Thursday, 30 July 2009

Summer Breeze!

Wacken 07 - Photographer me

In exactly two weeks I will stand on the festivalgrounds of Summer Breeze in Germany enjoying the music, the beer, the music, the Jack Daniels & Cola, the music, the beer, and the precence of thousands and thousands of metalfans all there for the same reason as I - .. drinking and enjoying music?

I will experience bands like Amorphis, Amon Amarth, Anaal Nathrakh, Battlelore, Black Sun Aeon, Epica, Equilibrium, Ghost Brigade, Haggard, Katatonia, Kreator, Krypteria, Moonspell, Opeth, Sabaton, Schandmaul, Vader, Voivoid, Volbeat and Vreid. That's neither too few good bands, or too many. The balance between partying and going to concert will be juust fine! (except for some stupid-ass times where three of the bands I wanna see overlap/crash? What's that about?)

My oh my how I'm looking forward to a festival again! I feel it's been ages... Let's just hope that things won't rain away, it kinda kills the mood a bit.. but it'll still rock.

It's gonna be hell of a party! See you all there? ;D

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Friggin' Wagner Festspiele!

To get a ticket to Wagner Festspiele* you'll either have to be a very known German, type... Schnappi, Angela Merkel or Heidi Klum.. or Dieter Bohlen. For normal mortals (like me, unfortunatly I am no crocodile) it is a biiiit tricky to get a ticket. You send them a letter three/four/ten/fifty years in a row, and maybe one day you get the happy message that you are lucky enough to get a ticket.

Now, a bird came flying and gave me the offer to get a ticket. Like, now. For this year. The ninth of august. Tristan & Isolde.Trolldis sings, Trolldis dances, Trolldis jumps up and down of happiness. What an oportunity, what an offer! WHO wouldn't say yes, right?

I couldn't say yes, given the fact that a ticket for that really, really, REALLY ain't cheap, especially when you have a work with the lowest time payment that one can imagine.But ok, I'm desperate. I set my soul for sale. Who worse could buy it than the devil, right?

1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours... 7 hours later, I get an offer for my soul that is high enough to pay the price of such a ticket (it's a friggin good ticket, I'd sit among all the celeberties, I could hit Schnappi in the face, goddamnit!). I contact the messengerbird of the bird that offered me the ticket.Unfortunatly the ticketbird no longer has this ticket that I'd drooled over for 8 hours.

Bottom line: I'm not goin', no Wagner for me this year. Guess I have to try like all normal mortals, spam them with letters in the hope of seing some of it before I die. Hm, or I could become a German celeberty by that time? It's probably more likely to get a ticket that way! But there's never space for two of everything. There is just one Dieter Bohlen, there is just one Angela Merkel, there is just one Stefan Raab, there is just one Heidi Klum! ... but darnit, Heidi Klum is getting old! In 10 years or so she will have wrinkles, and that's when my fresh, wrinkleless face comes with my highly charming smile getting me a free ticket to Wagner Festspiele. Good plan! See ya in 10 years, fellow Wagner-fans.

*for those of you who doesn't know what Wagner Festspiele is: SHAME ON YOU! I bet you don't enjoy good, dramatical, intense, classical music? Figured :(

Monday, 20 July 2009

"I don't eat people anymore. Now I eat spinach"

This is Sumato, Sumato is 37 years old, and he comes from Indonesia. Before he started his career as a criminal, he was a farmer. His fathers name is Nuryadikarta, he is 65 years old, and today Nuryadikarta have no contact with Sumato. Why not?

Five years ago Sumato decided that eating cows, pigs, chicken, wasn't filling his needs when it came to food. He needed something more exiting on the menu, at the same time he did not want to pay too much for that. So what did he do?  He took a trip to the cemetery to see what they had there. And after abit digging in the graves he found what he looked for. A delicate, dead woman. He ate her, and got thrown in jail for that. Now, five years later. He's back, and he's searching for forgiveness.

Some quotes from the newspaper-article:
"His next-door neighbour, 43-year-old Ngadiah, said she would never forget the stench of death and the sight of a bowl of whitish-yellow human flesh drenched in soy sauce."
Am I the only one getting sick of this? I so don't wanna eat my tasty muffins anymore. Urh.
"I'm sad. People said so many bad things about me. I will strive to get the villagers to open their hearts and accept me again."

What did you expect? That people would love you after eating someones mother, someones grandmother? Someones daughter? Someones lover? Someones wife? Well, mr Sumanto. Think again.

"What is love? How can I describe it when I've never experienced it, never tasted it?"

And from the man who knows no love:
"I love meat... all types of meat as long as it's cooked. But I don't eat people anymore. Now I eat spinach," he added.

Some questions:

Would you look at this guy normally after this? Would you let him in your house? Would you treat him with respect?

Does everyone deserve forgiveness? Or is there a limit to who can be forgiven?

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Boat-trip pictures!

Pictures from the previously mentioned boat trip. Enjoy! :)

My hometown seen from the water

My brother is happily posing

The dramatic scenery!

As always, creds to Alph for the pictures. More of his stuff can be found here.

Small question

This is taken from a brochure about a place in Norway. It is a Norwegian version, an English and a German. Here is an extract in all three languages. The content is the same... to a certain degree.

My question is: Is this right? Is it right to spare the Germans for information about what their forefathers did right or wrong 50 years ago? Hm.

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Trolldis and Tourist: Murderattempt at the Touristinformation

Sometimes one cannot act proffesional at work. Especially not when getting visits from clingy, noisy, annoying beasts that believes they own the place.

Therefore something drastical needs to be done, someone just won't give up, they go on, and on, and on, and on. This is the times when you run around in the office, running after them, yelling "STIIIRB!", or "DIEE!" hitting around you like some kind of crazy person, trying to get them down for good. However annoying French tourists might be*, those are not the ones I am talking about. Nay, it is the flies. Holy mother of God, how annoying is it possible to become? Never can I get peace, they just HAVE to fly around, sit on me, walk on me, try to fly in different body openings (with that I mean ears and mouth, nothing else, ugh). And it seems there is no end to it. Why can't any of my murderattempts go right, for once, ONCE?! (Christmas-wish: An electrical fly killer). Bastards :(

From flies to a *fun fact: Expedia had a research. 4500 hotels worldwide ranged tourists after nations, who's the best tourists, who's the worst tourists. Who's most polite? Who's rude? Who's greedy? Best one's number one, 27 is the worst. This is the result(not writing all, lazy):

1: Japanese
2: British
3: Canadians
4: Germans
5: Swiss
6: Dutch
6: Australians
8: Swedish
8: Americans
10: Danes
10: Norwegians
10: Finnish
10: Belgians
.......... (blabla, many inbetween)
27: French

French is the last. Very last. Noone after. Not one. There yeh go, Frenchmen, take the hint, learn some English. Not every man in the world knows French!

In my opinion I will say that I agree with the results. My profession (eheh) requires that I communicate with tourists all the time, and I mean that I have what it takes to have a (highly professional, ehehe) view on this. So here it goes :

I wouldn't put this up very much differently than what this research shows. I would place the british people on top though, even though Japanese people, or asian people in general (I can't see who is Chinese, who is Korean and who comes from Japan, but all are cosy) also deserves a top placement, they are so greatful always! But the Frenchmen should stay where they are, they are so good placed that it's funny. (I'm not dissing Frenchmen even though it sounds like it, I'm sure they are nice people - but maybe they are a bit too nationalistic?). And ok, I did have some nice French tourists too. I'm not judging everyone!

I think the fly escaped, so I'm starting to wonder whether flies can read. Maybe they understand that their destiny will lead them straight to hell when annoying the Trolldis? Maybe their logics tells them that the next time I attempt to murder them it will go good?... tsh, who am I kidding? Flies are dumb - maybe it just crashed in the window and killed itself. Let's hope that ^^

What is WRONG with people?!

Warning: Contains strong images. At least for dog lovers...

Some 12-year old British girl did this. How fucking cold hearted can you be? Poor dog. Can't defend itself or nothing. I hope this girl gets attacked by a horde of wasps. Or fall down the stairs. It is her who deserves to get her ass kicked :( And a 12 year old.. Something gotta be pretty wrong in that home..

Read more about it here. (And yes, I know it's old news. But it's still horrible)

Friday, 10 July 2009

Trolldis and Tourists: What makes the day...

Work, 5 hours, nothing to do, deadly boring. What do yeh do? Here are the vital ingredients to turn the work-frown upside-down. (at least my work-frown)

* Tea (Preferrably Green Tea and Lemon, YUM)
* Cookies
* German grammar tasks
* German crosswords
* Ice Age tetris (try to beat my highscore on 50 000, I bet you can't!)
* Nintendo DS with Mario inside
* A bunch of british people (they are so lovable, wuh)

Here's the factors that turn the frown.. well.. worse?

* Frenchmen who assumes that everyone speaks french, and gets angry when you can't.
* Questions about God-knows where, God-knows what. (that even God himself could not answer)
* Tourists who doesn't lock when they were at the loo
* Tourists who sneak into the toilet cause it is unlocked cause of the bums before them
* Everything that includes toilet, and excludes payment.
* Tourists that steals expensive maps
* Old, pervy men who tells pervy jokes, tries to make you learn an important lesson about sex, and just won't LEAVE. (and that, when learns to know you better also gives kisses, uhgrhhh) (1)

Anyone into making Trolldis happy? Do NOT sneak into the toilet without paying, don't, don't. I seriously wanna do something drastical next time. Open the door when they just sat down and throw waterballoons on them? .. hm.. I have to consider that strongly

(1) - Luckily I myself never encountered this dude, all credits to Eva and Marianne for not escaping when he comes

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

The beauty of Norway

Norway is beautiful, you can't argue. The nature is stunning, and I'm gonna show you some. I'm showing  from western Norway, since that's my base, but I can promise you that every part of Norway is swimming in beauty :) (just go on picturesearch and google and search Lofoten, a pearl in nortnern Norway, so lovely)

ANYWAY: Givin you a couple of pics now, and some random babble inbetween. Hope you enjoy at least the pictures!

Here's a lil' nice panorama that my bf took when he went for a walk in the moutains.

So this is my hometown, from above. Nice, aint it? Note that the weather is hellofalot better now than when this picture was taken. Summer! Sky is without clouds, what wakes you up in the morning is the sun looking in your window wishing you a good morning by warming your face with sumbeams. It's constantly sunny, it's constantly warm (Actually it's constantly waaay to warm, but it doesn't fit in the idyllic impression I want everyone to have. So I hide it a bit instead - like I hide the anger I sit on for not having any good summer clothes, like I hide how annoyed I am over the huge bumblebees living in our wall, and how much I HATE all the flies the summer brings, the flies who constantly wants to make buzzingsounds in your ear, who walks on you, shits on you, FRIGGIN MAKES FLY BABIES ON YOU!). Ah, isn't the summer lovely?
Back on topic: It's not only my howntown that is darned lovely, nope, just look at this!

Våtedalen (directly translated wet valley - sounds silly, I know) is such a lovely place! Drive through it when listening to some lovely music (advices: Fjoergyn, Agalloch or Primordial) and you'll just jump right into the row with the known breed of Våtedalen - the tourist drivers. The ones that drive in a way, that makes it SO clear to you, and everyone around them, that they are watching something else than the road. It is somehow charming - but of course, the second someone crashes and dies everything loses its charm with just that. Good advice: Get someone else to drive you. You do not want to miss this lovely nature, and you do not wanna miss your life when making sure not to miss the nature. Get a driver, get a driver, get a driver!

If you have the chance, go to Norway. You won't regret it. (well, who am I kidding? Maybe you will regret it, it's not exactly cheap around here.... Well, ok, you won't, it's too lovely to regret anything). Anyway, have a nice day! Tomorrow (or something like it) I'm gonna post photos from a boat-trip we had today. Cool, cool.

Pictures belong to Alph, and here's his stuff on Flickr. Check it out! :D

Sunday, 5 July 2009

"This video has been removed due to infringement"

Not a sentence you usually like, however, this time it made me giggle. This is why:

Infringement! HOHO!

I know, my humor might suck much. But doesn't matter :D 

PS: Watch Fringe, it is exiting :)

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