Sometimes one cannot act proffesional at work. Especially not when getting visits from clingy, noisy, annoying beasts that believes they own the place.
Therefore something drastical needs to be done, someone just won't give up, they go on, and on, and on, and on. This is the times when you run around in the office, running after them, yelling "STIIIRB!", or "DIEE!" hitting around you like some kind of crazy person, trying to get them down for good. However annoying French tourists might be*, those are not the ones I am talking about. Nay, it is the flies. Holy mother of God, how annoying is it possible to become? Never can I get peace, they just HAVE to fly around, sit on me, walk on me, try to fly in different body openings (with that I mean ears and mouth, nothing else, ugh). And it seems there is no end to it. Why can't any of my murderattempts go right, for once, ONCE?! (Christmas-wish: An electrical fly killer). Bastards :(
From flies to a *fun fact: Expedia had a
research. 4500 hotels worldwide ranged tourists after nations, who's the best tourists, who's the worst tourists. Who's most polite? Who's rude? Who's greedy? Best one's number one, 27 is the worst. This is the result(not writing all, lazy):
1: Japanese
2: British
3: Canadians
4: Germans
5: Swiss
6: Dutch
6: Australians
8: Swedish
8: Americans
10: Danes
10: Norwegians
10: Finnish
10: Belgians
.......... (blabla, many inbetween)
27: French
French is the last. Very last. Noone after. Not one. There yeh go, Frenchmen, take the hint, learn some English. Not every man in the world knows French!
In my opinion I will say that I agree with the results. My profession (eheh) requires that I communicate with tourists all the time, and I mean that I have what it takes to have a (highly professional, ehehe) view on this. So here it goes :
I wouldn't put this up very much differently than what this research shows. I would place the british people on top though, even though Japanese people, or asian people in general (I can't see who is Chinese, who is Korean and who comes from Japan, but all are cosy) also deserves a top placement, they are so greatful always! But the Frenchmen should stay where they are, they are so good placed that it's funny. (I'm not dissing Frenchmen even though it sounds like it, I'm sure they are nice people - but maybe they are a bit too nationalistic?). And ok, I did have some nice French tourists too. I'm not judging everyone!
I think the fly escaped, so I'm starting to wonder whether flies can read. Maybe they understand that their destiny will lead them straight to hell when annoying the Trolldis? Maybe their logics tells them that the next time I attempt to murder them it will go good?... tsh, who am I kidding? Flies are dumb - maybe it just crashed in the window and killed itself. Let's hope that ^^