I will give the chocolate starpoints for how good I find it. The maximum is 5 stars, minimum is 1.
Milka Kuhflecken has an exellent mixture between normal brown milk chocolate, and lovely white chocoate. The white is just enough to make it perfectly good. It's not so little that you eager for more, it's not so much it makes you sick - which I often (onfortunatley) encounter when it comes to white chocolate
Milka Caramel is normal milk chocolate filled with caramel cream, and caramel "sauce" - it has an exellent flavour, and after a piece you are really up for more! The bad thing is, that after two pieces you feel so sick, and you still have lots left. You don't want to throw it away, cause it's good, but you don't wanna eat it - cause well, puking has never been an activity that you actually like to do. You end up throwing the pacage, even though you don't want to. (this is especially a problem for a Norwegian that loves Milka, but aint getting hold of it as often as she'd like)
Milka Trauben-Nuss is normal chocolate with rasins and nuts inside, and it is really, really, REALLY good. You just can't get enough of it, it doesn't get too much - it's not boring. It's exiting, and if you need "an excuse" to eat chocolate, you can always tell yourself that nuts are healthy, and that eating this Milka will do you good.
Unfortunatly the joy ends here. I call myself a Milka-lover, but some place, the line has been crossed. This chocolate did it, they crossed the line so brutally. It is.. nothing but a pain and torture for me - even as much as I love this invention.
Who would ever think a rating on a Milka chocolate could look like this? My, my.
I strongly advice you to stick to every Milka type that I did not rate to
If a part II should ever be desired, then poke me. I will always be up for a Milka-review!
Du burde absolutt komme med review seinare. Heggdal har forresten Milka med daim-sjokolade å tilføye i lista. Eg vil smake Kuflecken. Den høyrast god ut o.O Men ja. Milka<3 Og bra at den du fikk falt i smak : D Eg lika jo ikkje fruktnøtt, og eg visste at du gjer det veldig godt, så det var midt i blinken ;)
ReplyDeleteAh, Kuhflecken er eit lite stykke himmelen, fantastisk xD
ReplyDeleteOg ja, den var indeed rett i blinken : D Takk!
Kunne ha reviewa fleire, men blei nok for no xD
MILKA <3<3<3<3<3<3 :D