Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Metalhead justifying listening to Lady GaGa

Lately I've been feeling this very embarrasing need to listen to Lady GaGa. Since I have a rumour and a life, and an image, and some dignity this isn't really something I say out aloud. Until I found God, and got a reason to listen to this kinda music. Now I can of course lie and say that I just listen to these metalized versions. And then perhaps I do sit left with some dignity. Perhaps.

Dignity left? Pretty please?

If I promise to put on Mayhem laters and scream with the lyrics and headbang so hard that all the braincells that makes me listen to Lady GaGa dies?

You're an angel, really.

1 comment:

  1. Måkje la hjernecellene dine dø. Etter det eg har lært er dette ein av dei typane celler som ikkje kan bli danna på nytt. Trur i alle fall det var ein av dei:p


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