Norway is beautiful, you can't argue. The nature is stunning, and I'm gonna show you some. I'm showing from western Norway, since that's my base, but I can promise you that every part of Norway is swimming in beauty :) (just go on picturesearch and google and search Lofoten, a pearl in nortnern Norway, so lovely)
ANYWAY: Givin you a couple of pics now, and some random babble inbetween. Hope you enjoy at least the pictures!
ANYWAY: Givin you a couple of pics now, and some random babble inbetween. Hope you enjoy at least the pictures!
Here's a lil' nice panorama that my bf took when he went for a walk in the moutains.
So this is my hometown, from above. Nice, aint it? Note that the weather is hellofalot better now than when this picture was taken. Summer! Sky is without clouds, what wakes you up in the morning is the sun looking in your window wishing you a good morning by warming your face with sumbeams. It's constantly sunny, it's constantly warm (Actually it's constantly waaay to warm, but it doesn't fit in the idyllic impression I want everyone to have. So I hide it a bit instead - like I hide the anger I sit on for not having any good summer clothes, like I hide how annoyed I am over the huge bumblebees living in our wall, and how much I HATE all the flies the summer brings, the flies who constantly wants to make buzzingsounds in your ear, who walks on you, shits on you, FRIGGIN MAKES FLY BABIES ON YOU!). Ah, isn't the summer lovely?
Back on topic: It's not only my howntown that is darned lovely, nope, just look at this!
If you have the chance, go to Norway. You won't regret it. (well, who am I kidding? Maybe you will regret it, it's not exactly cheap around here.... Well, ok, you won't, it's too lovely to regret anything). Anyway, have a nice day! Tomorrow (or something like it) I'm gonna post photos from a boat-trip we had today. Cool, cool.
du skulle no nesten fått med alle dei "fortryllande" geitene + dei hysterisk morosame turistane som held på å ramle ut av bilvindauga sine mens dei desperat prøvar å få ein filmsnutt av desse fasinerande skapningane som lever sine late sommardagar i våtedalen:p Definitivt eit pluss for reklamen din;) HERREGUD til lang den første settninga der vart :/
ReplyDeleteJaja, vi har det flott her i fagre jølst:p
Yesh. No doubth. Jølster is gorgeous, and of course, other parts of Norway. Though, very expensive. But yeah, there are lot of more great pics to show to the rest of the world. But we don't want Jølster to be invaded by the big rest of the world, who still hasn't been to this lovely place. Or do we? Just nice tourists, that don't asks tricky questions, and gives you a big huge, splendid smile, and who is all soooo gratefull. : D