Reason: Arcturus was an absolutely amazing band, with some of the best music I know of. I say "was" cause they split in 2007, unfortunatley. The music lives on, and will always remain great to me! :)
Garm from Ulver sang on their first records, and on the last record Vortex from Dimmu Borgir was the singer. I will give you examples on both old and new stuff! Everything is great, Arcturus is a band that I never ever get tired of. It's the kindof band that I never skip when I have on random on my player - and I can't say that about many bands!
They split in 2007, to my big sorrow, but I won't give up the hope for a reunion, at least a reunionconcert, just yet. If it comes, and whether it's in Saudi-Arabia or in France, I would almost kill to get there! And I'd walk there by foot if I couldn't afford flight tickets. That's far - I'm lazy. That is how much I love this band!
If we don't count with EPs and singles and compilations and stuff they have these cds out: Aspera Hiems Symfonia, La Masquerade Infernale, The Sham Mirrors and Sideshow Symphonies. They also have an awesome dvd out called Shipwrecked in Oslo (clip later in the blog-post). I'm just gonna give you a song from every (studio)record they released. So you get a small idea over what they gave out, and how they developed, how much ass they kick, etc, etc.
Aspera Hiems Symfonia

This is the bands debut, and it came out in 1995. This is their only black metal album, but it includes many experimental parts also - this points forward to their Avant-Garde style that gets alot stronger later on.
It is a good album, but not my personal favourite. The song I like best on this album is not the "blackest song". I dig Naar Kulden Tar, so here it comes! (this is, btw, the first song I heard with Arcturus, and the song that made me interested!)
La Masquerade Infernale

In 1997 this great band gave out another great cd. La Masquerade Infernale. This is avant-garde to the bone, and it might be my favourite album from them. (I say "might" because it's so damn hard to choose - you try!). But at least, this is a cd with great songs from start to end. Every song, and with that I mean EVERY SINGLE song on this album is awesomely great - that makes it shithard to just choose one to call "the favourite".
I'm gonna show Alone, simply because it is maybe the best of the best, it's awesome. (Ps: Later in this blog post I will show a video from The Chaos Path, an other kickass song on this album)
The Sham Mirrors

Their third studioalbum came out in 2002, and with that awesome music. It's a damn good album, maybe also my personal favourite. (Maybe because it's... well, you know the drill :P) I show you Ad Absurdum simply because it is a kickass song!
You should also check out For to End Yet Again. It rocks massively.
Sideshow Symphonies

Garm is out, Vortex is in. So yep, it's a certain difference. But (in my opinion) it's still good. It miiight be that the cds with Garm is better, but that doesn't make this a bad album, cause it's damn good, as all the other stuff Arcturus did!
Here comes my personal favourite from this album, White Noise Monster!
I have to show a vid too, from their dvd Shipwrecked in Oslo, and because The Chaos Path is an absolutely amazing song, and cause the clip is cool, this is what I'm showin'.
I hope you sit there with a feeling of "woah, this is nice, I should go get some cds", or "well, everyone knows Arcturus rawks, but I can stay here and listen to the awesome songs nevertheless". Or.. something like that. Well, actually I don't care what you think, but I hope I managed to spread good music out to people! : ) If it's not your taste, that's a shame, mostly cause you then miss out on some very good shit! But stay tuned for other good music, cause I will give other kinds also. Ofc everything rocks, but everything aint avant-garde metal, so.
Til next time! Tudelu ^_^
Ps: I am sorry for lacking vocabulary, and for repeating the words "awesome", "great" and "good" so much it gets annoying. (Maybe I should find a synonym-wordlist for the next band I wanna share :P)
This is the second post in my "series" Music Box, where I write about and recommend good music, the first I wrote is about Fjoergyn and can be found here.
Its really a great band. :-)