Saturday 3 October 2009

Yesterdays metalevents...

So yesterday I attended a "South of Heaven" event in Oslo. The bands playing were Vreid, Iskald, Emancer, Violated, The Batallion & In Vain. Gonna give a small review :) .. review might be the wrong word.. I'll just tell abit about it.. Ye.. :P

First ouuuut.. Violated. We didn't find the concertplace that easily, so we arrived a bit too late to get the whole concert, but we got 3 songs or so, and it was CATCHYYY. I had no knowledge of this band before this concert, but I'm very tempted to check it out. It was nice ;)

Emancer next, and it was cool. Not awesome, but it was not bad ;) I'm extremely happy that they played Cunning Vital Guardian! Awesome song.

I listened to In Vain for the first time two days before the concert, and I liked it. It actually sounded damn good to me, so I was a bit exited. But for me the concert wasn't that exiting...

The Batallion was really present, and really good as a live band! Too bad their music is boring. At the first song you thought "Hmm, this is catchy! Nice song!".. at the next song you thought ".. ye.. cool.", at the rest of the songs you had the feeling you heard everything in the two first songs - unfortunatley. If their music'd be great, then the band would come far. Awesome live-show!

The next band up was Iskald, and they were rockin. I really, really, really would love it if they had played "Shades of Misery", but they did not. They played Daa Gjallarhorn Song, though, and that was the highlight of the concert ;)

Vreid. Ahh. What a gig, great variety of songs, they played from every album. They are a superb liveband, period.

There was this one lil' thing though, that kinda ruined the concert for me, and this is.. An asshole. A huge asshole. A lil story about a big asshole:

The introsong of Vreid is starting, I have a good place, everyone chills, no pressing. It's nice. Right before the band starts playing an asshole runs fast into the fence, to be able to push himself into an already filled front row. He gets space. I get squeezed. He holds a beer in his left hand, I'm on his left side. He thinks it's a good idea to headbang and show metalhorns holding a beer. Sure. 0,5 liter beer all over me. And every fucking time he raises his hands (= all the time) he mashes me hard when he puts them down again (I have bluemarks..). He also found it nice to hit me in the face sometimes with his uncontrolled drunk-arms. He was so darned drunk he couldn't control bodyparts. Other than hitting and stuff he wanted to take his hands around my shoulders and "headbang with me" sometimes. Fear enough, can be cosy and nice (when it's not assholes...), but that friggin bastard took a firm grip on the back of my NECK and held hard. This is the part where I hit him. Nice that he almost strangles me, the bastard. Every single time the bastard stepped on me, hit me, spilled beer on me etc I wanted SO bad to kick him in his mandarines. I was never so close to hitting someone.

And I know, I know. "What do you expect when you're in the first row on a metalconcert?"

Believe me, I know what I can expect. I've been to over 100 metalconcerts, and of course they are drunk, of course they are brutal. But not once did a dude do this, most people have a decent behaviour. Most people have brains? This dude was just stupid. You should have seen him with the photographers, every single one he hit on the shoulders probably 10 times cause he wanted them to take photos of him. Comeon, you're a soking drunk, annoying, unattractive metalhead, who wants photos of that anyway? I'm glad I could enjoy the concert even with this &%¤¤%""%/ there.

If you read this, asshole. Drink less next time, you act like a prick.
If you read this, Vreid. Great concert!! Go on like this.
If you read this, random person: I'm sorry for sounding like a whiny bitch.

Tudeliu, and watch Vreid if you get the chance ;) 

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