Now, a bird came flying and gave me the offer to get a ticket. Like, now. For this year. The ninth of august. Tristan & Isolde.Trolldis sings, Trolldis dances, Trolldis jumps up and down of happiness. What an oportunity, what an offer! WHO wouldn't say yes, right?
1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours... 7 hours later, I get an offer for my soul that is high enough to pay the price of such a ticket (it's a friggin good ticket, I'd sit among all the celeberties, I could hit Schnappi in the face, goddamnit!). I contact the messengerbird of the bird that offered me the ticket.Unfortunatly the ticketbird no longer has this ticket that I'd drooled over for 8 hours.
Bottom line: I'm not goin', no Wagner for me this year. Guess I have to try like all normal mortals, spam them with letters in the hope of seing some of it before I die. Hm, or I could become a German celeberty by that time? It's probably more likely to get a ticket that way! But there's never space for two of everything. There is just one Dieter Bohlen, there is just one Angela Merkel, there is just one Stefan Raab, there is just one Heidi Klum! ... but darnit, Heidi Klum is getting old! In 10 years or so she will have wrinkles, and that's when my fresh, wrinkleless face comes with my highly charming smile getting me a free ticket to Wagner Festspiele. Good plan! See ya in 10 years, fellow Wagner-fans.
*for those of you who doesn't know what Wagner Festspiele is: SHAME ON YOU! I bet you don't enjoy good, dramatical, intense, classical music? Figured :(
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