Wednesday 10 June 2009

10 things you should not do...

This is for the people who out there who understands German, even though you can probably get the fun it some of it even though you don't understand what they are saying... Enjoy : D

10 things you should not do...

...when you are at the mens room: your first day at your new work:

...when you are in the elevator:

... when you get caught cheating:

I laughed. Hard. Have fun : D


  1. ...HAhah.. I'm glad I'm NOT the one who's going to clean those toilets! X3
    and the work dude was just.... "facepalm"
    and, I liked the madonna parody xD
    and... the dude sort of looked like David Tennant.. O.o LOL!..(lol in silence since people here has gone to bed already.. :P )

  2. Hereeeguuud, eg elska dissa:D Spesielt den på guttedoen. : D : D

    Btw: Kan du fikse sånn at eg kan kommentere med navn og nettadresse?:p


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