Thursday 26 November 2009

There is no pictures in this blog-post

As you see, I lied. Since I'm guessing my blog-readers are FED UP with pictures I felt that I did what I had to to stick to my readers. Mean? ........ Let's not go there.

These photos are all taken today. The first one I uploaded here for one reason and one reason only. Do you see the heart-cloud? I think it's charming and cute, and therefore.. Yes. The other one is from the lovely nortnerh light that's dancing all over the sky today. Northern light is so, so, so, so, so, so, so damn beautiful that there aren't words. Sigh..


  1. søt sky :)
    Nordlys er heilt fantastisk å sjå på. Blir like begeistra kvar gong eg ser det. Ikkje det at det skjer så ofte lenger, men men:p

  2. Eg lika bilete, og eg misunna deg fordi du får sjå så mange fine nordlys. Skulle gjerne likt å ha sett nokre skikkelige.

  3. Gud, ja, det eg elska mest med nord-norge er at det ofte er nordlys. Det er det vakraste eg veit <3


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