Saturday, 27 June 2009

A duck as an ass

As you might know from before I'm a bit of a slave when it comes to Nichtlustig. Today I decided to post some nice lil' stripes from this "series" that I adore so much. So for the people that prefer to sit in front of a pc screen and read blogs instead of being in the sun, getting sunburnt and suffer for hours and hours in incredible pain, this is for you! Two stripes with german humor, lovely :)


And something completely different, yet still funny.
Enjoy! :-)

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Picture of the day

A lil' taste of Germany!
Because it's beautiful :)

All creds to the photographer Alph!  Check out his other great stuff on Flickr.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Trolldis and Tourists: INVASION!

I believe that I was a victim of touristinvasion yesterday. Let's see if agrees with the definition.

in-va-sion  /ɪnˈveɪʒən/ [in-vey-zhuhn]


1. an act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, esp. by an army.
2. the entrance or advent of anything troublesome or harmful, as disease.
3. entrance as if to take possession or overrun: the annual invasion of the resort by tourists.
4. infringement by intrusion.

Yes, your eyes are reading correct - even the word definition contains the word "tourists". I no longer hesitate over the definition to put over what happened to me. It was an invasion - I did indeed get invaded - the small, calm and silent office I work in suddenly turned into a battlefield! Maybe they are even playing with me, or maybe they look at this office as a great way to carry out some weird project - get answers to some questions they always wanter answers to; type "how many manly, half chubby 30 year old German tourists can fit in a tiny ass tourist office in a deserted place in western Norway?" or perhaps "How many Dutchmen does it take to turn a Norwegian touristinformationlady crazy?". I should have realized it before; it has to be one reason why this place drags tourists!

So here's the deal. Yesterday from 09.00-14.00. As good as noone (= a small number, 5-6, not important). From 14.20-19.00. Almost as good as noone (=still a small number, more than 5-6, still not important). As the clock strikes 14.00, though, I slowly see big groups of tourists coming towards the office. They are sneaking in from different directions, all aiming in for the very same door.

Now, the number that came in probably does not sound much for.. well, anyone. But this office is not big, and neither is the town...nor my ability to talk to 10 people (or more) at the same time. I can promise you that it is not easy to try to give directions to a German (in German, a challenge in itself), reccomend a trip for a Dutchman, tell a Swede where she can eat trout, and order a hotel for a British dude at the very same time - and next to that trying to stop some tourists of an unknown species from picking up everything that is NOT free in the office and bring it home to their unknown territory. (Characteristics for this rare species: anatomy is equal to human, clothing not - but their ability to put on clothes takes them from the monkeyworld to the humanworld. They are protective over their haul, and their battlecry is "Gratis, gratis!". Often seen with big backpacks on their back, and usually their face holds a shade of red. They often operate in groups, you rarely see them alone.). It is extremely stressfull, like in.. very extremely. Believe me!

At least it wasn't a single tourist so far today, and my workday is 5 hours opposed to 10. If there should be an invasion at 14.00 again, then it's not on my shift, wuhuu! Please send all the warm thoughts you have to Eva, though. She must be strong to manage this.

Damn, done with the blog. Guess I have to go back to the boredom that is work. Hm, I hope the DS aint empty for batteries.

Todays half random PS, but half not:

Can someone please come here and kill the damn fly that's partly killing me cause it is so damn annoying?Rather touristinvasion then having this one fly in my ears, in my food, in my feet, on the pc screen, in the lamp and in the window. It's sounds are so annoying, it sounds like a damn harvester - like really. Can you tell me what use a flying harvester that doesn't do anything but being annoying and walking in cowshit has? I don't see any. Kill it, kill iiiitt!

By the way, this bastard, he's so damn sly! The only times I do not hear his sounds is when he's sneaking into my bag of food. Of course I remove him, and oooon he goes. Like a harvester. GRHML.

GOODbye now, foor good. Really! Have a lovely day!

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Trolldis and Tourists: 2 hours down, 8 to go

So I started my new work, at the local touristinformation. I'm not actually living in a huge city, so you can imagine it gets kind of dead at times. With "at times" I mean 90% of the time, minimum. Maybe 95%.. Ok, let's say 99%.

So far I was taught up in the work, that took five hours, and I had a 3 hour shift. Out from that I'm supposing that the 10 hour shift I'm now in will look something like this.

09.00 -> Coming to work
10.00 -> Writing a blog
11.00 -> Posting a blog
11.20 -> The first tourist
11.22 -> The first tourist leaves
11.30 -> Wuhu! iPod gaming!
12.00 -> iPod is running empty on battery
12.02 -> No more iPod gaming available.
12.04 -> Wuhu! Magazines!
13.00 -> Soon running out of magazines
13.02 -> Nothing more to read.
14.00 -> The second tourist
14.02 -> The second tourist leaves
14.30 -> Trolldis is not far from dying of boredom
15.00 -> Even closer to dying of boredom
15.02 -> Start sms-spamming people
15.20 -> Dead battery on cellphone
15.21 -> Trolldis starts counting cars
15.59 -> The 10th car passes. It's a tourist.
16.00 -> Third tourist
16.01 -> Third tourist leaves
16.02 -> Trolldis watches clock in desperation
16.03 -> Trolldis wishes the clock went faster
16.05 -> Trolldis covers the clock with postits
16.15 -> Fourth tourist
16.19 -> Fourth tourist leaves
16.21 -> "Whee? I brought the Nintendo DS?!"
16.30 -> Trolldis beats her boyfriends highscores
17.30 -> Trolldis' boyfriend no longer hold any highscores
18.30 -> Trolldis rawks in tha Super Mario world
18.45 -> Game is fulfilled
18.59 -> Trolldis smells freedom.
19.00 -> FREEDOM!

Exaggerating a little? Just a tiny bit? Might be - but work is (coxie style) bo-ho-ho-ho-hooo-ring.

Luckily I get entertainment sometimes with some weird tourists. This lil' story/dialogue/whatever is about an interesting Finn with one and a half arm dressed in something that looks like bavarian lederhosen. He was one of the dudes who spiced up my first day at work.

Here is the convo.

Me: Hello, may I help you?
Him: Nice t-shirt! Nightwish, I'm from Finland myself!
Me: Oh, cool.
Him: Yes.. I want to know what I can do around here.
Me: Hum, we always have glacierwalks.
Him: Yes?
Me: Yes, on a glacier nearby, it is very popular among tourists, and everyone we sent up there had a great deal of fun.
Him: Yes?
Me: Yes.. Is this interesting for you?
Him: Nje, I don't have that much time. Do you have something else? Churches?
Me: Yes, there are three churches nearby, there's Helgheim, approximatley 5 minutes from here, there's Ålhus approximatley 15 minutes from here, and there's Vassenden around.. 25 minutes from here.
Him: Yeah, nevermind about that. You need to give me something to write on.
Me: Øh, yeah, sure
I hand the Finn an a4 paper..
Him: *Talking unclearly* (I hear the word 'size')
I thought it was to small, so I handed him a second paper..
Him: Noo, something smaller.
I give him a post-it.
The Finn writes down multiple links.
Him: These links you have to visit. It is totally free, free yoga.
Me: Aha?
Him: Yes, it is really good sites.
The Finn starts taking lots tape from the tape dispenser, hanging it on his arm. The half one.
Him: I'm just going to go hang up some posters now.
Me: Eh, ok?
Him: Bye!
The Finn leaves
Me: Bye!

I guess I don't need any further comments to this, I dare to say that the dialogue speaks for itself.

In my long lasting and very serious (hemhem) career as a touristinformationofficeworker (damn, wish I could stick another word in there too) I have learnt this about myself:

I hate taking payment for letting people use the loo. HATE, like in intensely. Maybe I hate it more than snobs and aspargus?

Well, I better get back to work (fun that writing this blog is the most productive thing I've done the whole time I've worked here, pahahaha)

Very fun fact. At least least it's a bit fun... But I find it very fun.. But then I'm me, and you're you, and my humor might not actually match your humor, at least not perfectly.. Whatever, it doesn't really matter, here's the at-least-a-bit-fun fact:

The first tourist came exactly at 11.20 and left exactly at 11.22. Check my previous timetable. HAH. It is cool, you cannot argue! :D

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

5 things the world would be better without

1) Wasps.

Why are they even here? All they inflict upon me is pain, anger and fear. They made me loose a toenail, they made me lose lots of important knowledge with flying over my head during lessons. They just inflict SHIT, please go somewhere and die all of you. You are monsters.

2) Killswitch Engage, and bands like it.

Killswitch Engage was close me two times in my life, both of the times I got so incredibly pissed off cause it sucked so much, what's their thing? Their image makes me want to puke - much - all over. It goes something like "we are the most tr00 fucking band in the whole fucking world".

There's two things about that makes me sick.
* The whole deal about being "true", so pathetic it hurts.
* The fact that if "true" was an expression I'd be used so far, far, FAR away form this tragical band as it is possible.

I don't like using the expression "emo", but ok, you know what I mean. During one of their concert, that a friend of mine absolutely wanted to be at, I had to listen to that shit for an hour - I saw red.

What they itroduced a song with was "ooh, where's all the fucking emos? They are probably at the toilet cutting themselves, but that's ok, cause we don't want no fucking emos on our concert, all the people here are true fucking heavy metal people!"

- Wake up mr singer-in-a-shit-band, 90% of your fans are emos? Your music is emo, your fucking image is emo. Your so called music does appeal mostly to emos - and here you go - asking 90% of your fans to litterally fuck off - and yourselves as well - GREAT WORK!

Another thing that made me so angry, and so provoked, sick ++ was your lil talk starting like this: "I'm gonna dedicate this song to all the big, fat, juicy pussys out there". Aint you just loving how it sounds? I don't - it disgusts me. Assholes!

Oj, this was too long. NEXT:

3) Homophobes

Why do you even care what the people around you does? Why do you even care if your neighbour likes fucking men?

Why is it wrong to love people of your same sex? Why is it your buissness who people love? WHY?

4) Sleet

Snow = Wet shit
Rain = Heavy shit
Sleet = Wet shit + heavy shit

What do you get when you mix this wet shit with hellofalot water? You get HELL, and not even a warm hell so you can get a nice lil' tan, nope. Maybe your toes change color, though...

It is nothing worse than going around in sleet up til your knees. it's heavy, it's wet, it's cold. Your toesies gets in pain - toesies are sensitive. The rest of you get cold, you get inflicted by this, you get angry, you do bad in school, you quit school, you become a junkie, your relatives won't talk to you, you die lonely and alone DROWNING in the friggin' sleet cause you're a homeless, poor bastard. Worst case scenario: You drown in the sleet.

WHY can't the weathergods decide whether they wanna drown us in snow or rain? Why do they have to send more shit at us at once? Sadistic bastards.

5) Snobs

Yep, then particularly sportssnobs - not sportspeople - just the snobby ones of them. Yeh know, the type that belives they are so goddamn cool? That look down on everything and everyone always? That use way too much perfume, and use every oportunity they get to show their muscles?

I say no more.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

10 things you should not do...

This is for the people who out there who understands German, even though you can probably get the fun it some of it even though you don't understand what they are saying... Enjoy : D

10 things you should not do...

...when you are at the mens room: your first day at your new work:

...when you are in the elevator:

... when you get caught cheating:

I laughed. Hard. Have fun : D

Music Box: Primordial

Primordial is an absolutely awesome band. If you're looking for intense and atmospheric metal, then your searching can end about here.

Primordial started out as black metal, with their demo 'Dark Romanticism'. In 1995 they gave out their debut, 'Imrama'. They recieved criticism for having a sound with melodic black metal influences - especially with the use of mandolin and flute. In the albums after that they have played music that is some kind of mix between black metal, celtic metal and folk metal - a sound that suits them perfectly.

I suck at putting genres at thing, actually, so sorry if I'm wrong. What I do know that intensity reaches the top with this band. I get chills down my back, I get goosebumps, and my tummy fills up with butterflies. Gallows Hymn gives this to me everytime I listen to it, every single time! It's so damn great.

The song I just showed is from the album 'To The Nameless Dead', their newest one from 2007. This cd is a true, true masterpiece. From start to end, I can sit there just listening to it, enjoying it, when doing absolutely nothing else - it is not many albums I can say that about.

Every single album Primordial gave out is good. Every album has something I love, and something that is worth listening to. Maybe 'The Gathering Wilderness' album is my second favourite, with great songs like The Coffin Ships and The Gathering Wilderness. 'Spirit the Earth Aflame' have got the awesome song Gods to the Godless. (many of the songs I've mentioned now will be shown later in this blog)

Primordial doesn't only make the best music you can find, they also hold the best damn concerts. Personally I saw them 3 times now, and everytime I saw them it was so intense I could not think about other things than them for weeks. The first concert with them I remember very good, it was at the Hove festival last year. And it is the best concert I attended ever (and when I attended around 100 concerts, that does mean something!). Luckily this concert was filmed, so I had lots and lots of pleasure with it in later times also. I'm gonna link you to a playlist on youtube having the full concert of that. It's really worth seing! Empire Falls, Gallows Hymn, As Rome Burns, The Coffin Ships, Gods to the Godless and Heathen Tribes - enjoy!

I can't describe Primordial in a small shit blog. You're really missing out if you don't know them, and if you are of the type that likes this kind of music. (actually you're missing out anyway! : D I hope I got someone to like it.

Now I argued so much with blogspot during this blog, that I'm gonna go ahead and just post this even though I could write much, much more :P Buy their cds! See their concerts!

This is my third post in my series Music Box where I reccomend and write about good music. I previously wrote about Fjoergyn and Arcturus.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Guitarexams, 10 hours and 53 minutes after

How is it even possible that the sound of my guitar is completely non-existing on TWO songs? On both I play for one minute, optimisticly thinking that my sound goes out to everyone. Until I see my teacher running towards stage making über-clear cut-movement. Not one time. Two times. TWO times. That means 40% of the songs I played!

Whatever, I guess? As a matter of fact I reacted in a way that is very unlike standard Trolldis-reaction - it would be more like me to run crying off the stage, but no, not this time. Trolldis rose her head up high, fixed the problem, took it with some humor, and continued the concert. Nice done!

Yesterday I was so nervous I could puke - if it would follow the normal trolldis-pattern that would make today a nightmare, and I wouldn't get even 2 minutes of sleep all night before the big day that was to come. Surprisingly enough I managed to sleep the whole night, wake up in a good mood, and I didn't get that nervous before I encounter people that are indeed stressy, and that just loads their stress on me. Still I was ok, and not that stressed when on stage, if I was, I would never be able to deal with the two times the sound wasn't there - like in never - like in never ever - like in.. do you know me?

Anyway, most songs went fine, actually. I am happy with how A Map of the World turned out, I did it quite good : ) I am happy with my performance at all songs, but Bodom was farfar from perfect - that I know, but.. Well, I guess it went as fine as it could go (looking away from the technical problems). I'm happy with the grade also, so all in all it was fine. I'm not depressed, I'm not totally broken down from anything that happen (even though that's weird, normally I would). So hurray, hurray. Great day, everyone? : D

Now just one exam left, oral. I will cry my eyes out if I get drawn to have Norwegian exams. Torture! Maybe I know tomorrow? Maybe, maybe. Wish me luck!

Note to self: Next time, celebrate with either carrot cake or ice cream, NOT both - it gets a bit too much, and you don't wanna spend the rest of the day puking
Note to you: I did not spend the rest of the day puking, but I almost could have.
Note to everyone: The picture on the side was the front of my guitar-program thingie. My lovely boyfriend made it, aint it nice? ^_^

Monday, 8 June 2009

Guitarexams, 24 hours before

Yes. I am a music student, so I went three years to a music school mostly just preparing for the exams that are to come tomorrow. Am I nervous? Hell yes, just hearing the word exams fills me up with so much nervousness that I start shaking.

Figured I'd write one blog before, one after. Before I say what I think will happen, how will it go, where will I fuck up, what will go ok. Afterwords (= tomorrow) I'll say if it went that way, might be funny. (Note: If the guitarexams fucks so massively up that I got totally depressed after, I miiight not want to blog about it.)

So, here's the songs that I'm playing

1) A Map of the World (Pat Metheny)
2) Over the Rainbow (Eva Cassidys version)
3) Blue Bossa (some standard-thingie. dunno)
4) Filadelfia (Kåre and the Cavemen/Euroboys)
5) Bed of Razors (Children of Bodom)

Do I have control? Well. Blue Bossa will go fine, that's the only one I'm pretty sure of. I know A Map of the World damn well, and I can play it damn well, problem is that the minute someone watch I fuck it up massively and badly. I've somehow gotta prevent that, I still don't know how. But maybe it's my day. I'm not most nervous about that song : ) When it comes to Over the Rainbow it ain't hard, but I didn't get the time I actually needed to practise it with a singer, so I've still not got it together.. That makes me abit nervous, hope I get hellofalot time to reherse that today.

Filadelfia will go fine, I have a couple of riffs that aint the easiest to take, but we're two guitarplayers on that one, and I'm not the lead. I'm not too nervous about that eiter. When it comes to Bodom, on the other hand.. My, my, what did I think of? That since I played that song good a year ago (and then fucked up my hands so badly I couldn't play it til now) I could get it nice now? Well, that's optimistic. The solo - blasphemy, the sweeps - so bad I feel embarrased everytime I try. The rest of the song might go good though, I don't know. I hope : ) At least the rest of the band plays very good, so I'm lucky there : )

So shortened down, this is what I think. Eva Cassidy and Bodom will go worst, I will not get happy with what I preform on A Map of the World, but it will not be bad. Blue Bossa will turn out just fine, Filadelfia too.

And when it comes to the talking in between - that's almost the worst. That, and if I get untuned and have to sit there and tune with an x amount of eyes staring at me waiting to get done with it already, WEH. And it would always be totally shit if some string got broken or what, then I'm kindof fucked.

Weeeh, well, of course nothing of this is relevant if I die of nervousness before even being able to enter the stage tomorrow. Shit how nervous I am.

Wish me luck?

Sunday, 7 June 2009

Anette vs Tarja - it has got to END!

Nightwish - hated by many, loved by me.

As people probably know there was Tarja, she got fired, along came Anette. And there are still WAY to many idiots, with no perspective, no knowledge, no nothing, that still comes along, starting debate, after debate, after debate with the very same questions, and the very same allegations. It's been 4 years, and you're still not over it? I'm sorry, but get a life.

I'm gonna take some of the questi0ns and allegations I've seen, and.. You know, criticise and stuff.

"Who is best of Anette and Tarja?"

- It's an ok question to a certain point, of course you wanna discuss different singers in bands. Who doesn't? What is NOT ok though, is to start whining about them kicking Tarja out. It's 4 years ago, and on a good time to get over it? It's also pathetic to come there and come with lots of ignorant and stupid claims that your later arguments just wont support.

"Why did they kick Tarja out of the band?"

- When this question comes I mostly see red. Where were you since 05? A trip into space? Under the surface of the earth? In Big Brother 4 years in a row? If you are a Nightwish fan, which you obviously are NOT then, you should know it. Really. You embarass yourself by asking, please don't.

"Nightwish really did a mistake when kicking out Tarja".

- Read the biography, please? Or just read SOMETHING. You're just making a huge fool out of yourself with pretending you know so damn much when in reality, you don't know a shit. Do you think they kicked Tarja out for funsies? Do you think they had no reason or motive at all to do so? They would have done the biggest mitake ever with not kicking her out...

I'm not saying that you cannot have own opinions! OF COURSE you need to have, of course many people means that Tarjas voice was more special, Anette isn't unique in the same way, Tarja was what made Nightwish the band they were. But it's still 4 years ago, and you can always follow Tarjas solo project if you really miss her that much. I've heard that, and that is indeed some embarrasing shit imo.

Why make it so darned complicated? If you don't like Nightwish with Anette, then shut up about it and just leave it without listening to it, noones forcing you. Tarja was in many records with Nightwish, listen to them, enjoy them, and leave it with that.

Now, please, please, PLEASE. If I see another debate about the subject, I'm gonna throw up, really. Leave it dead, get a life!

Saturday, 6 June 2009


Last night I did not have a pleasent night, at least not at the point where I discovered the HUGE spider walking around on my bathrobe. I try to kill it - it escapes. Great, there goes my sleep tonight, I thought, and prepared to go sleep in the livingroom, on a sofa of sticky material (don't know the word, I think it's made of animals, and it's glissy) until I realized just how silly that would be. So I start looking for this ugly big bastard hiding somewhere between all the mess on my floor (and I can promise you, when I say "all the mess" that is to try to inform that that is indeed MUCH!). I pick up one clothing, shake it, put it in the passage, and do it with the next. Early in the process I see the spider, so I shake it just a bit harder. It disappears til god-knows-where, and my searching for it gets faster and more stressed up, for all I know it's in my hair with a she-spider (assuming my friend Eddy here is a male) producing small and disgusting baby-spiders. I look, I look, can't find it. WHERE THE HELL IS THE BASTARD!? In the stressful and very tensed panic I notice something that is tickling on my legs. I shake the leg a bit. I look down, and what do I see? Yes, exactly, a big, black klump with six legs crawling further and further up my body. Further and further, closer and closer upwards. I give a little scream and try to shake it off, after a massive shake of my foot I look down, half in panic, my eyes goes front and back. Is it there still? It doesn't seem like it, I can breathe again.

At least that's what I thought before the tickling come back 1o seconds later. I look down, and yes, Eddie is still mounting me (haha). And this is the point where I am glad noone was watching me, I start jumping around like an idiot, hitting the pants with my hands, shaking the leg like Elvis on drugs. Much, much more than I needed too. Eddie was probably long gone already with the first panic-filled shaking. Just to be sure I take of my pants after, and continue the spiderhunt in my underwear. Now I can't find it at all. I have to lift up every clothing and other objects that might have a nasty spider underneath, and after some minutes with careful searching for him, I find him. He tries to escape my evil look, he knows what's coming. He know he's messing with the wrong bitch, he knows he should not have mounted me.

He knew that this was where his life would end, that he'd get killed in my deathgrip between thick layers of toiletpaper. He knew that I'd squeeze him to death, and if he didn't die, he'd have to live with the horrible pains til I'd eventually throw him in the toilet, and give him the same destiny as the food we eat, and what we drink.


Rest in peace in the sewage, ugly bastard.

Friday, 5 June 2009

Music Box: Arcturus

Reason: Arcturus was an absolutely amazing band, with some of the best music I know of. I say "was" cause they split in 2007, unfortunatley. The music lives on, and will always remain great to me! :)

Garm from Ulver sang on their first records, and on the last record Vortex from Dimmu Borgir was the singer. I will give you examples on both old and new stuff! Everything is great, Arcturus is a band that I never ever get tired of. It's the kindof band that I never skip when I have on random on my player - and I can't say that about many bands!

They split in 2007, to my big sorrow, but I won't give up the hope for a reunion, at least a reunionconcert, just yet. If it comes, and whether it's in Saudi-Arabia or in France, I would almost kill to get there! And I'd walk there by foot if I couldn't afford flight tickets. That's far - I'm lazy. That is how much I love this band!

If we don't count with EPs and singles and compilations and stuff they have these cds out: Aspera Hiems Symfonia, La Masquerade Infernale, The Sham Mirrors and Sideshow Symphonies. They also have an awesome dvd out called Shipwrecked in Oslo (clip later in the blog-post). I'm just gonna give you a song from every (studio)record they released. So you get a small idea over what they gave out, and how they developed, how much ass they kick, etc, etc.

Aspera Hiems Symfonia

This is the bands debut, and it came out in 1995. This is their only black metal album, but it includes many experimental parts also - this points forward to their Avant-Garde style that gets alot stronger later on.

It is a good album, but not my personal favourite. The song I like best on this album is not the "blackest song". I dig Naar Kulden Tar, so here it comes! (this is, btw, the first song I heard with Arcturus, and the song that made me interested!)

La Masquerade Infernale

In 1997 this great band gave out another great cd. La Masquerade Infernale. This is avant-garde to the bone, and it might be my favourite album from them. (I say "might" because it's so damn hard to choose - you try!). But at least, this is a cd with great songs from start to end. Every song, and with that I mean EVERY SINGLE song on this album is awesomely great - that makes it shithard to just choose one to call "the favourite".

I'm gonna show Alone, simply because it is maybe the best of the best, it's awesome. (Ps: Later in this blog post I will show a video from The Chaos Path, an other kickass song on this album)

The Sham Mirrors

Their third studioalbum came out in 2002, and with that awesome music. It's a damn good album, maybe also my personal favourite. (Maybe because it's... well, you know the drill :P) I show you Ad Absurdum simply because it is a kickass song!

You should also check out For to End Yet Again. It rocks massively.


Sideshow Symphonies

Garm is out, Vortex is in. So yep, it's a certain difference. But (in my opinion) it's still good. It miiight be that the cds with Garm is better, but that doesn't make this a bad album, cause it's damn good, as all the other stuff Arcturus did!

Here comes my personal favourite from this album, White Noise Monster!

I have to show a vid too, from their dvd Shipwrecked in Oslo, and because The Chaos Path is an absolutely amazing song, and cause the clip is cool, this is what I'm showin'.

I hope you sit there with a feeling of "woah, this is nice, I should go get some cds", or "well, everyone knows Arcturus rawks, but I can stay here and listen to the awesome songs nevertheless". Or.. something like that. Well, actually I don't care what you think, but I hope I managed to spread good music out to people! : ) If it's not your taste, that's a shame, mostly cause you then miss out on some very good shit! But stay tuned for other good music, cause I will give other kinds also. Ofc everything rocks, but everything aint avant-garde metal, so.

Til next time! Tudelu ^_^

Ps: I am sorry for lacking vocabulary, and for repeating the words "awesome", "great" and "good" so much it gets annoying. (Maybe I should find a synonym-wordlist for the next band I wanna share :P)

This is the second post in my "series" Music Box, where I write about and recommend good music, the first I wrote is about Fjoergyn and can be found here.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Christian, the goddamn gorgeous lion

Christian the Lion. Heard about him? Maybe, maybe not. BUT the fact is that you should have heard about him... It's at least on time you do, so look at this as a favour : D

I won't write much about the story behind it and stuff, that's why we like wikipedia, ne? But it is a lion, he got "raised" by two normal men, they had to relocate him. After all, a lion grows veery big, and it's not too easy to keep a big and brutal lion in a small London apartment. They sent him to Africa, and one year later the older owners, Randall and Bourke, went back to visit him. They got the message that "he will not remember you!". The youtube-clip under this shows the reunion, in this clip it has been one year since they gave him away to the wildlife preservation trust.

As you can see I do good in sharing this with the world. How is this not deeply touching? How is this not beautiful and gorgeous, and how does this not make your eyes wet? I can gladly admit that it made me drop a tear, or two.. or ten.. I mean, look at it! Look at the HUGS the lion is giving, they look warm, and good. And the general cuddling in the vid! Awwww! ( I obviously should not write when being this touched... I'm sorry, I'm gonna get serious again, I think.)

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I'm gonna end this blogpost with a gorgeous picture, and a big HOPE that I'll one day get an animal as lovely as this!!

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

My guilty pleasure #1

You know those damn annoying hit-list songs? The kindof music that you usually hate so much it hurts a bit, that you hate so much that everytime it goes on the radio you'd rather wreck the radio with throwing a shoe at it, then to take the time to walk over there and push the off-button. Walking over to the radio and pushing the off-button would make you have to listen to the shit some seconds more - some seconds that would just make you more angry, more upset over the unbelievable big loads of shit that runs over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over - you get the deal - again on the radio.

But then there's the songs that go over and over (multiply by a big x-value) again that makes you smile, makes you turn up the volume. Makes you go into Spotify and put it in a playlist, so you can find the song easily and listen to it once more. Go on youtube and watch the vid over and over again, even though this is the kind of music, EXACTLY the kind of music, that usually makes you so darned pissed.

I'm coming clean - why not? Hereby, with this blog-post, I admit that I listened to Taylor Swifts Love Story an unhealthy amount of times. I like the song, as a matter of fact, I like it much. Too much. I would defend it, but why should I? If I like this kind of shit it's my choise anyway. Instead of defending it I will share this guilty pleasure of mine with the rest of the world. Yep, here comes Love Story!

You have to admit it's sweet.. just a bit? A tiiiny bit? Oh, comeon!

Fine, it might be shit. It is probably shit, but somehow the song took me, and I really enjoy listening to it. I guess every girl dreams about their Romeo, and some romantic clichè scenery like whatever she sings. Yesyes, I screw my extremely "true" and "metal" self, and do indeed admit such a crime, and I admit that I'm soft and girly.

I am (a tiny bit) girly (sometimes), and sometimes(/rarely) I listen to girly music, and I happen to have found my lovely Romeo ^_^.

Taylor Swift looks sweet, by the way. If you watch some live-clips on youtube it can actually be very nice. Just.. a castle-thingie on stage, and she in a great dress. AND dancing couples, nice lightng. It is something nice about it, just is. But I bet she's a bitch, though...

Now I've come clean. And I hope that metal people won't boycott my blog cause of this, even though I kindof support their decision if they do. BUT: I promise I will write some nice blog-posts about some kickass metal sometime soon. Like REALLY good metal, like.. so good that it gives meh goosebumps every darned time a song is on. Oh yes, Primordial is coming, Arcturus is coming. Ikuinen Kaamos is coming, and whatever more I will decide to after that : ) Look forward to that! It will kick some major ass.

Monday, 1 June 2009

Be glad I didn't kill you

You should be. Normally I kill everyone like you, I give no mercy. You are ugly, annoying and you ruin my peace. You make annoying sounds, and fly around like you own the house. Shitting in our food is just cosy for you, making eggs, making more eggs, and more, and more. At a certain point it gets too much. It's too much with one of you, so PLEASE STOP REPRODUCING!

So you should be glad I didn't kill you. I fetched a glass, a paper, and managed to get you in the glass. I gently put the paper underneath and carry you outside to let you free. Why? Cause turned warm hearted and nice overnight? Cause I realized that going aruond killing all of you isn't the right way to do it? Cause I found out, that everyone is equal, that a life should not be taken - no life should be taken?

You are huge, your ass is green, you make incredibly loud buzzes, and go on, and on, and on in the window behind me. At times you find it enjoyable to go out of the window, and into my ear, buzzing abit, making me loose my concetration fully about what I'm doing. You could be a bumblebee, not in the color, cause the last time I checked bumblebees weren't green. But in the size, and in the incredibly annoying sounds. So you are buzzing and ugly, annoying and big. Why would I want to spare your life?

When people read how disgusting you are, they then see that it's not my sympathy, my warmness, my love towards small creeps that does it. It's simply because I did not want to touch you. Simply because you disgust me. Nevertheless, the fact that you are disgusting gave you a longer life.

Dear "little" fly, it's your luckyday today, isn't it?

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