Friday 16 October 2009

You wouldn't believe the night I had!

There is about three factors that makes your night a living hell.

1) A dog who would rather be somewhere else than in your room.
2) People going to the toilet
3) People running back and forth at 5-6 in the morning.

Please note that these factors have to be combined to make the night a living hell, well.. maybe alternative 1 could work perfectly without the other two, but anyway.

So, I go to bed at 00.00, I was asked to bring the dog. Sure, I thought, why not? A cute lil' creature that can lie there and warm my cold toesies, won't say no to that! So I grab the heartbreaker, carry her into my room, and make a nice corner in my bed for her. But na, she jumps down from the bed, goes to the door, and starts her "buhu, it's so miserable here, let me out" sounds. I chose to ignore her, until she comes jumping up in the bed licking my hands. I ask her "you wanna come up, Hope?", and rise up to lift her up in the bed. But the second I raise up, she walks to the door, like she tries to show me "let me oout, let me oooout!". I lie down again and two seconds later, she's back. I thought that maybe this time she wants to come up, so I rise up again. Guess what happened? Yes, door. I sigh, and lie down again. Two minutes later I hear the tiny dog-feet tripping towards me again, I chose not to rise up, I mean.. what, am I stupid? I lie like I did, but open my eyes, before I know it she suddely sticks her head up right next to me, leaning it abit to the side, givin me nothing but the puppydog-look. And, annoying or not, she is a heartbreaker. So I figured, damn, now she wants to come up! I rise up, reach out my hands... and right before I got my hands in her.. yes, you're right, she's trippin' towards the door. At this point you all must be thinking "damnit! this girl must be stupid", but for my defence.. who could resist the puppydogeyes of this ceature, tell me!

At a certain point she sits right under my bed, and I use the situation to try to calm her down with stroking her, and.. yes, it worked. She was silent for.. perhaps five minutes, until... she suddenly rised up and walked to the door. But! This time she didn't make that much sounds, to my big surprise. So I can actually lie down, in silence, and slowly, slowly I notice that I might actually get some sleep tonight. Note that this is probably 1-2 hours after I actually planned to sleep. So at this point the clock is.. Well, let's say 01.30. Trolldis lies there with a small smile on her mouth, on her way into sleepyland...

Sleepyland was further away than I thought, my soon-to-come sweet dreams got ruined, yes, directly ruined, killed, by someone who just had to go to the toilet in the midle of friggin night. My dear brother, couldn't you have gone before you went to bed? Or should I assume that you "didn't have to go then"? Hmpf, you're just like a kid. I'm gonna blame you for this, after all you're not the one with puppydogeyes in the situation!

Well, half an hour later the dog is relatively calm, and the sandman once again tries to reach out and make me trip around on the big pink cloud that I like to call dreamland. And Sandman, thank you for this. Trolldis gets her good night sleep for.. 3-4 hours, before people already start wandering around, making noise. No chance to get any peace - when the dog finds a hope for escape, then she follows the hope til it dies, or til it works out for her. In this situation it worked out for her, some saviour sent from God (or more like, one of my siblings) came to the door, opening it, taking Hope away, giving me some sleep. And the thought of sleeping long really, really gave me pleasure. So there was a smile around my mouth as I was finally, finally gonna get to sleep more than 1 hour or 2.

Wake up! Time to change your sleepingpatterns! The clock isn't even showing eight, when my mum finds out that today is the day, today is the day. Today is the day for change. No longer sleeping to 12, Trolldis. Embrace the day, embrace the morning.

Today, mum?! I didn't sleep less a single night the whole year, and that includes nights where I'm hangovered, on festivals, on parties. Yes. Could the timing possibly be worse? I believe not. Well, let's look on the positive side, should we? I have embraced the day! The whole day, not only the part from 12.00 and out.

Ah, yes, by the way? Guess who's sleeping now? Hope. After this situation, though, I changed her name to Hopeless. If there's one thing I like about her is that her name can easily be changed when she is indeed.. Hopeless.

Have a great day, everyone, and be sure to embrace it as I did.

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