Wednesday 7 October 2009

Should we assume that Rudolphs poop is red?

This blog will be about my thoughts of the children-tv of today. I happened to see a program when waiting for the news, and it was not pleasant.

The intro-melody has lyrics like this.
juck, jucky-juck
jucky, jucky, juck
juck, jucky-juck,
jucky, jucky-juck
As you understand already, this show is doofy. After the intro a dude comes with a serving-plate.. This dude is a children-tv moderator, so you know.. overhyper and acting all stupid. So he is overenthusiastic, and the plate he's coming with has the riddle of the day inside. You cannot see it since it's covered with some kind of top on it, but this is unimportant. What's important is what this show is about...

He takes off the top, and what is on the plate? A pile of shit. Not shit in a transferred meaning, but really. Shit. Poop. Exrement, right there on the plate. To be quite honest you kind of doubt what kind of dude this is when he can be SO enthusiastic over a pile of shit, but ok. He asks "Sooo, does anyone know whos shit this is? Hm? Anyone out there?". It pains my soul to think about all the children sitting in their houses watching this screaming out "DOOG!", "SHEEEEP!", "COOOW!", or whichever animal or creature they think took a shit this time.

Mr Hyper Moderator tries to create exitement over the moment where he reveals the great secret behind the pile of shit. Who in the whole wide world might have sat on the plate and released a big, brown and smelly pile of excrement. Or.. I guess we can assume that the moderator hand-plucked it when you see his enthusiasm. Anyway, yes.. the exitement. Shows kids that "yes, sure! it's completely natural to be exited when you see a poop. Overexited, yes, come on! LET'S ALL BE HYPER!"

Let's all be realistic here and see what this does to children. A child that is interested in.. not sports, not music, not games, farms, cars, whatever, no - A child that goes totally banana crazy when he/she sees a pile of poop? And gets hyyper, exited, happy, and.. yes, a pile of shit makes their day. Yep, that is building up intelligence from a small age already. "Mummy! Look! POOOOOOOP!".

I can say right now, that if this continues I won't even LET my child watch this shit. Oh yes, it's gonna watch "Who wants to be a millionare", and when my small angel is old enough, he'll be very smart and win the whole shit - and with this being able to buy his mummy and daddy a very nice car. (of course, by this time the main price in the show is millions and millions higher, and I will get a nice sum myself out of not having let my child watch shit-shows. And yes - I will rub it in the faces of all the parents who has senile kids that knows nothing more than which animal dropped which shit. I will enjoy it too).

Back to the show: When the ass behind the poop is revealed, the moderator dresses up like the animal, and runs around like a reindeer with AD/HD (since the animal of the day was a reindeer). What a great example for children, I feel the headache coming when thinking of this doofy dude.

I wonder... When on earth would a child need to know how reindeer-poop looks? Maybe it's nice to know around christmas, perhaps you can identify Rudolphs poop and then find out approximately when Santa will come. Should we assume that Rudolphs poop is red like his nose? Ask the followers of the poop-show. I have a life, I wouldnt' know.


  1. Hoff! Barne-TV har blitt så idiotisk i løpet av dei siste åra. Det begynte med teletubbiane, så har det berre balla på seg til noke stort, fælt og lite koselig dritt.
    Kor blei det av dei koselige seriane som Mummitrollet, Mumfie, Franklin, å så ho søte dama som fortalte om Padda og noken kanina. Ååå, dei tidene er savn. Eg vil ha sånt barne-TV tilbake eller så skal eg og la ungane mine sjå på "Who wants to be a millionare".

  2. Haha, bra du er einig. Er det som er heile poenget, kor i alle DAGER blei det av det søte barne-tv (og dei søte julekalendarane for den saks skyld, jul i svingen i år, HUFF!!). Det er so tåpelig for tida at eg får heilt vondt. Altså, ærlig talt. Hadde det vore som før kunne eg ha sett på barnetv no også, men med ditta - ikkje sjangs. Er ikkje NOKO brukbart, er so tåpelig og patetisk at eg lure på ka som skal bli av barn om dei ser på ditta!

  3. Ja, f*en då. Why "Jul i svingen" ? Det er ikkje noke julekos. Eg vil ha nissa. Det er det einaste som fungerar på julestemninga. Synest dei kunne sendt amalies jul i år. Det er evigheta sia.

    Nei, barne-TV er ikkje blitt anna enn tjas og mas. STRESS!


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