1) Farmer Wants a Wife:
Seriously. The bachelor is bad enough, and how can a already bad concept get any better if you add some farmers and a cow or ten?

Dates happening in farms and on mountains, milking cows together, slaughter pigs together, go on romantic tractor-rides around fields filled with cowshit - so, a bachelor program that's not even romantic?! .. Sigh..
You can look at it as a version from The Bachelor from the lower class - so The Bachelor without boobwoman and disgusting snobby men, but with udders and farmers with their pants high underneath their arms. It's simply not what one wants to use evenings to - at least I hope..
* Moooh
2) Paradise Hotel:
"Ok, let's collect the blondest fake-boobed women on one place, and men with an iq just as big as a klump of silicone. Let's see how fast this woman fucks that woman, that dude right there fucks him, and how fast mr Snob there jump ms Bimbo. THEN we see who argues most, who talks most shit behind everyone elses back, and who lies most, who creates most intrigues.. - oh, congratulations, you won!"
.. enough said.
3) My Super Sweet 16:
In this show we meet 16 year olds from USA with shitrich parents, and thus they get a 16th birthday worth millions and millions of dollars - limo to the party, dresses for many hundred thousand, diamonds, big artists rented in to play at their birthdays, etc.
Spoiled like shit, and they are teasing others like noone else. Great that teenagers watch this, and dream about a 16th birthday just like these spoiled brats gets. Surely it makes many pubertygirls relatively depressed, and give them hopes that never, NEVER can come true - well, unless you live in the US with an american mum with a wallet fatter then herself. What does this lead to? A world with shitloads of spoiled puberty-bimbos. Oh man, what is the world coming to?
* If I don't get a car for my birthday, it shows that my parents doesn't really love me.
* Peope are normally jealous of me because I'm pretty.
4) Paris Hiltons New BBF:
Well, I suppose I don't need to say more than "Paris Hilton" before people realize that this indeed is a very bad concept.
This show is about an unknown amount of bimbos who in this "great series" fight to be "Paris' best friend" with going through different "challenges" and lick massively much ass. That's basically what this whole thing is about - being the slave of our dear ms Hilton.
Ah, well, I could mention more here, but the problem is that the word asslicking sort of stands in huge letters all over the series. Asslicking, and asslicking only.
But of course, if you are looking for a tv-show with 15 breadheads who lick ass and act like dutiful dogs for their boss-breadhead, this is the series for you.
* Friends have to believe in each others taste, are you really a good friend if you don't want to go bald for me?
Well! I hope my good advices keeps you away from the telly when just these dreadful programs is all over the screen. At least I did mine to contribute to a better world.
PS: This blog was translated from Norwegian to English, thus the comments from before the published date.
Eg likte kommentaren "å gå igjennom ulike "utfordringar" og sleike massivt mykje ræv." Spesielt siste delen. Då lo eg høgt! xD
ReplyDeleteHøhø, ja, men det er jo sant : D