like pollen-allergies. Since pollen allergies really isn't the thing I like most in this world, he's kinda uncool compared to the coolness that yet is to come. (but you've gotta admit, you'd still feel rather cool crashing a party with these monsters on the feet? hm? hm?)

Anyway, I keep lookin, and this lil dog (I'll call him Herman) steals my attention:

Everyone who knows me is aware of the fact that I love dogs much more than an average dude on the street, and therefore I run towards him and embrace him (in the way you can embrace a slipper in a store, I'm neither stupid, nor a perv, nor a psyco). There's something with this face that I fall for (and it's not the tiredness). But sorry Herman, you're not my choise when it comes ter slippers today.

Mr Froggy here caught my eye, and yes, it was cause he looks dorky. But I swear, in real life he looks less dorky and more cute.

It kinda looks like he's trying to tell you something, doesn't it? Looks like he kinda pointed me out to buy him. Think he misunderstood something, puppydogeyes goes on puppies, and in some cases they also work on my boyfriend, but... it just doesn't work for frogs, sorry. Nevertheless I fell for this lil sucker, too bad for him that the slipperlove of my life was lying riiiiight next to him.

YOU ARE A TRUE BEAUTY! Sorry Homer, sorry Herman, and sorry lil' mr Froggy, you can go somewhere else. You are nothing but servants when you see the queen of the ball. Klara. Not sure about what to buy me for christmas? You don't have to wonder anymore.You can't even imagine how much it hurt me to just leave her there. Clearly one of the hardest moments in my life... But Klara, we WILL meet again. I promise you!

Q: Which would you buy?

Thursday, 12 November 2009


Yesterday I was at a party here in Deutschland, and now I'm sitting here the day after with some impressions! :)

* Bibop (cola-schwarybier) is very good (and cheap) (and a girldrink, I knoooow. But it's not like I wanna prove the opposite:P)
* Just don't go out on these small intimate places if you're not ready to touch very many asses without intention
* Going to the disco really aint that bad, and Michael Jackson (RIP) kicks arse.
* Is it even possible to go "woah" over German beerprices once more? Obviously... If it gets any cheaper it's free!

What kinda made my evening though was the trip home (and yes, now you'll prooobably tell yourself that "zomg, Trolldis is soo lame". Might be, but hear me out here:P). So I'm sitting on the tram talking with my boyfriend, when suddenly I feel someone pricking (is that a word?) my shoulder. I ignore it since I assume it's some drunk German who wants.. dunno, just something that aint good. Some seconds later he speaks to me, though. "I'm sorry, but where are you from?". I turn, and he doesn't look like a guy who wants to .. dunno.. He seems ok, so I tell him I'm from Norway. He looks at me in a veeery weird way, so I ask him.. why the look? He just smiles and says it's nothing. The convo goes on, though, and he drag in his girlfriend and I my boyfriend. They seem quite nice. Eventually they (= australians!) tell me that the reason they wondered where I'm from was because they were CERTAIN I'm from CANADA. That cause of my English-accent. Therefore they got kinda blown away when I'm from friggin' Norway, y' know, with Petter Solberg and everything, obviously Norwegians doesn't speak like Canadians. But yes, from Canada? How is that NOT a compliment? I got flattered, I can tell you (and my boyfriend can confirm it, like just in case you won't believe me). Hello, Canada? In Canada they speak English. On a daily basis. Good!! It's like their language. Their mother tounge? And I sound like them.. Hoihoi! Trolldis went happy-face Trolldis, and slept great!

Good morning, by the way :)

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Do YOU want a google wave invite?

Cause I just got some. Friends fiiirst! :)

Edit: Where the heck did all my wave invites go? One minute there, next.. gone?

ACH. If you want one lemme know anyway, lets suppose it´ll come back :P

Tuesday, 10 November 2009


I'm back in black in Deutschland, and this time I'm just a lil' bit proud. I've dreaded the traintrip from Berlin to Leipzig since I ordered the tickets, this time I had to do it all alone. Find a ticket-thingie, get on the right train, get off at the right stop, and get on at the right train again. Worst case scenario: 4 stops, 4 trainchanges... (well, worst case scenario is 10 stops, but at this trip it's not even possible, I think:P). I actually had luck, the plane landing 10 minutes before it was supposed to, and me reaching a route where I only had to change trains ONE time. Of course me reaching that train was a study in itself, I bet more than one person laughed over my stressy, bumsy style through the trainstation. NEVERTHELESS, one stop. That was a victory just that!

Now, what wasn't luck was that I had to change in Dessau. Beforehand I thought this would be juuust fine, until I arrive at Dessau and have to find the new platform. A big problem is that DESSAU HAUPTBAHNHOF IS SENILE!! You see the train you went away from, and many platforms far away, with no arrows or nothing to show you how to get to, so after a panic-call to my boyfriend (whoever saw that must have thought I escaped from a psycohouse), and running around like a wacko I luckily find a entrance that actually leads me to the platforms. Of course I just have 8 minutes or so to get from the train I came out of, and into the next.. so this wasn't actually an un-stressy affair... BUT I reached the train, and thank God for that. If not someone would have put me in a psycohouse already...

Paniccalls or not, I'm still proud. Yours truly managed to travel 2.658 km yesterday. With car, flight, another flight, train and tram. Alone. A true victory!

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Aurora Poralis

I ran outside in nothing but socks, pants and a singlet, (-2 degrees.....) I made a stabile ground for the camera to lie on with a chair, a table and a cellphone and a wallet. It was northern light outside, and it was BEAUTIFUL.

Of course this is just a small idea of how it really looks, you can't capture that on a picture...


Friday, 6 November 2009

Someone left this to die..

This chiuaua was born without it's front legs, so someone left it to die. Look at this video:

Would you have the heart to just leave this adorable dog to die? If noone adopts that, I will. What a heartbreaker!

Monday, 2 November 2009

You're probably sick of pictures..

.. but I'm in a place where I cannot care. At least not in this blog-post. I know this is no pro foto, it's a HDR attempt, juuust cause I wanna show you how lovely it looked outside this morning. At least it'll give you an idea of how it lookd, and that was my intention indeed! :)

It looked SO lovely, that yours truly, the lazybum of the millenium, actually dragged her ass out of bed before the birds shit (or was it sing?).

Now, for the average person, that has school, work, whatever, that isn't a problem, I see that. But I could actually sleep til 15.00 if I wished to! I could sleep around the clock if I'd want to, actually.. well, you see the point. But na, today at 7.00.

Look at this. Would you keep on sleeping?

I think no?

Sunday, 1 November 2009

This is funny

Consider this a readingtips:

Upside Down Dogs, hilarious and cute. Watch here.

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