Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Spread your legs for take 1

Like.. a year ago I wrote a blog-post about Programs that makes you want to attack the TV.  Basically shows the most stupid TV-concepts out there, in my head at least. However today there's something on telly that might just be worse than what I mentioned there. (Yes, I know you can't believe that, but hear me out!)

So, I do not find the English name of these series, (edit: found it: One Born Every Minute) but it is about women giving birth. You`ve gotta be preeetty horny for PR if you are willing to show your face whilst pressing out a baby on international television? Spread your legs, put on a face that shows true pain, let the water go, and let`s roll!

The day I will give birth to my first-born (who will be totally adorable, of course) I can assure you that nobody would be let in. Like, except from the doctor, and other people who belongs in the birthroom with me. The last people I would let in would be a full TV-team with cameramen, soundmen, etc, etc who the hell would want a microphone in the face when almost dying of pain? Not to speak of a camera between their legs?

I`m sure you feel at your best with the sweat dripping, the face read like a the-most-red-thing-you-can-think-of, I chose tomato. I just don`t get it, it`s gotta be other ways to get your attention? Try to make a GIGANTIC cake in your hometown and get in the local newspaper? Take up some sport nobody knows of, and that you`ll be best in in no-time, that ought to get you some attention as well. Hell, even attack your neighbour! But being so desperate that you willingly let someone film you when pressing out a lil monster? I don`t get it, I just don`t get it.

Another thing that bothers me, just a bit, is that you are sending this on telly, for all I know your name even comes up there (which I really don't hope for the sake of the people), what about paedophiles watching telly drooling over your new-born baby planning a disgusting rape? Hm?  

However, though. I have to admit I lied. I said it`d be worse than the series in the previous entry, but... the truth is.. nothing is worse than Paradise Hotel. And I am saying this with screams of pain and tomatofaced women in the background. That should prove a point!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaa! XD yes. that's pretty much it. XD


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