Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Rise of the mutant-teletubbies

Remember our old dear friends, the o' so lovely teletubbies?

I know, you thought you never had to see them again? I`m sorry to announce that they are coming back, and they are no longer just four, but a number, that is too big to even count. (Yes, it really breaks my heart)

You already know how they look, but let me say that they are now in more colors, and they are occuring a lot more often. I do not know how they managed to get so many in such a short time, and I guess it will always remain a mystery. I guess only teletubbies commiting incest on each other can result in such kids.

I am truly, truly sorry to bring this message, but I feel that it is my duty, as a blogger, to warn all my fellow blogger-friends from this. And also to give a small message: After encountering a huge teletubby, now named OnePiece, it is not a shame to search therapy, it is not. Sometimes a person has too big problems to deal with them on his own. And then there are people, who helps you through it, that is what they are there for. In these crazy situations, where mutant-teletubbies spread all over the world, is among those situations where there will always be extra crisis-help out there. Do not be afraid to search help! Promise!

I, myself, have a hard time having to watch huge mutant-teletubbies wherever I go, it`s so damn morbid! What you see today when you go out the doors, it`s brutal, and I do not want my kids to grow up to this, neither the old teletubbies, nor the new teletubbies. Especially not the new, dear God, if you are out there, will you please make the world a better place?


  1. hahahhahahahah... SO AGREE... Gah. Det er så tragisk.. x)

  2. Hoho! Teletubbies har eg aldri hatt sansen for, og dessa babydressane er ikkje noko pent syn. Prøvde faktisk ein her ein dag ( dette var berre for morro og det er til mitt forsvar ikkje eg som drog den inn i prøverommet:p). Kan vel sei det sånn at eg såg skremmande patetisk ut ;)


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