Saturday 23 May 2009

Black metal meets Benny Hill!

Translated from Norwegian

Just this blogpost is about Immortal, their stupid videos, and just how much fun you can have with them.

These fantastic stupid videos gives youtubeslaves some sparetimehobbies, and at times it can result in pretty interesting results. When watching a video with dudes with corpsepaint going around with wizardhats in the forest, I can understand that the creativity is blooming. It's just this flower I'm showing now.

The original of Cry of the Wintermoon can be found here. Under here you see the parody. Everytime I see this you can find me lying on the floor shaking of laughter, at least almost...

After having seen this you can ask yourself: Is it a good black metal video when it almost fits more to Benny Hill than to the song it's actually made to? Nja, nja, nja.. One thing is for sure, though - it is indeed humoristic!

PS: I listen to Immortal myself, do not count this blogpost as an evil spotting of this band.


  1. EPIC! Det er faktisk betre enn A1. Heaheahea. Ein får seg i allefall ein god latter av det. Håpa bandet har sett parodien sjølv ;p

  2. Haha, fy faen. Eg elska den xD Jaa, og eg håpa dei veit kor latterlige videoar dei lagar. Er meir enn berre eit gullkorn xD


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