Thursday 10 December 2009


Our lovely dog Hope has this one ring-tone that makes here incredibly ... crazy is the correct word, I guess. She runs around like a wacko, barking, "singing", trying to hide, well.. and whatnot. It's really funny, and I figured I'd share it with you guys. Enjoy :)

I really don't know what's up with her, maybe it's irritating to her (in that case it'd be rude of me to find it cute, and to post it here on my blog) but I find it so funny that I chose to anyway. If you're wodering what she's doing towards the end, cause it's crappy quality and crappy filming, she's trying to hide between my brothers legs... :P


  1. Så søt ho er:)
    Sira og har sine rare innfall med enkelte ringetona. Ein gong i sommar begynte ho å pistre skikkelig for så å prøve å "trøste" mobilen :/ Trur ho hadde teikn til falsk svangerskap og ringelyden var ein kattunge som mjaua.

  2. Hahaha, so det er normalt altså :D Men altså, då kan det jo være at det er sånn svangerskapsfølelsegrunn, er jo ei forklaring på saken :)


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