Now, as my boyfriend repeatedly tried to make me watch the series with him, this is is what I replied. Some quotes.
"Come on, it`s childish and stupid."
"Never in my life, it`s for fourteenyearolds with crappy humour."
"Seriously, one of the actors from American Pie plays there, it`s gotta suck."
"A dad telling his kids how he met their mother? Please, how can that possibly be good?"
Now I have swallow every word I said there, every single one. And, as a creature with pride and dignity it`s not necessarily tasting that good, you know. My own words is definitely not on the list of my favourite dishes.
So the year is 2030 and Ted is telling his son and daughter the story about how he met their mother. The story starts in 2005 (I think, or 04, or.. who cares) and we hear about his everyday, his adventures, his crazy, his relationships and his.. everything. We also get the stories of his good friends Barney, Lily, Marshall and Robin. All with their own, unique and very lovable personalities.
And his 2030-Ted is telling the story, so now and then you get his 2030 voice over it, which sometimes really gives it a very very funny touch. I wish it`d be easier to make the series seem great with a single blog-post, but guess it`s not. Guess you`ll just have to see it yourselves. You all see what I thought of the series when just hearing of it, so.
I`ve been looking for some funny clips to capture you all for a couple of minutes (lie, alot longer) and I couldn`t really find anything very great, however I felt I had to have something, so here you go, a trailer for the first season:
I hope that maybe somewhere deep inside you there is a small monster, or .. pff, whatever you`d prefer to be deep inside you, knight, something, that actually wants to watch the series cause actually somehow this thing inside you saw that even if I make it seem poopy, it`s not.
Give 'em 3 episodes and they`ve got you. If you still hate it I'll get you an ice-cream, or a banana, whatever you prefer.
Tudelu ^^
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