Tuesday 10 November 2009


I'm back in black in Deutschland, and this time I'm just a lil' bit proud. I've dreaded the traintrip from Berlin to Leipzig since I ordered the tickets, this time I had to do it all alone. Find a ticket-thingie, get on the right train, get off at the right stop, and get on at the right train again. Worst case scenario: 4 stops, 4 trainchanges... (well, worst case scenario is 10 stops, but at this trip it's not even possible, I think:P). I actually had luck, the plane landing 10 minutes before it was supposed to, and me reaching a route where I only had to change trains ONE time. Of course me reaching that train was a study in itself, I bet more than one person laughed over my stressy, bumsy style through the trainstation. NEVERTHELESS, one stop. That was a victory just that!

Now, what wasn't luck was that I had to change in Dessau. Beforehand I thought this would be juuust fine, until I arrive at Dessau and have to find the new platform. A big problem is that DESSAU HAUPTBAHNHOF IS SENILE!! You see the train you went away from, and many platforms far away, with no arrows or nothing to show you how to get to, so after a panic-call to my boyfriend (whoever saw that must have thought I escaped from a psycohouse), and running around like a wacko I luckily find a entrance that actually leads me to the platforms. Of course I just have 8 minutes or so to get from the train I came out of, and into the next.. so this wasn't actually an un-stressy affair... BUT I reached the train, and thank God for that. If not someone would have put me in a psycohouse already...

Paniccalls or not, I'm still proud. Yours truly managed to travel 2.658 km yesterday. With car, flight, another flight, train and tram. Alone. A true victory!


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