Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Ok, so..

Back in Norway! And I just had my first job-interview ever. How was it? Actually not that bad, the woman interviewing me was so nice, makes everything easier. So if things goes as I want I`ll soon have a job! Oh my, imagine! Let`s hope I made a good impression :)

If I get this job I`ll move to southern Norway, and I`ll live 15 minutes away from an airport. An airport that has routes also from Ryanair, which is perfect. Then I fly to Berlin for less money than I pay to get to Oslo. I`m talking 10€. Would be totally awesome. Please cross your fingers for me :)

Just a small whatever to show people that my blog is not dead. :)

Tudelidu ^^


  1. Det er trass alt veldig bra om du får jobben. Sjølv om det betyr at det ikkje blir Jølster-tur. Jaja... Lykke til. Eg kryssa fingrane :) <3

  2. Det er og ein mulighet at eg får jobb fra mai av, og då kjem eg til Jølster først : D Eg veit det nok snart :)


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