Tuesday 5 January 2010

I`ve never felt more stupid

Nor, annoyed.. And angry? Hm. Yes, maybe.

Today is the day I've been dreading for three weeks, leaving Germany. So of course yesterday was dedicated to.. crying and.. crying, and then some more of that. I pack, and today I wake up early to reach trains and get my ass to Berlin, so that I can fly back to Norway.

I take the tearful farewell with schatzi, and I`m off to 3,5 hours with train. Went fine, and I arrive in one piece at the airport. I go to the checkin, and put my papers on the counter. After the dude in the counter watched the papers and me sometimes, he said that it's the fifth of January today. I agreed, why should I argue on the date. "Yes?", I said. He pointed at my papers showing me something that made me feel kinda... well, yes, crap. My travel was the sixth. How can I do that wrong? How is it even possible? I called my boyfriend starting with exactly these words "this is so embarrasing". And it was. We decided that it's best if I go back, that would be another 3,5 hours of train. What else could I do, really? I jumped on the first train and went back to him. And here I am now, feeling so, so stupid. Wishing that I'd notice before! Imagine what pleasure, noticing yesterday that I have not one, but two more days here. Hmf. The pleasure wasn`t overwhelming on the airport.

At least I learnt a lesson. Doublecheck. Ten times. Minimum.


  1. Ååå, Thordis. Eg kan desverre ikkje gjere anna enn å smile av deg :D Hehe.

  2. Huff. Stakkars då. Og det må vere flaut. Lure på kor ofte dei oppleve ditta på flyplassen. Må uansett vere jævla surt. Liksom, det handla liksom ikkje berre om at du måtte betale ekstra og brukte mykje tid på det, men og den mentale innstillinga på at du skulle forlate Tyskland. Så må du gå gjennom det en gang til idag. Velvel, det er iallefall sikkert at det er idag du skal reise. !

  3. Det verste var faktisk det du nevner Eva, den mentale innstillinga, og at eg allerede hadde sagt hade, og at det var jævlig. Det ekje noko du vil gå igjennom ofte, liksom. MEN vel, no er eg tilbake. Og eg fekk tross alt litt meir tid med han :)

    OG no kan eg, om.. nokre dagar, flire av det sjølv. For ein kan ikkje sjå vekk ifra at det faktisk ER ganske morsomt xD


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