Friday, 30 April 2010

Ach du scheiße

Today I did something creepy, something that makes me soso nervous, and something that can no longer be undone (well, in theory I bet it can be undone, but the 175 euros I payed will not be undone, and that would be a massive waste of money). So, let`s cut to the case. I signed up for TestDaF, Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache, so basically a Germanexam for the level B2/C1. A test where I will be tested in my understanding of hearing, reading, where I will talk, and where I will write a longer text. This will happen in June, and I`m pretty damn nervous already. Not too worried about the reading and hearing-part, but talking kinda freaks me out. And it`s so hard to get yourself to practise alone, with your self (anyone wanna practise with me, yes, yes?), but I guess(/hope) that I will feel the exam constantly breathing in my neck reminding me to do something!

Tomorrow I`m gonna partheey with friends, and we`re gonna try to make coctails, will be interesting. And I really have something to celebrate, listen to this..

I got work! Someone hired me, I got a job, a real job! Me! A JOB! Starting 18th of May in a customer-service place for a phonecompany, so a callcenter basically. Oh man, I can`t wait, will be awesome! Moving then, to a place where it`s 15 minutes to an airport, and 5 Euros to fly to Berlin. Am I happy? Hell yeees! I am so sorry to not translate this expression, but.


Now, I`ll go do something for my future. At least I like to think that it`s good for me to watch German drama-series, haha.


  1. :D:D Ahh, eg er så glad på dine vegner. Verkelig noke å feire ja. Og det skal vi gjere idag:D:D:D:D. Det blir awesome;):D Hehe.. Eg kunne tenke å trene tysken min eg òg. Vi kan prøve, men eg er berre blitt dårligare og dårligare dess lenger eg går uten tysk. Hm x)

  2. Taaakk : D Hihi, det er berre å prate xD Eg ekje så stødig, og eg MÅ skjerpe meg. Men vel, med noko innanbords går det vel i eitt xD


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