Friday, 26 March 2010

You shouldn`t have.

You shouldn`t have visited this blog, cause you`ll get jealous fo` sure.

Today weathergods brings it`s very best, and they also did yesterday, so yesterday I spent the day outside.It was 21 degrees and t-shirt-weather. Really. And we walked in the park and took pictures, and then we sat down in one of these:

To consume one of these:

And it was delicious!

Easter is soon in Germany, and when easter comes to Germany the Germans really knows how to decorate like Gods.

Don`t you just love them? Gosh, I went around in the shopping-centre saying "aww" and posing with the bunnies and the chicken. Of course those photos won`t be uploaded here due to .. you know.. dignity.

Enjoy : D Gosh, I never had this relationship to Easter before Germany. But I.. totally.. love it. The pictures that doesn`t include links are mine :)

Tudelu ^^

Tuesday, 23 March 2010


I got questions about how I made the design on my blog, I used this. Had some fun, edited abit in photoshop and that`s it :)

Of course everytime I said I, I meant my boyfriend, cause I didn`t do anything.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

A small present

Unfortunatley the present is just for my Norwegian readers, given the fact that this cannot be translated.

So pretty many years ago I made my fist email account, maybe it was even just the second or third, I don`t know, and it is not of importance. What is important is that I was young. Let`s say around 14. As I today logged on to this old mail, just to check, sometimes something useful comes there, it turns out I sent some crap out to my contacts, spam. Some shit happened to my account that I don`t know what was, so while trying to find out how to stop this, and how to change password, I come to my profile. Remember what I said, it`s OLD, I was FOURTEEN. Now, sorry to all of you who don`t understand Norwegian. From here on you won`t understand a shit, but you can imagine Trolldis as fourteen, ps: imagine at own risk, I won`t take the blame for images that hunts you.


Kall meg Susanne, du... ;D ;D

Hår : Brunt m striper
Auge : Brun, Grønn og Blå
Høgde : Ca. 1,60 (ell lavde?)

Jau! Om meg.. tja..:P Eg e morsom veffal;DD e no d folk seie..:) Mn.. Viss d e noke du v vite, so e da berre å ta kontakt vettø:D øh..... "Alkohol løser ingen problemer, men det gjør ikke melk heller;)" "Det er bedre å drite på seg en gang iblant, enn å eksplodere av forstoppelse..:P" "Bombing for peace, is like fu*king for virginity!"

Skule..:P Yess liksom... :P

På TV'n: C.S.I. oxo diverse komedieserier..
I Magen: Pizza, Moussaka, Junk Food, Taco, og MASSE snop!:P
I stereoen: Nightwiiiish..:D
Sitte på dass!!:P

Tilbake til virkeligheten: Når ein lese sånt veit ein ikkje heilt om ein skal le eller grine, eg, for min del, lo so eg grein. Erre MULIG liksom? Vel, alt eg kan sei er at eg er glad those days are over, og eg håpar dokke fekk dokke ein liten latter, eller headdesk, alt etter som. Vel, no må eg gå og bearbeide mine ungdomsår, og prøve og gjer det på ein måte som ikkje gjer så veldig vondt. Tudelidu, og ha ein fin kveld vidare, om det framleis er mulig...

Friday, 19 March 2010

How I met your Mother

So lately I`ve really got addicted to this series called "How I met your mother".

Now, as my boyfriend repeatedly tried to make me watch the series with him, this is is what I replied. Some quotes.

"Come on, it`s childish and stupid."
"Never in my life, it`s for fourteenyearolds with crappy humour."
"Seriously, one of the actors from American Pie plays there, it`s gotta suck."
"A dad telling his kids how he met their mother? Please, how can that possibly be good?"

Now I have swallow every word I said there, every single one. And, as a creature with pride and dignity it`s not necessarily tasting that good, you know. My own words is definitely not on the list of my favourite dishes.

However one good thing did come out of this, the lovely series did. Now, it took me about one episode to love it, and two to get addicted. I just totally dig the characters, the humour, the everything really, and the story is cool (yes, it is cool, it might sound crappy.. but it`s cool. I promise)

So the year is 2030 and Ted is telling his son and daughter the story about how he met their mother. The story starts in 2005 (I think, or 04, or.. who cares) and we hear about his everyday, his adventures, his crazy, his relationships and his.. everything. We also get the stories of his good friends Barney, Lily, Marshall and Robin. All with their own, unique and very lovable personalities.

And his 2030-Ted is telling the story, so now and then you get his 2030 voice over it, which sometimes really gives it a very very funny touch. I wish it`d be easier to make the series seem great with a single blog-post, but guess it`s not. Guess you`ll just have to see it yourselves. You all see what I thought of the series when just hearing of it, so.

I`ve been looking for some funny clips to capture you all for a couple of minutes (lie, alot longer) and I couldn`t really find anything very great, however I felt I had to have something, so here you go, a trailer for the first season:

I hope that maybe somewhere deep inside you there is a small monster, or .. pff, whatever you`d prefer to be deep inside you, knight, something, that actually wants to watch the series cause actually somehow this thing inside you saw that even if I make it seem poopy, it`s not.

Give 'em 3 episodes and they`ve got you. If you still hate it I'll get you an ice-cream, or a banana, whatever you prefer.

 Tudelu ^^

Thursday, 18 March 2010


A new design on my blog! Not 100% there yet, but soon. Which, by the way, I will take around zero credit for. I guess it`s no secret that my boyfriend is alot better on this than I am, so thanks alooot to you :) Got kinda nice, didn`t it? I like it. Kinda very white. Almost like metal-Trolldis went.. boyband-Trolldis? Achwell, I too, as everyone else has a side that`s not black. (Guess this already came up when I was blogging about Lady GaGa? Dignity, where did you go?).

Soo I hope y'all will keep reading my blog, and that the whiteness aint burning your eyes.

I guess I can just fill you in on my last week. Went to the movies, for example. Saw Shutter Island, which was kinda crazy. Good-crazy, bad-crazy? I think I land on good-crazy, cause it was not a bad film. Completely sick, but not bad :) Worth watching? Well.. I guess so. Pst, ladies and gentlemen, this here is the reason why I`ll never become a movie-reviewer. Just, yeah.

I was in Munich yesterday, taking a daytrip with my sunshine, and good for us he wasn`t the only sunshine yesterday, cause the weather was.. legend - wait for eeet - dary.( I guess How I met your Mother jokes aint working that good written, on a blog. Hm.Oh, about that, watch How I met your Mother, it rocks:). Let`s say that the temperature was two digits, on the plus-side. Oh the warmth! So how did I find Munich?

Olympiapark - much dogshit, simply. One sad thing in life is that when writing "much" on a blog, how can someone know how much it really was? I`ll try to describe it with more words. You have to watch every step, every single step, not to step in a dogpoop. If you don`t watch, you step in one. I bet I stepped in like 20 yesterday, even though I did watch. Did you get now just how much dogpoop it was? Good, then I continue.

The city in itself was nice, of course, nice buildings, went inside a church, Frauenkirche, also very lovely. And very huge, holy moly! I`m not religious, but some churches are simply stunning, this was one of them. So I liked the city :) I would still say Frankfurt is nicer, and Leipzig. But not bad, really not bad. And just to make some fun of Bayrisch: Bayrisch sounds funny. When the whoever-drives-the-subway says something out loud, you just sit there "what the fuck did he just say?". Even my boyfriend, who`s FROM Bavaria sat like that, totally not understandable. Not at all.

I`m glad I wasn`t there alone, the main station was totally messy and not easy to understand, I could go wild there anyday. But other than that, lovely :)

The three hours in train seemed like nothing when I could look at the lovely nature, and the gorgeous houses. I wanna live in one of these "when I grow up". Dreamhouses!!

They are probably pricy. If I win the lotteries, and a pretty solid amount the first thing I buy will be one of these lovely thingies. The beauty!

So I guess I`m done blabbing about everything and nothing now, so now tudelu and have a nice day and stuffies :)


This blog may look funny for a while. Testing and updating the layout. Thanks for your patience. :)

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Since last time..

So, I haven`t been so active on the blog-front lately. There`s some good reasons for that, for example boyfriend, Germany, boyfriend.. And some gaming. I`m guessing the family of my boyfriend doesn't wanna play Monopoly with me anymore. (Yes, I tend to win. And also - when I don`t I tend to be... let`s say ... a tiny, tiny bit grumpy. It`s a small piece of the truth at least.). Other than that I've been losing in Civilization IV and in UNO, and.. in other games. And I`ve been shopping and trying to learn better German. Seems the last part is a problem when I am afaid to open my mouth, but it's going the right way :)

Other than thaaat I was to the movies, watching this very cool German film called Friendship. It's about a couple of dudes from DDR going to USA for the first time after the Berlin wall fell.. I liked it :) And sometime in the future (next week or so) we`re planning a trip to Munich or something like that, would be cool.

And oh, our lovely dog had to take an operation (stood between that and putting her to sleep forever). Get well you lil` charming thing!

Look, she`s even adorable when looking like a lamp:

Gonna go back to playing and stuff, so tudelu, have a nice day ^^

Friday, 5 March 2010

A lil' laugh

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