I just had a great Christmas celebration in Northern Norway with my mother, my stepfather, my boyfriend and my oldest younger brother, and for the first time ever I met his son. This, of course led to my mother telling stories about what my brother and I did as kids, and at times this was indeed very funny.
My brother, when he was small, he was quite the flirt, or should we say perv? Once when we were in church, he cannot have been older than two years old. He impulsively kissed a stranger in the church, an old women that we didn't really know right on the mouth. She was totally flattered, and from that day on she always sent us flowers in Christmas. Some years later, he was probably around four, he flew for the first time. There were a couple of drunk guys sitting right next to us. Someone touched the stewardesses ass, as she turned to tell the drunk men to stop it, she saw my little brother, with a smile from ear to ear, staring at her in admiration, and she realized that the perv was a little bit younger this time. At this point she could not do other than laughing, saying that "well, you're starting early!". I bet stewardesses don't get felt up by kids every day...
I was the best big sister in the world, I pushed him down the concrete stairs, into a table, out of the bed. I took his bottle, drank all that was inside, and hit him in the head with it before giving it back. The number of stitches he had to sew cause of me is at least consisting of two digits.I would plan the crimes, I'd tell him what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. Organized Child Crime to tha bone. I'd tell him how he would be able to steal as many cookies as possible, without leaving a trace. How he would be able to cover up the broken vase, that I broke, of course. I used the poor guy as my own, personal, loyal slave. One time our babysitter was talking in the phone, or something, and we decided to eat some. He fetched the ingredients, I was standing guard. Eating is not illegal, the way we prepared the food, however... It can be discussed whether mixing corn flakes, milk, sugar, and jam on the wall to wall carpet was a good idea. We would say yes, our parents were more on the no-side. I bet the carpet still stinks like rotten milk.
One Christmas, when we were both quite small, my mother was going outside for a few minutes, she told us to NOT play with the Christmas tree. We replied "yes muuum", and she went. What was the first thing we did? Make one guess. The sight awaiting my mother when returning was two children decorated with one Christmas tree. One could barely be seen, as the tree was covering him completely, while the other was shown partly. Kid number one screamed in full panic, while kid number two (being me, the evil one) had a very confusing, and even more guilty, look in its face.
At a certain age my brother had the bad habit of waking up in the middle of the night and watch telly, grab a bite, whatever he felt like.It is not a secret that this was not very popular among my parents. One night he woke up in the middle of the night to get something to eat. He snuck into the kitchen, cut a slice of bread, put on strawberry jam, and was about to eat as he heard our father wake up to go to the toilet. My father is rather bad tempered, so my brother did what he had to do to not get caught. In full panic he ran towards his room, realizing that he had to get rid of the evidence, so he threw the slice of bread the first and best place he found, namely in my fathers shoes. Bad tempered father + strawberry jam and slice of bread in shoe = damn hilarious, believe me.
Oh, the good old times.
Shit. I'm getting old.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
All the things you think you know...
And here I thought North Korea was actually North of South Korea.
Fetched here
Thank God that the news cleared that up for me! :D
Fetched here
Thank God that the news cleared that up for me! :D
Monday, 22 November 2010
A treat
A small treat for those of you eager to read something touching*, sad*, and beautiful*. It will take maximum 5 minutes of your time, and it is worth every minute. I am probably stating the obvious here, but you'll have to zoom when entering the link.
Click here
I cried*. Truth.
*Please note that this blog-post is written by someone totally over-sentimental, reactions may differ.
Click here
I cried*. Truth.
*Please note that this blog-post is written by someone totally over-sentimental, reactions may differ.
Sunday, 21 November 2010
What I want for Christmas
We (my boyfriend and I) just ordered tickets to Northern-Norway for Christmas! I'm almost dancing of happiness cause of several reasons, the biggest reason of all is that I'm meeting my mum again, yaay! When studying abroad it is quite limited how often I can do that, so it is indeed great. And last year I was in Germany, so no delicious Norwegian Christmas-food for me, double-yaay! (Don't get me wrong though, Germany in Christmas is gorgeous and lovely and great as well, but well, without my family..)
So, anyway, I've been thinking, and I found out what I want for Christmas. And this wish is indeed what I want the most, if I get it I do not need anything else (ok, lie. If you try to take the Norwegian Christmas-food from me, I swear to God/whatever is up there, that you will regret it) at all. So, ready? Unfortunately there is nobody who can actually make this wish come true, except for Mother Earth, and I don't think she's the kind to just give strangers what they want, so if anybody knows her.. Would you be so kind to ask her nicely? I'll give you money, hugs, I'll be your slave for a year, whatever you prefer.
So, what I want for Christmas, more than anything in the whole wide world, is this:
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/walkadog/3389058334/
And I want it because I want my boyfriend to experience this fantastic phenomenon! So no, it is not for me, this is an unselfish wish (to a certain degree, I mean, it's not like I will sit inside and stare in the wall if I do indeed get my wish fulfilled.) and I cannot think about anything else that would make me more happy. Truth.
Please Mother Earth, please people who knows Mother Earth, grant me this wish. I was a good girl this year, and my boyfriend deserves it. Reason enough? I think so.
So, anyway, I've been thinking, and I found out what I want for Christmas. And this wish is indeed what I want the most, if I get it I do not need anything else (ok, lie. If you try to take the Norwegian Christmas-food from me, I swear to God/whatever is up there, that you will regret it) at all. So, ready? Unfortunately there is nobody who can actually make this wish come true, except for Mother Earth, and I don't think she's the kind to just give strangers what they want, so if anybody knows her.. Would you be so kind to ask her nicely? I'll give you money, hugs, I'll be your slave for a year, whatever you prefer.
So, what I want for Christmas, more than anything in the whole wide world, is this:
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/walkadog/3389058334/
And I want it because I want my boyfriend to experience this fantastic phenomenon! So no, it is not for me, this is an unselfish wish (to a certain degree, I mean, it's not like I will sit inside and stare in the wall if I do indeed get my wish fulfilled.) and I cannot think about anything else that would make me more happy. Truth.
Please Mother Earth, please people who knows Mother Earth, grant me this wish. I was a good girl this year, and my boyfriend deserves it. Reason enough? I think so.
northern light
Saturday, 6 November 2010
My boyfriend comes from Bavaria
In the process of getting to know people, there are always certain questions that always turns up. A dialogue could be something like this...
Where are you from?
I'm from Norway
Why are you studying in Germany then?
(long answer, irrelevant for blog-post)
Where do you live?
(no, rapists out there, this info I will not give you)
Huh?? You live with your boyfriend?
Yes, I do.
How did you meet?
(long answer, irrelevant for blog-post)
Is he from Leipzig?
No, he is just studying here.
Where then?
He's from Bavaria.
Believe me, the "oh" is always followed by a very awkward, silent moment. And sure, I get it. Bavaria equals fat guys in Lederhosen drinking litres and litres of beer, right? Speaking a dialect of German that no Germans really understands. So, the guy who brought my heart, and therefore me, to Germany looks like this:
Picture from here.
This is why I understand the awkward, silent moment. Cause in the minds of whoever asked me the questions, thoughts are wandering around, and all of them officially declares me as crazy. I'll be the one with the stamp in the forehead saying "I left my home-country for a fat guy in Lederhosen".
So, it has come to a point where I always have to throw in a sentence after saying that he's from Bavaria. But he's not all weird! Really! I do not think anyone believes me. I actually think saying he's from Yemen would bring less reactions. Crazy.
Next time somebody asks, he's from Frankfurt : D You know, I'm a lazy soul, so this is strictly to save me from the argue, and the awkward moments. Who likes those anyway?
Have a nice evening :)
Where are you from?
I'm from Norway
Why are you studying in Germany then?
(long answer, irrelevant for blog-post)
Where do you live?
(no, rapists out there, this info I will not give you)
Huh?? You live with your boyfriend?
Yes, I do.
How did you meet?
(long answer, irrelevant for blog-post)
Is he from Leipzig?
No, he is just studying here.
Where then?
He's from Bavaria.
Believe me, the "oh" is always followed by a very awkward, silent moment. And sure, I get it. Bavaria equals fat guys in Lederhosen drinking litres and litres of beer, right? Speaking a dialect of German that no Germans really understands. So, the guy who brought my heart, and therefore me, to Germany looks like this:
Picture from here.
This is why I understand the awkward, silent moment. Cause in the minds of whoever asked me the questions, thoughts are wandering around, and all of them officially declares me as crazy. I'll be the one with the stamp in the forehead saying "I left my home-country for a fat guy in Lederhosen".
So, it has come to a point where I always have to throw in a sentence after saying that he's from Bavaria. But he's not all weird! Really! I do not think anyone believes me. I actually think saying he's from Yemen would bring less reactions. Crazy.
Next time somebody asks, he's from Frankfurt : D You know, I'm a lazy soul, so this is strictly to save me from the argue, and the awkward moments. Who likes those anyway?
Have a nice evening :)
life in Germany
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
"How's your German"?
When talking to friends and family from Norway there are always some questions that gets asked over and over again. How are you? How's uni? How do you like it in Germany? I'm fine, uni is awesome, and I love Germany. Then there's a last question. How's your German?. Not fine, not awesome, and certainly not lovable. So this question is harder to answer. Of course they are curious, how fast does it get better? Does it even get better at all?
Of course when living in Germany, you are forced to speak German in many situations, at the store, at the bakery, when buying food, etc, etc. I've learnt that with some simple phrases you come far. "Ist hier noch frei?", "Stimmt so", "Danke, Ihnen auch", or for the slightly more pushy Germans, and with these I mean the ones wandering around at the main-station inventing one crappy lie after another, to get a Euro or 100 from you. ("Ich brauche Geld, sodass ich meinen Frosch im Krankenhaus besuchen kann"). Be rough, people, be rough. "Von mir kriegst du nichts, verschwinde!".
Unfortunately (and yes, this is unfortunate) I have many opportunities to escape from German, after all I'm studying English, all the fellow-students are fully capable of understanding if I ask them questions in English. It would be better if I would use a huge sign in the forehead saying "Reden Sie auf keinen Fall Englisch mit mir!", so that I would be 100% forced to talk German, always. I guess this is a question of self-discipline, really.
I suppose I should try to answer the question though. My German is getting better, and it would get better whether I wanted it or not. It is impossible not to pick up words and phrases when you have German around you 24/7, and that is good. It's one of the main reasons why I'm here anyway. So I'm looking forward to see my own German bloom, I'm hoping that I'll speak German fluently by the time I'll have my bachelor. We'll see that in three years, won't we?
Guten Abend ^__^
Of course when living in Germany, you are forced to speak German in many situations, at the store, at the bakery, when buying food, etc, etc. I've learnt that with some simple phrases you come far. "Ist hier noch frei?", "Stimmt so", "Danke, Ihnen auch", or for the slightly more pushy Germans, and with these I mean the ones wandering around at the main-station inventing one crappy lie after another, to get a Euro or 100 from you. ("Ich brauche Geld, sodass ich meinen Frosch im Krankenhaus besuchen kann"). Be rough, people, be rough. "Von mir kriegst du nichts, verschwinde!".
Unfortunately (and yes, this is unfortunate) I have many opportunities to escape from German, after all I'm studying English, all the fellow-students are fully capable of understanding if I ask them questions in English. It would be better if I would use a huge sign in the forehead saying "Reden Sie auf keinen Fall Englisch mit mir!", so that I would be 100% forced to talk German, always. I guess this is a question of self-discipline, really.
I suppose I should try to answer the question though. My German is getting better, and it would get better whether I wanted it or not. It is impossible not to pick up words and phrases when you have German around you 24/7, and that is good. It's one of the main reasons why I'm here anyway. So I'm looking forward to see my own German bloom, I'm hoping that I'll speak German fluently by the time I'll have my bachelor. We'll see that in three years, won't we?
Guten Abend ^__^
life in Germany
Saturday, 23 October 2010
I did not lie
I tried to convince you last time that I'm still alive, and when posting soo rarely, I bet all my blog-posts will have to do that. Last time was 1,5 months ago, and in this big period of time, I might just has well been run over by a tractor, or eaten by a horde of bloodthirsty birds, you'll never know. But apart from perhaps feeeling half-dead cause of the amount of things to do at the university, I'm alive and kickin' like a frog on speed.
So, a lot of important, life-changing things happened since last time I said hello. I cut my nails at least 5 times, I bought a pair of new jeans, I cut off half my fingertip while making dinner. As you can see all these things are clearly very important matters that I will indeed think about when lying on my deathbed. Ok, back to reality. I live in Germany now. Yep, in the country of Bier and Lederhosen, (no, I'm not living in Bavaria, but they are funnier to make fun of anyway.). I live in gorgeous Leipzig, and loving it! The city is gorgeous, the university is gorgeous, and our apartment is gorgeous! Pictures will come (when I have time, a small Christmas-present perhaps?).
Maybe you forgive me for not writing often when you see all I've done? :) Moving, buying furniture, building the furniture that we've bought, fixing all kinds of official papers, fixing cable-tv (and this is for Kabel Deutschland: #%@(%& ))#&(!)! !!!!!), internet, electricity, and of course I had a lot of lost cuddling to do (and with this I won't be done before I have my bachelor..). So, just to convince you once more, I am alive, and I'll try to post more often here.
So, see you around, and hopefully before Christmas : D
So, a lot of important, life-changing things happened since last time I said hello. I cut my nails at least 5 times, I bought a pair of new jeans, I cut off half my fingertip while making dinner. As you can see all these things are clearly very important matters that I will indeed think about when lying on my deathbed. Ok, back to reality. I live in Germany now. Yep, in the country of Bier and Lederhosen, (no, I'm not living in Bavaria, but they are funnier to make fun of anyway.). I live in gorgeous Leipzig, and loving it! The city is gorgeous, the university is gorgeous, and our apartment is gorgeous! Pictures will come (when I have time, a small Christmas-present perhaps?).
Maybe you forgive me for not writing often when you see all I've done? :) Moving, buying furniture, building the furniture that we've bought, fixing all kinds of official papers, fixing cable-tv (and this is for Kabel Deutschland: #%@(%& ))#&(!)! !!!!!), internet, electricity, and of course I had a lot of lost cuddling to do (and with this I won't be done before I have my bachelor..). So, just to convince you once more, I am alive, and I'll try to post more often here.
So, see you around, and hopefully before Christmas : D
life in Germany
Friday, 3 September 2010
Yes, she´s alive.
Truth, though I understand that you can't quite believe it. I was kinda busy lately dealing with angry customers at work, and stressing. Alot. See, the last months was the months where I was constantly nervous about the future. Would Uni Leipzig accept me? And what on earth would I do if not?
But, ladies and gentlemen, I hereby announce that I am in Germany, searching for an apartment. So yes, they accepted me. (and I don't think I'll ever realize it). So now I can start worrying about what the hell I got myself into? Studies in German? My, my, my..... But, let's all suppose I will actually survive this, and that all the cosy Germans wont think that I'm something that is quite close to braindead.
Wish me luck! :-)
But, ladies and gentlemen, I hereby announce that I am in Germany, searching for an apartment. So yes, they accepted me. (and I don't think I'll ever realize it). So now I can start worrying about what the hell I got myself into? Studies in German? My, my, my..... But, let's all suppose I will actually survive this, and that all the cosy Germans wont think that I'm something that is quite close to braindead.
Wish me luck! :-)
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
It's official - I rock
In German, this is. You know the exams I took 6 weeks ago? German? Well, ladies and gentlemen, I got the result. And I am officially good in German, I can officially read, hear, write and talk German at a level that is needed to study in Germany. It's a number, on a paper, a number that tells whoever looks at this (and really, who does except from me, maybe parents, some friends I force it upon, and the Universities I apply to?) that I, yours truly, rock. Of course I wanted to blog about this the second I got to know it, but.. uhm.. I was busy, you know, partying all night, and soaking my brains out. (in a world where "party" means "sleep", and "soaking my brains out" means something like.. snoring. Yes, I know, I'm so graceful).
When someone now asks me if I "speak German" I can, with my hand on my heart, say yes. If this lil' bastard would doubt me I always have the diploma to shove in his/her/its face. Oh, the never-ending joy!
I rock this much:
Oh yes!
Thaaat's right!
Sounds like a plan? Hell, it's a plan. Have a great evening, everyone!
When someone now asks me if I "speak German" I can, with my hand on my heart, say yes. If this lil' bastard would doubt me I always have the diploma to shove in his/her/its face. Oh, the never-ending joy!
I rock this much:
LESEVERSTEHEN TDN 4 Kann geschriebene Texte aus dem studienbezogenen Alltag sowie Texte zu fächerübergreifenden wissenschaftlichen Themen, deren Struktur sich an der Allgemeinsprache orientiert, in ihrem Gesamtzusammenhang und in ihren Einzelheiten verstehen.
Oh yes!
HÖRVERSTEHEN TDN 4 Kann gesprochene Texte aus dem studienbezogenen Alltag sowie Texte zu fächerübergreifenden wissenschaftlichen Themen, deren Struktur sich an der Allgemeinsprache orientiert, in ihren wesentlichen Aussagen verstehen.
SCHRIFTLICHER AUSDRUCK TDN 4 Kann sich in studienbezogenen Alltagssituationen (u. a. Bericht für Stipendiengeber) sowie im fächerübergreifenden wissenschaftlichen Kontext (u. a. Protokolle, Thesenpapiere) weitgehend zusammenhängend und strukturiert sowie weitgehend angemessen äußern; sprachliche Mängel beeinträchtigen das Textverständnis nicht.
Thaaat's right!
Now, honestly, I bet you left the page before coming here, cause I'm so full of myself that the half would be plenty, but.. Let's say I am allowed to.. once.. a year? Deal? (twice a year if Universität Leipzig accepts me.)
MÜNDLICHER AUSDRUCK TDN 4 Kann sich in studienbezogenen Alltagssituationen (u. a. Immatrikulation, Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung) sowie im fächerübergreifenden wissenschaftlichen Kontext (u. a. gesellschaftspolitische Diskussionen) weitgehend situationsangemessen mündlich äußern, sprachliche Mängel beeinträchtigen die Kommunikation nicht.
Sounds like a plan? Hell, it's a plan. Have a great evening, everyone!
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Not that big on shopping
But sometimes a girl just gets drawn to a special piece of clothing, you know what I mean, nay?
Well, as you probably understood, this now happened to me. And I figured I'd share it with the rest of the world, somehow I'm not big on sharing, but this... it's too beautiful to keep to myself. Take a firm grip on your desk/chair/tree/whatever you find good, and look at this.
Ladies and transvestites, I give you...
Hood Thong!
How many times did you put on a thong and think "damn, why doesn't this thing have a hood on". Exactly, right? You can't even count. It's like God is a marvellous designer that sent us this gift from heaven. Thank you God.
Well, as you probably understood, this now happened to me. And I figured I'd share it with the rest of the world, somehow I'm not big on sharing, but this... it's too beautiful to keep to myself. Take a firm grip on your desk/chair/tree/whatever you find good, and look at this.
Ladies and transvestites, I give you...
Hood Thong!
How many times did you put on a thong and think "damn, why doesn't this thing have a hood on". Exactly, right? You can't even count. It's like God is a marvellous designer that sent us this gift from heaven. Thank you God.
Sunday, 13 June 2010
This weekend was the two-year anniversary with my boyfriend, it was yesterday, and it was the greatest day ever. This, cause my boyfriend flew in from Germany to meet me this weekend. However, it wasn't only red roses and [insert clichès]. I might have been put into more stress than I can handle in one weekend. It started on Friday, listen to this.
I wake up, shower, and go down to the living-room to watch some news before getting off to work. The first thing I hear, is that it will be strike in airports, some will close. Note that Friday was the day my love was flying in. So, as you can imagine, I get kinda stressed out. My love comes visit for our two-year anniversary weekend, and strike in the world of the planes. Woho! Day can't start better, or? Work goes rather slow, and I would lie if I said that I didn't think of it every second of the day. But, good news! As I come back and watch the news, it turns out that the airport he is flying to won't feel anything from this strike, so he's coming after all, ne?
Some hours later my boyfriend is going to the train-station in Germany, to get his cute ass to Berlin and the airport. I wait for an SMS confirming that he got on the train, and everything is good. My phone beeps, and I take up the phone already smiling, cause I knew he'd be getting closer every second. But no. The train was 80 minutes late. Eighty minutes! This would result in him probably not reaching the flight, and after crying my eyes out sending smses, receiving smses, I kinda gave up... It was too good to be true after all.
An SMS ticks in, and the crows in my tummy really hurt. But it's good news. Deutsche Bahn sets up a taxi to the airport (almost 200 km), and the chance that he'll reach it is a lot bigger than 10 seconds ago. So hope comes back, and I sit darned nervous for hours, until it finally ticks in that he reached it. Needless to say, it was never better getting to see him again.
Today, about 1 hour ago, he had to get to the airport nearby, so he could get back to Germany again. My aunt drives us to the airport, and before we come on the motorway, we see that the traffic is going awfully slow. In the roundabout before entering the motorway we observe that no traffic is moving. It's still, completely still. It was no way at all that we would get anywhere. So my aunt took another way, hoping it would matter. We were already running late, and the fact that the road was kinda not functioning didn't make it better. So we had to take a detour, my aunt even called "experts" to hear where we could drive to actually reach it. At a certain point we do arrive at the airport (not exactly early, I should add). I rushed my boyfriend to the security-check and really hoped everything would be fine. Some minutes later he sends me a text-message saying that he just reached it, they were about to close the gate.
I think both of us experienced more stress this weekend, than ever. Of course I don't care now that I was closer to heartattacks than ever before, since I had one of the best weekends in my life. It was worth all the worries, and all the stress. Maybe my heart begs to differ, luckily it can't type. Thank you to my boyfriend for being the veryvery best, and thank you to whatever is sitting in heaven and pointing with fingers, for giving us luck in the bad luck.
Now I really need to relax my head. Tudelu!
I wake up, shower, and go down to the living-room to watch some news before getting off to work. The first thing I hear, is that it will be strike in airports, some will close. Note that Friday was the day my love was flying in. So, as you can imagine, I get kinda stressed out. My love comes visit for our two-year anniversary weekend, and strike in the world of the planes. Woho! Day can't start better, or? Work goes rather slow, and I would lie if I said that I didn't think of it every second of the day. But, good news! As I come back and watch the news, it turns out that the airport he is flying to won't feel anything from this strike, so he's coming after all, ne?
Some hours later my boyfriend is going to the train-station in Germany, to get his cute ass to Berlin and the airport. I wait for an SMS confirming that he got on the train, and everything is good. My phone beeps, and I take up the phone already smiling, cause I knew he'd be getting closer every second. But no. The train was 80 minutes late. Eighty minutes! This would result in him probably not reaching the flight, and after crying my eyes out sending smses, receiving smses, I kinda gave up... It was too good to be true after all.
An SMS ticks in, and the crows in my tummy really hurt. But it's good news. Deutsche Bahn sets up a taxi to the airport (almost 200 km), and the chance that he'll reach it is a lot bigger than 10 seconds ago. So hope comes back, and I sit darned nervous for hours, until it finally ticks in that he reached it. Needless to say, it was never better getting to see him again.
Today, about 1 hour ago, he had to get to the airport nearby, so he could get back to Germany again. My aunt drives us to the airport, and before we come on the motorway, we see that the traffic is going awfully slow. In the roundabout before entering the motorway we observe that no traffic is moving. It's still, completely still. It was no way at all that we would get anywhere. So my aunt took another way, hoping it would matter. We were already running late, and the fact that the road was kinda not functioning didn't make it better. So we had to take a detour, my aunt even called "experts" to hear where we could drive to actually reach it. At a certain point we do arrive at the airport (not exactly early, I should add). I rushed my boyfriend to the security-check and really hoped everything would be fine. Some minutes later he sends me a text-message saying that he just reached it, they were about to close the gate.
I think both of us experienced more stress this weekend, than ever. Of course I don't care now that I was closer to heartattacks than ever before, since I had one of the best weekends in my life. It was worth all the worries, and all the stress. Maybe my heart begs to differ, luckily it can't type. Thank you to my boyfriend for being the veryvery best, and thank you to whatever is sitting in heaven and pointing with fingers, for giving us luck in the bad luck.
Now I really need to relax my head. Tudelu!
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
On my pink cloud
Not metal, but black clouds are full of rain, and rain is shit. So I guess it will remain pink.
I did it, peeps! I fulfilled the TestDaF, I did it! And I did it with style... my own twisted one anyway. I cannot explain how good it feels now, and even though I thought I did really poopy on the oral part, I got a small comment that changed my mind.
The exam-guard, or whatever they are, started chit-chatting when I was done with the exam, and she really flattered me in so many ways. So she talked a lil about the test, that they look more if I understand things, and manage to ask questions, and form sentences, rather than picking out small mistakes, then she said out of nowhere, that "you grew up with German, right". I asked whooot, she said "your mother or father is German?". I was like nooo, and then she looked impressed, telling me that I did very good then. HELLO WORLD! A German woman thought I grew up with German around me all the time. How big is that compliment? Exactly, huge. So, see you around as soon as I landed from this cloud of mine, I'm afraid it's not that good internet connection up here!
Tudelu then!
I did it, peeps! I fulfilled the TestDaF, I did it! And I did it with style... my own twisted one anyway. I cannot explain how good it feels now, and even though I thought I did really poopy on the oral part, I got a small comment that changed my mind.
The exam-guard, or whatever they are, started chit-chatting when I was done with the exam, and she really flattered me in so many ways. So she talked a lil about the test, that they look more if I understand things, and manage to ask questions, and form sentences, rather than picking out small mistakes, then she said out of nowhere, that "you grew up with German, right". I asked whooot, she said "your mother or father is German?". I was like nooo, and then she looked impressed, telling me that I did very good then. HELLO WORLD! A German woman thought I grew up with German around me all the time. How big is that compliment? Exactly, huge. So, see you around as soon as I landed from this cloud of mine, I'm afraid it's not that good internet connection up here!
Tudelu then!
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Good mornin'
Na, up for some of my stupidity? If not, then tudelu and see you later, if, then read the following:
To understand this, you need a look at my daily routines:
6.30 waking up
7.00 walking to bus
7.15 bus leaves
Na, after being in dreamland my eyes opened at XX.56. This would give me four minutes to get ready, before walking to the bus. As you can imagine, I was rather stressed out. I'm not the person that shows up too late for work, I just aint. So, with a incredible speed, and multitasking from heaven, I was out the door by XY.02. This was good, I would reach the bus now. But when finding out the current time, I had to double-check the clock, something just wasn't right.
And it was wrong, oh, so wrong. As you probably already predicted XX and XY is not, which I would prefer it 6 and 7. Rather.. 5 and 6. Ladies and gentlemen, today I "overslept" one hour too early. In a normal (lovely) world, I would have slept for half an hour longer, but look, I even write a blog before going to work! Kudos for getting ready in 6 minutes, though? I'm the speed-queen!
Have a great day everyone! I know the people I live with got the best start ever, bet they'll laugh the whole day. Ah, I love being the spreader of joy.
To understand this, you need a look at my daily routines:
6.30 waking up
7.00 walking to bus
7.15 bus leaves
Na, after being in dreamland my eyes opened at XX.56. This would give me four minutes to get ready, before walking to the bus. As you can imagine, I was rather stressed out. I'm not the person that shows up too late for work, I just aint. So, with a incredible speed, and multitasking from heaven, I was out the door by XY.02. This was good, I would reach the bus now. But when finding out the current time, I had to double-check the clock, something just wasn't right.
And it was wrong, oh, so wrong. As you probably already predicted XX and XY is not, which I would prefer it 6 and 7. Rather.. 5 and 6. Ladies and gentlemen, today I "overslept" one hour too early. In a normal (lovely) world, I would have slept for half an hour longer, but look, I even write a blog before going to work! Kudos for getting ready in 6 minutes, though? I'm the speed-queen!
Have a great day everyone! I know the people I live with got the best start ever, bet they'll laugh the whole day. Ah, I love being the spreader of joy.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Upper age-limit for owning a cell-phone?
People are weird. Just as easy as that, people are weird.
For those of you who doesn't know yet, I currently work in a call-centre for a Norwegian phone-company, one day more interesting than the next. This was the most interesting customer of the day:
Today I got a customer who was born in the 1920ies. Yes, truth. And this woman, she spoke to some other dude before, let's call him Alexander. The five first minutes of the conversation she really wanted to speak to this Alexander, I explained her no, but she kept on asking. Eventually I got to know her problem, so that I could help her. Ready?
Alexander had promised her an easy deal, he would order the phone for her, and it would come in the mail. She's an old woman, she wants everything served on a silver plate. Nothing more complicated than that. So he got her a phone, promising it would be easy for her, and she called in again cause it turned out it wasn't easy at all. This was her problems. "I got papers in the mail, there are so many, what do I do. There are codes on them, do I need to enter the code every time I turn on the phone?". (Warning: If you don't want to see the selfish side of me, then please skip the next lines. Thank you!). I came in a position where I had think hard, really hard, on what was easiest to explain. Was it a smart move to try to explain her that she could change the settings on her phone, so that she did no longer have to enter PIN, or would it be better if I... twisted the truth, and told her it's best that way, best with pin-codes. Her (lack of) technical abilities will shine later in this blog-post.
Problem number two "I got a small.. thing... I don't know where to put it.". This thing turned out to be a sim-card, ladies and gentlemen. Now, as I tried to go through the whole process together with her, it turns out she doesn't understand my dialect. She informs me of this first after I gave her the whole instruction. I talk slowly, and try again. But it's like she doesn't wanna understand.
I fastly find out how impossible it is to tell her how to do it. Impossible. I bet she didn't even know what's up or down on the phone, and don't even get me started on front vs back. So (without backthoughts, I promise, I promise!!) I explain her very slowly, and very clearly that she should take it to an electronic store, so they could show her.
I didn't get anywhere with this woman., to be honest. Eventually she just hung up, no matter how many times I tried to explain her (in an easy and understandable way) what to do, and how to do it. My condolences to who gets her next time. And good luck!
Upper age-limit for owning a cell-phone? Would make my job hellofalot easier, at least!
For those of you who doesn't know yet, I currently work in a call-centre for a Norwegian phone-company, one day more interesting than the next. This was the most interesting customer of the day:
Today I got a customer who was born in the 1920ies. Yes, truth. And this woman, she spoke to some other dude before, let's call him Alexander. The five first minutes of the conversation she really wanted to speak to this Alexander, I explained her no, but she kept on asking. Eventually I got to know her problem, so that I could help her. Ready?
Alexander had promised her an easy deal, he would order the phone for her, and it would come in the mail. She's an old woman, she wants everything served on a silver plate. Nothing more complicated than that. So he got her a phone, promising it would be easy for her, and she called in again cause it turned out it wasn't easy at all. This was her problems. "I got papers in the mail, there are so many, what do I do. There are codes on them, do I need to enter the code every time I turn on the phone?". (Warning: If you don't want to see the selfish side of me, then please skip the next lines. Thank you!). I came in a position where I had think hard, really hard, on what was easiest to explain. Was it a smart move to try to explain her that she could change the settings on her phone, so that she did no longer have to enter PIN, or would it be better if I... twisted the truth, and told her it's best that way, best with pin-codes. Her (lack of) technical abilities will shine later in this blog-post.
Problem number two "I got a small.. thing... I don't know where to put it.". This thing turned out to be a sim-card, ladies and gentlemen. Now, as I tried to go through the whole process together with her, it turns out she doesn't understand my dialect. She informs me of this first after I gave her the whole instruction. I talk slowly, and try again. But it's like she doesn't wanna understand.
I fastly find out how impossible it is to tell her how to do it. Impossible. I bet she didn't even know what's up or down on the phone, and don't even get me started on front vs back. So (without backthoughts, I promise, I promise!!) I explain her very slowly, and very clearly that she should take it to an electronic store, so they could show her.
I didn't get anywhere with this woman., to be honest. Eventually she just hung up, no matter how many times I tried to explain her (in an easy and understandable way) what to do, and how to do it. My condolences to who gets her next time. And good luck!
Upper age-limit for owning a cell-phone? Would make my job hellofalot easier, at least!
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Go Lena!
My dignity might disappear now, but it can be the same.
Eurovision Song Contest is today, and I am gonna vote for Lena, who I previously also blogged about. I dig her, and I really, really hope she wins.
Eurovision Song Contest is today, and I am gonna vote for Lena, who I previously also blogged about. I dig her, and I really, really hope she wins.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Hello all
The reason why I haven't blogged my ass off lately is firstly cause I happen to need my ass, but also because yours truly just started work. Truth, I am no longer a full-time bum, I am now working in a Call-centre for a Norwegian phone company, Tele2. No, not the one that calls out annoying the hell of people, not a phone-seller, I work in customer-service helping people with the problems they might have. And, even though I wouldn't think so before starting, I love the job. Well, so far it was more learning than doing, but I was out there taking phones, and I don't find it bad at all. One thing though, is that you need to learn so goddamn much! Some computer-programs are reaaaally bad.
Anyway, just wanted to poke you and say that I'm alive. So. Consider this text a poke.
Anyway, just wanted to poke you and say that I'm alive. So. Consider this text a poke.
Friday, 14 May 2010
I'm fed up
Of trying the whole friggin' morning to try to get a "read more" thingie on my blogs. According to blogger it`s easy as pie, just press the button and wuhu.
Well, blogger, it ain`t working, and you're really playing with my small dash of last patience. So if anyone out there knows how to make this stupid thing work, please help me. Like, pretty please, you don't wanna see me angry, and one more failed attempt to make this &%%#=!! work will do just that.
Thanks in advance, and just so you know, it's the best for everyone.
Well, blogger, it ain`t working, and you're really playing with my small dash of last patience. So if anyone out there knows how to make this stupid thing work, please help me. Like, pretty please, you don't wanna see me angry, and one more failed attempt to make this &%%#=!! work will do just that.
Thanks in advance, and just so you know, it's the best for everyone.
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Loved, forgotten and rediscovered #1
Leverage! A Finnish band I found trough the singer, that also sings in Brother Firetribe. I found Brother Firetribe through the guitarist, that also plays in Nightwish. I was a person who adored Finland and Finnish music, and I went through lots of trouble to not miss anything good! In 06 I listened to this band very much, I pre-ordered their CD from Finland, and from the day I got it and out the year my heart kinda belonged to this band. Then, for some reason, I almost forgot everything about them, until the day before yesterday. And the love is back. I can`t believe I forgot about these!
Now, since I only know their first album, Tides, it`s hard for me to talk about their two other albums. I can tell you though that what I heard from the other ones are great too. Tides, however, is world-class!. And the cover-art is superb as well, no?
So I`m gonna give you some songs to listen to, just know that it`s not easy for me to not give every single song, cause it`s truly a superb album. Their genre is (according to last.fm, I suck with genres) heavy metal/hard rock/melodic metal, and I guess it`s defining it good.
Oh, and by the way, for those of you who have Spotify, here`s the link to the album! For the others, I`ll give you some lovely lil` youtube-links ;)
Aand first off, my favourite (probably, this is of course very rude to all the other good songs, since they kinda all deserves to be called that. Anyway, to the song now!). Stranger, it`s a slow and beautiful and powerful song. I like the lyrics, and I love the guitar-solo. Enjoy!
Superstition. Catchy, catchy, catchy.
Dreamworld, almost the definition of catchy. WOW!
Follow Down that River, and I am afraid, my friends, that catchy won`t do anymore. It's too weak. And I mean the term "catchy", not the song. This was meant to you with a bit less than average between your ears. Now enjoy.
Maybe this will do? Not that I'm tired of this or anything, I could recommend music the whole day, but either you like the band by now, or you hate it. If you like it a small visit to youtube will do its trick, if you hate it (which you should not), I am releasing you from your pain. Oh yes, I'm a giver.
Now, hope some of you at least liked it! :) Cause the band ain't getting as much attention as they should, really. So support, support!
BTW: When I was done I really realized that I should have shown Twilight Symphony as well, it rawks. Search it up on youtube if you are interested!
loved forgotten and rediscovered,
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Spread your legs for take 1
Like.. a year ago I wrote a blog-post about Programs that makes you want to attack the TV. Basically shows the most stupid TV-concepts out there, in my head at least. However today there's something on telly that might just be worse than what I mentioned there. (Yes, I know you can't believe that, but hear me out!)
So, I do not find the English name of these series, (edit: found it: One Born Every Minute) but it is about women giving birth. You`ve gotta be preeetty horny for PR if you are willing to show your face whilst pressing out a baby on international television? Spread your legs, put on a face that shows true pain, let the water go, and let`s roll!
The day I will give birth to my first-born (who will be totally adorable, of course) I can assure you that nobody would be let in. Like, except from the doctor, and other people who belongs in the birthroom with me. The last people I would let in would be a full TV-team with cameramen, soundmen, etc, etc who the hell would want a microphone in the face when almost dying of pain? Not to speak of a camera between their legs?
I`m sure you feel at your best with the sweat dripping, the face read like a the-most-red-thing-you-can-think-of, I chose tomato. I just don`t get it, it`s gotta be other ways to get your attention? Try to make a GIGANTIC cake in your hometown and get in the local newspaper? Take up some sport nobody knows of, and that you`ll be best in in no-time, that ought to get you some attention as well. Hell, even attack your neighbour! But being so desperate that you willingly let someone film you when pressing out a lil monster? I don`t get it, I just don`t get it.
Another thing that bothers me, just a bit, is that you are sending this on telly, for all I know your name even comes up there (which I really don't hope for the sake of the people), what about paedophiles watching telly drooling over your new-born baby planning a disgusting rape? Hm?
However, though. I have to admit I lied. I said it`d be worse than the series in the previous entry, but... the truth is.. nothing is worse than Paradise Hotel. And I am saying this with screams of pain and tomatofaced women in the background. That should prove a point!
So, I do not find the English name of these series, (edit: found it: One Born Every Minute) but it is about women giving birth. You`ve gotta be preeetty horny for PR if you are willing to show your face whilst pressing out a baby on international television? Spread your legs, put on a face that shows true pain, let the water go, and let`s roll!
The day I will give birth to my first-born (who will be totally adorable, of course) I can assure you that nobody would be let in. Like, except from the doctor, and other people who belongs in the birthroom with me. The last people I would let in would be a full TV-team with cameramen, soundmen, etc, etc who the hell would want a microphone in the face when almost dying of pain? Not to speak of a camera between their legs?
I`m sure you feel at your best with the sweat dripping, the face read like a the-most-red-thing-you-can-think-of, I chose tomato. I just don`t get it, it`s gotta be other ways to get your attention? Try to make a GIGANTIC cake in your hometown and get in the local newspaper? Take up some sport nobody knows of, and that you`ll be best in in no-time, that ought to get you some attention as well. Hell, even attack your neighbour! But being so desperate that you willingly let someone film you when pressing out a lil monster? I don`t get it, I just don`t get it.
Another thing that bothers me, just a bit, is that you are sending this on telly, for all I know your name even comes up there (which I really don't hope for the sake of the people), what about paedophiles watching telly drooling over your new-born baby planning a disgusting rape? Hm?
However, though. I have to admit I lied. I said it`d be worse than the series in the previous entry, but... the truth is.. nothing is worse than Paradise Hotel. And I am saying this with screams of pain and tomatofaced women in the background. That should prove a point!
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
A little help?
I now am in a situation, that is.. rather stupid, if I might say so myself. The story is this: My pc died some weeks ago, and we delivered it for repair, since I am going to another part of the country rather soon, we discussed buying a mini-pc that I would have first, and then eventually my two small siblings would get it, as I got my old pc back, or we could do it so that I got the small pc. and my siblings got the big one. Nevertheless, we all counted on the pc being gone for months, as it always is. So, after a while, so yesterday, my dad bought this mini pc and brought it home to me. It`s an Acer Aspire 1410, and I really like it. It`s even got Windows 7 Home Premium, and it is adorable! It`s tiny, but not too tiny. What I really dislike with my old HP is that it`s huuuge and heavy, and everytime I have to take it somewhere I sigh loudly and get totally exhausted. What a monster.
Anyway, today, the day after he bought the mini-pc, my old pc is suddenly back from repair. And now I`m stuck with the choice, the new tiny, cute, adorable mini-pc (with Windows 7!:D) oor my good ol` HP? For those interested, the HP is called HP Pavillion Dv9000, and it`s 3 years old, and as new it was a pretty damn good pc, a pretty pricy one as well. It`s a widescreen, so basically a monster. But a monster that I got kinda found of.
The bad thing is, if I wanna play something, or edit photos, I understood that the mini-pc will suck and not be even a tiny bit good. But how often do I play? I can tell you that that aint often. And I am no pc expert, but pc experts always say, that using a mini-pc as your main pc can get kinda annoying? However, as I understood it this is a good mini-pc. Well, if anyone have good tips or strong opinions, please write, I really need advice here. God, what a luxury-problem, imagine the poor people in Africa that doesn`t even get food, and here I am complaining about having 2 PCs to chose between? Yep, I feel bad.
For the record: I travel more than the average person, I think, and therefore the small kinda appeals much to me. Imagine just fitting it in the purse. Sigh..
So, which would you chose?
Anyway, today, the day after he bought the mini-pc, my old pc is suddenly back from repair. And now I`m stuck with the choice, the new tiny, cute, adorable mini-pc (with Windows 7!:D) oor my good ol` HP? For those interested, the HP is called HP Pavillion Dv9000, and it`s 3 years old, and as new it was a pretty damn good pc, a pretty pricy one as well. It`s a widescreen, so basically a monster. But a monster that I got kinda found of.
The bad thing is, if I wanna play something, or edit photos, I understood that the mini-pc will suck and not be even a tiny bit good. But how often do I play? I can tell you that that aint often. And I am no pc expert, but pc experts always say, that using a mini-pc as your main pc can get kinda annoying? However, as I understood it this is a good mini-pc. Well, if anyone have good tips or strong opinions, please write, I really need advice here. God, what a luxury-problem, imagine the poor people in Africa that doesn`t even get food, and here I am complaining about having 2 PCs to chose between? Yep, I feel bad.
For the record: I travel more than the average person, I think, and therefore the small kinda appeals much to me. Imagine just fitting it in the purse. Sigh..
So, which would you chose?
Top five live
So, figured I`d tell you all which bands you should almost kill to get to see, cause they are so incredibly awesome live that you go around in dreamlands for weeks (months? years) after the concert. When possible I`ll also add a little video next to, so, here it goes, five bands you should kill to see live. This will go in the rock/metal genre for now, so if you only listen to Lady Gaga and Jay Z you will not find much of interest here!
1) Primordial
I saw these 3 times, and every time it was like I died and went to heaven, it`s so damn intense you almost drop your jaw. The clip I show is probably my favourite song (hard to choose, thus the "probably") from my all time favourite concert. When Primordial played at the Hove festival here in Norway in 08. Enjoy Gallows Hymn!
2) Dornenreich
The difference between this band and Primordial, is that I adored Primordial with all my heart before the concerts. This band played together with another damn good band (Fjoergyn) and I was there indeed mostly for Fjoergyns sake, however, the second Dornenreich got on stage I got dragged in to another world, and didn`t come out again before weeks after, it was so intense, and so goddamn good! What made it even better was that the concert was very intimate, if I`d want to I could bend foward and touch every single member of the band. Not that I would want to, but.. Shows how intimate it was, and it just made the experience better. Oh, how I wish that there would be decent live-clips on youtube, so I could show everyone how great they are live, but unfortunately there is not. Check out the DVD, though, if you get the opportunity ;) Here you go tho, a half-crappy clip of Jagd!
3) Volbeat
Yet another band that I barely knew when attending the concert, but they did their thing, and damn did they do it good! They had me from the first tone, til the last, and then even a bit longer. They rock your damn pants off! Here, Sad Man`s Tongue live at Wacken 09 :)
4) Audrey Horne
This Norwegian hard rock/post-grunge band, probably unknown for many, really, really rocks live. Saw them four times, and I was never disappointed. So, really, if you get the chance to see them do me a small favour (and it`s really mostly for yourself, kinda, go, go!). Unfortunately I`ll have to give you a kinda crappy video, but it`s better than nuthin. Sweet Taste of Revenge, ladies and gentlemen!
5) Fjoergyn
I love this band very much, and there is nothing bad to say about their live-shows. Also among the greatest shows I attended is their concert at Ragnarök 6, the one in 09. They were actually totally awesome both times I saw them. Gotta love 'em! This is not their best song, in my ears, but it`s pretty damn good anyway. Ich sah den Himmel weinen, enjoy! :)
Now, I really hope this blog-post made sense, and that you`ll drag your lil` butt to a concert if any of these bands plays anywhere near you. Cause you won`t regret it, not even a second. Unless you are a person who of course hates this kind of music, in that case I do not even understand why you kept reading :D And please note, that a small video cannot even compare to how good the bands really are live. Keep that in mind ;)
So.. tudelu ^^
1) Primordial
I saw these 3 times, and every time it was like I died and went to heaven, it`s so damn intense you almost drop your jaw. The clip I show is probably my favourite song (hard to choose, thus the "probably") from my all time favourite concert. When Primordial played at the Hove festival here in Norway in 08. Enjoy Gallows Hymn!
2) Dornenreich
The difference between this band and Primordial, is that I adored Primordial with all my heart before the concerts. This band played together with another damn good band (Fjoergyn) and I was there indeed mostly for Fjoergyns sake, however, the second Dornenreich got on stage I got dragged in to another world, and didn`t come out again before weeks after, it was so intense, and so goddamn good! What made it even better was that the concert was very intimate, if I`d want to I could bend foward and touch every single member of the band. Not that I would want to, but.. Shows how intimate it was, and it just made the experience better. Oh, how I wish that there would be decent live-clips on youtube, so I could show everyone how great they are live, but unfortunately there is not. Check out the DVD, though, if you get the opportunity ;) Here you go tho, a half-crappy clip of Jagd!
3) Volbeat
Yet another band that I barely knew when attending the concert, but they did their thing, and damn did they do it good! They had me from the first tone, til the last, and then even a bit longer. They rock your damn pants off! Here, Sad Man`s Tongue live at Wacken 09 :)
4) Audrey Horne
This Norwegian hard rock/post-grunge band, probably unknown for many, really, really rocks live. Saw them four times, and I was never disappointed. So, really, if you get the chance to see them do me a small favour (and it`s really mostly for yourself, kinda, go, go!). Unfortunately I`ll have to give you a kinda crappy video, but it`s better than nuthin. Sweet Taste of Revenge, ladies and gentlemen!
5) Fjoergyn
I love this band very much, and there is nothing bad to say about their live-shows. Also among the greatest shows I attended is their concert at Ragnarök 6, the one in 09. They were actually totally awesome both times I saw them. Gotta love 'em! This is not their best song, in my ears, but it`s pretty damn good anyway. Ich sah den Himmel weinen, enjoy! :)
Now, I really hope this blog-post made sense, and that you`ll drag your lil` butt to a concert if any of these bands plays anywhere near you. Cause you won`t regret it, not even a second. Unless you are a person who of course hates this kind of music, in that case I do not even understand why you kept reading :D And please note, that a small video cannot even compare to how good the bands really are live. Keep that in mind ;)
So.. tudelu ^^
concerts and festivals,
Monday, 3 May 2010
Dignity aside: ESC
This program is indeed, embarrassing, it is indeed silly, and the music is indeed utterly crap. However, it does entertain, and I do usually watch it (and as the very trve metal-head I am, I of course always cleanse my head with Mayhem and Gorgoroth afterwords, believe it if you want), and have my favourites, and very, very, very many of whatever you call the opposite of favourites.
Most people usually want their country to win, but seriously, Norway, with this singer? Forget it. There are many things that screams against sending this dude to the final, let me sum it up for you.
1) He`s called Didrik. I mean.. come on.
2) The song is called My Heart is Yours. Yet again, come on.
3) Look at the guy!
4) DIDRIK!? I just had to mention the name twice.
The biggest reason, of course, to take the big warning is his song, such crap will never win. And one more thing, how many songs did he copy in there? I totally heard the start before, in some other song. Pf.
Moving on!
Luckily some countries actually knows what good music sounds like, and the country who really made it best this time, in my ears, is Germany. (No, not just cause I`m a huge Germany-freak, I promise) The girl is totally adorable, happy, and awesome on stage, and the song is catchy, catchy, catchy. I remember walking in München some days after she won USFO (German casting show that found the singer to preform in Oslo), and I bet I heard 20 different people hum on the melody, it sticks to your brain like the image of your hot boyfriend/girlfriend/pick-your-favourite naked, and it`s catchy! She`ll get my vote for sure! This is is it, so enjoy :)
Now, that`s enough ESC for today. Maybe I`ll come back later, though I doubt that, cause Germany is the only song I really like. Heh, heh.
Well, tudelu then :)
Most people usually want their country to win, but seriously, Norway, with this singer? Forget it. There are many things that screams against sending this dude to the final, let me sum it up for you.
1) He`s called Didrik. I mean.. come on.
2) The song is called My Heart is Yours. Yet again, come on.
3) Look at the guy!
4) DIDRIK!? I just had to mention the name twice.
The biggest reason, of course, to take the big warning is his song, such crap will never win. And one more thing, how many songs did he copy in there? I totally heard the start before, in some other song. Pf.
Moving on!
Luckily some countries actually knows what good music sounds like, and the country who really made it best this time, in my ears, is Germany. (No, not just cause I`m a huge Germany-freak, I promise) The girl is totally adorable, happy, and awesome on stage, and the song is catchy, catchy, catchy. I remember walking in München some days after she won USFO (German casting show that found the singer to preform in Oslo), and I bet I heard 20 different people hum on the melody, it sticks to your brain like the image of your hot boyfriend/girlfriend/pick-your-favourite naked, and it`s catchy! She`ll get my vote for sure! This is is it, so enjoy :)
Now, that`s enough ESC for today. Maybe I`ll come back later, though I doubt that, cause Germany is the only song I really like. Heh, heh.
Well, tudelu then :)
Friday, 30 April 2010
Ach du scheiße
Today I did something creepy, something that makes me soso nervous, and something that can no longer be undone (well, in theory I bet it can be undone, but the 175 euros I payed will not be undone, and that would be a massive waste of money). So, let`s cut to the case. I signed up for TestDaF, Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache, so basically a Germanexam for the level B2/C1. A test where I will be tested in my understanding of hearing, reading, where I will talk, and where I will write a longer text. This will happen in June, and I`m pretty damn nervous already. Not too worried about the reading and hearing-part, but talking kinda freaks me out. And it`s so hard to get yourself to practise alone, with your self (anyone wanna practise with me, yes, yes?), but I guess(/hope) that I will feel the exam constantly breathing in my neck reminding me to do something!
Tomorrow I`m gonna partheey with friends, and we`re gonna try to make coctails, will be interesting. And I really have something to celebrate, listen to this..
I got work! Someone hired me, I got a job, a real job! Me! A JOB! Starting 18th of May in a customer-service place for a phonecompany, so a callcenter basically. Oh man, I can`t wait, will be awesome! Moving then, to a place where it`s 15 minutes to an airport, and 5 Euros to fly to Berlin. Am I happy? Hell yeees! I am so sorry to not translate this expression, but.
Now, I`ll go do something for my future. At least I like to think that it`s good for me to watch German drama-series, haha.
Tomorrow I`m gonna partheey with friends, and we`re gonna try to make coctails, will be interesting. And I really have something to celebrate, listen to this..
I got work! Someone hired me, I got a job, a real job! Me! A JOB! Starting 18th of May in a customer-service place for a phonecompany, so a callcenter basically. Oh man, I can`t wait, will be awesome! Moving then, to a place where it`s 15 minutes to an airport, and 5 Euros to fly to Berlin. Am I happy? Hell yeees! I am so sorry to not translate this expression, but.
Now, I`ll go do something for my future. At least I like to think that it`s good for me to watch German drama-series, haha.
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Rise of the mutant-teletubbies
Remember our old dear friends, the o' so lovely teletubbies?
I know, you thought you never had to see them again? I`m sorry to announce that they are coming back, and they are no longer just four, but a number, that is too big to even count. (Yes, it really breaks my heart)
You already know how they look, but let me say that they are now in more colors, and they are occuring a lot more often. I do not know how they managed to get so many in such a short time, and I guess it will always remain a mystery. I guess only teletubbies commiting incest on each other can result in such kids.
I am truly, truly sorry to bring this message, but I feel that it is my duty, as a blogger, to warn all my fellow blogger-friends from this. And also to give a small message: After encountering a huge teletubby, now named OnePiece, it is not a shame to search therapy, it is not. Sometimes a person has too big problems to deal with them on his own. And then there are people, who helps you through it, that is what they are there for. In these crazy situations, where mutant-teletubbies spread all over the world, is among those situations where there will always be extra crisis-help out there. Do not be afraid to search help! Promise!
I, myself, have a hard time having to watch huge mutant-teletubbies wherever I go, it`s so damn morbid! What you see today when you go out the doors, it`s brutal, and I do not want my kids to grow up to this, neither the old teletubbies, nor the new teletubbies. Especially not the new, dear God, if you are out there, will you please make the world a better place?
I know, you thought you never had to see them again? I`m sorry to announce that they are coming back, and they are no longer just four, but a number, that is too big to even count. (Yes, it really breaks my heart)
You already know how they look, but let me say that they are now in more colors, and they are occuring a lot more often. I do not know how they managed to get so many in such a short time, and I guess it will always remain a mystery. I guess only teletubbies commiting incest on each other can result in such kids.
I am truly, truly sorry to bring this message, but I feel that it is my duty, as a blogger, to warn all my fellow blogger-friends from this. And also to give a small message: After encountering a huge teletubby, now named OnePiece, it is not a shame to search therapy, it is not. Sometimes a person has too big problems to deal with them on his own. And then there are people, who helps you through it, that is what they are there for. In these crazy situations, where mutant-teletubbies spread all over the world, is among those situations where there will always be extra crisis-help out there. Do not be afraid to search help! Promise!
I, myself, have a hard time having to watch huge mutant-teletubbies wherever I go, it`s so damn morbid! What you see today when you go out the doors, it`s brutal, and I do not want my kids to grow up to this, neither the old teletubbies, nor the new teletubbies. Especially not the new, dear God, if you are out there, will you please make the world a better place?
Sunday, 18 April 2010
I just love spoilers
Yesterday the finale of the German version of Idol, Deutschland sucht den Superstar, aired. And I was totally exited, of course. Somehow got a sucker for it in a way, so yes. Waited til it was online, and then I stremed it free on RTLs pages, and I loved it. It was in three parts, first I watch one part, theeen the other, and the third one, with the results and whatnot, I put it on not sniffing what`s around the next corner.
I`m putting a screenshot here, so you know what I talk about:
Oh, lookie. A banner with the winner on, spoiler MUCH?! And this banner, you put right under the stream of the finale, how stupid is it possible to be? I mean, people watching that clip obviously doesn`t know who won yet? Oh, RTL... Not your smartest move. And thank you for spoiling the big moment for me.. At least the right one won.*
* Mehrzad Marashi, search on youtube if interested :)
I`m putting a screenshot here, so you know what I talk about:
Oh, lookie. A banner with the winner on, spoiler MUCH?! And this banner, you put right under the stream of the finale, how stupid is it possible to be? I mean, people watching that clip obviously doesn`t know who won yet? Oh, RTL... Not your smartest move. And thank you for spoiling the big moment for me.. At least the right one won.*
* Mehrzad Marashi, search on youtube if interested :)
Saturday, 17 April 2010
I told you before about stupid MySpace friend-requests. This one beats the other one, maybe.
Oh yes, I`m sure this was sent personal, and that you did not send it to thousands of other people as well. Caps-lock is also a turn-off, so I didn`t even bother to listen to the music of this band. If you`re good that`s great for you, but try a new strategy when it comes to recruiting fans, ne? Btw, noticed how nice I was not giving away the name of the band, thus not dissing them? Oh yes, that`s just me. I`m a giver.
Oh yes, I`m sure this was sent personal, and that you did not send it to thousands of other people as well. Caps-lock is also a turn-off, so I didn`t even bother to listen to the music of this band. If you`re good that`s great for you, but try a new strategy when it comes to recruiting fans, ne? Btw, noticed how nice I was not giving away the name of the band, thus not dissing them? Oh yes, that`s just me. I`m a giver.
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Ok, so..
Back in Norway! And I just had my first job-interview ever. How was it? Actually not that bad, the woman interviewing me was so nice, makes everything easier. So if things goes as I want I`ll soon have a job! Oh my, imagine! Let`s hope I made a good impression :)
If I get this job I`ll move to southern Norway, and I`ll live 15 minutes away from an airport. An airport that has routes also from Ryanair, which is perfect. Then I fly to Berlin for less money than I pay to get to Oslo. I`m talking 10€. Would be totally awesome. Please cross your fingers for me :)
Just a small whatever to show people that my blog is not dead. :)
Tudelidu ^^
If I get this job I`ll move to southern Norway, and I`ll live 15 minutes away from an airport. An airport that has routes also from Ryanair, which is perfect. Then I fly to Berlin for less money than I pay to get to Oslo. I`m talking 10€. Would be totally awesome. Please cross your fingers for me :)
Just a small whatever to show people that my blog is not dead. :)
Tudelidu ^^
Sunday, 4 April 2010
German easter
First of all: Frohe Ostern! :D
Just for funsies, my boyfriend hid chocolateeggs all over the apartment, to make me get a small feel of being a kid in Germany in easter.. That sounds weird, but so be it. I basically pursued him into hide them, cause I wanted to see how funny it is. And it was, I don`t think I laughed this much in ages. Maybe you`ll also laugh when you imagine me jumping, crawling and up-side-down looking for chocolate eggs.
The best hidingplace EVER for the eggs. I totally laughed my ass off. Tho, I found it back later, and I`m happy to announce that I still posess an ass, so.
I`m glad I found the eggs before they decided to drive off:
He also hid an egg hanging from the ceiling in a tape, and one behind the ear of some plush-bunny, plus, plus. Oh, the joy. I have to do this every year :D
Just for funsies, my boyfriend hid chocolateeggs all over the apartment, to make me get a small feel of being a kid in Germany in easter.. That sounds weird, but so be it. I basically pursued him into hide them, cause I wanted to see how funny it is. And it was, I don`t think I laughed this much in ages. Maybe you`ll also laugh when you imagine me jumping, crawling and up-side-down looking for chocolate eggs.
The best hidingplace EVER for the eggs. I totally laughed my ass off. Tho, I found it back later, and I`m happy to announce that I still posess an ass, so.
I`m glad I found the eggs before they decided to drive off:
He also hid an egg hanging from the ceiling in a tape, and one behind the ear of some plush-bunny, plus, plus. Oh, the joy. I have to do this every year :D
Saturday, 3 April 2010
Series for me?
One pretty good reason to watch How I met your Mother. It rawks. I could say that I`d stop spamming you with it, but it might just be a lie.
Give it a chance and you won`t regret it ^^
Also, if anyone out there has some ideas for good series, then please give me tips :) I already saw and loved How I met Your Mother, Scrubs, Six Feet Under, Sopranos, Sex and the City, Pastewka (and for the love of God, if you understand German than just search it up on myspass.de and WATCH it, cause it`s so funny you can`t even imagine), Cougar Town, LOST, and multiple CSI series, Cold Case, The Closer, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, Simpsons, House.. So no sense in reccomending those :)
How I met your Mother,
Friday, 2 April 2010
To make the time pass
The other day, just to make time pass, I had some fun with google. I googled my name together with the name of friends and boyfriend, to see which results came up. Many results were obvious, and just plain boring, God knows how many time I ended up in the taxlists (and.. I will never ever get the point of those. It`s plain stupid and just that.) but one result was kinda interesting. This site came up when I googled the name of me and my boyfriend together.
Girl baby names beginning on the letter T. Fact is.. Both my name and my boyfriends name is there. As you can probably guess, I might have teased him a little bit (you know as well as I, that this is not true).
Oh, and Eva, if you read this, when googling our names together a bunch of sites comes up showing people with the name "Eva Thordis" or "Thordis Eva". I`ve been thinking, and the only two excuses that can be used from the parents is. 1) "We were drunk", or 2) "We think it sounded nice". As all of you see, it has to be excuse one, cause excuse two... come on, it just doesn`t work.
EDIT: When I googled it again it turns out that also a "boy baby names beginning on the letter T" show up. And also turns out that both of our names are there.......
Why this tiny writing you ask? Well.. make a guess.
Girl baby names beginning on the letter T. Fact is.. Both my name and my boyfriends name is there. As you can probably guess, I might have teased him a little bit (you know as well as I, that this is not true).
Oh, and Eva, if you read this, when googling our names together a bunch of sites comes up showing people with the name "Eva Thordis" or "Thordis Eva". I`ve been thinking, and the only two excuses that can be used from the parents is. 1) "We were drunk", or 2) "We think it sounded nice". As all of you see, it has to be excuse one, cause excuse two... come on, it just doesn`t work.
EDIT: When I googled it again it turns out that also a "boy baby names beginning on the letter T" show up. And also turns out that both of our names are there.......
Why this tiny writing you ask? Well.. make a guess.
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Pleasure meets guilty pleasure
But obviously Marco in one of my all time favourite bands, Nightwish, was in the Finnish version of a choir-program-thingie.
I found this out through the apriljoke of Nightwish, and to be quite honest it`s awesome. And one time, he, and what seems to be two other choirs presented Lady GaGa´s Bad Romance. This is cool cause I actually like Lady GaGa. And that one of my all-time favourite singers sings it. It`s cool, really.. But still.. somehow very wrong. Hanyway, enjoy!
Some other team actually did Amaranth.. It`s not too bad really:
Marco`s team again, doing Dsjengis Khan? How awesome is that? Ps: Look at the hat.
Ok, to prevent this blogpost from getting 1 km long, I made a choise to not embed more videos, so if you find this interesting simply clich here for We Are the Champions, and here for Like a Virgin. This whole Marco-in-Finnish-tv-as-a-choir-leader thing might be totally old news, but I still find it awesome. So.. Enjoy :)
I found this out through the apriljoke of Nightwish, and to be quite honest it`s awesome. And one time, he, and what seems to be two other choirs presented Lady GaGa´s Bad Romance. This is cool cause I actually like Lady GaGa. And that one of my all-time favourite singers sings it. It`s cool, really.. But still.. somehow very wrong. Hanyway, enjoy!
Some other team actually did Amaranth.. It`s not too bad really:
Marco`s team again, doing Dsjengis Khan? How awesome is that? Ps: Look at the hat.
Ok, to prevent this blogpost from getting 1 km long, I made a choise to not embed more videos, so if you find this interesting simply clich here for We Are the Champions, and here for Like a Virgin. This whole Marco-in-Finnish-tv-as-a-choir-leader thing might be totally old news, but I still find it awesome. So.. Enjoy :)
Friday, 26 March 2010
You shouldn`t have.
You shouldn`t have visited this blog, cause you`ll get jealous fo` sure.
Today weathergods brings it`s very best, and they also did yesterday, so yesterday I spent the day outside.It was 21 degrees and t-shirt-weather. Really. And we walked in the park and took pictures, and then we sat down in one of these:
To consume one of these:
And it was delicious!
Easter is soon in Germany, and when easter comes to Germany the Germans really knows how to decorate like Gods.
Don`t you just love them? Gosh, I went around in the shopping-centre saying "aww" and posing with the bunnies and the chicken. Of course those photos won`t be uploaded here due to .. you know.. dignity.
Enjoy : D Gosh, I never had this relationship to Easter before Germany. But I.. totally.. love it. The pictures that doesn`t include links are mine :)
Tudelu ^^
Today weathergods brings it`s very best, and they also did yesterday, so yesterday I spent the day outside.It was 21 degrees and t-shirt-weather. Really. And we walked in the park and took pictures, and then we sat down in one of these:
http://mittagstisch-ka.de/uploads/venezia_aussen.jpg |
To consume one of these:
http://www.eiscafe-bolina.de/highligh/amarena.jpg |
And it was delicious!
Easter is soon in Germany, and when easter comes to Germany the Germans really knows how to decorate like Gods.
Don`t you just love them? Gosh, I went around in the shopping-centre saying "aww" and posing with the bunnies and the chicken. Of course those photos won`t be uploaded here due to .. you know.. dignity.
Enjoy : D Gosh, I never had this relationship to Easter before Germany. But I.. totally.. love it. The pictures that doesn`t include links are mine :)
Tudelu ^^
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Saturday, 20 March 2010
A small present
Unfortunatley the present is just for my Norwegian readers, given the fact that this cannot be translated.
So pretty many years ago I made my fist email account, maybe it was even just the second or third, I don`t know, and it is not of importance. What is important is that I was young. Let`s say around 14. As I today logged on to this old mail, just to check, sometimes something useful comes there, it turns out I sent some crap out to my contacts, spam. Some shit happened to my account that I don`t know what was, so while trying to find out how to stop this, and how to change password, I come to my profile. Remember what I said, it`s OLD, I was FOURTEEN. Now, sorry to all of you who don`t understand Norwegian. From here on you won`t understand a shit, but you can imagine Trolldis as fourteen, ps: imagine at own risk, I won`t take the blame for images that hunts you.
Kall meg Susanne, du... ;D ;D
Hår : Brunt m striper
Auge : Brun, Grønn og Blå
Høgde : Ca. 1,60 (ell lavde?)
Jau! Om meg.. tja..:P Eg e morsom veffal;DD e no d folk seie..:) Mn.. Viss d e noke du v vite, so e da berre å ta kontakt vettø:D øh..... "Alkohol løser ingen problemer, men det gjør ikke melk heller;)" "Det er bedre å drite på seg en gang iblant, enn å eksplodere av forstoppelse..:P" "Bombing for peace, is like fu*king for virginity!"
Skule..:P Yess liksom... :P
På TV'n: C.S.I. oxo diverse komedieserier..
I Magen: Pizza, Moussaka, Junk Food, Taco, og MASSE snop!:P
I stereoen: Nightwiiiish..:D
Sitte på dass!!:P
Tilbake til virkeligheten: Når ein lese sånt veit ein ikkje heilt om ein skal le eller grine, eg, for min del, lo so eg grein. Erre MULIG liksom? Vel, alt eg kan sei er at eg er glad those days are over, og eg håpar dokke fekk dokke ein liten latter, eller headdesk, alt etter som. Vel, no må eg gå og bearbeide mine ungdomsår, og prøve og gjer det på ein måte som ikkje gjer så veldig vondt. Tudelidu, og ha ein fin kveld vidare, om det framleis er mulig...
So pretty many years ago I made my fist email account, maybe it was even just the second or third, I don`t know, and it is not of importance. What is important is that I was young. Let`s say around 14. As I today logged on to this old mail, just to check, sometimes something useful comes there, it turns out I sent some crap out to my contacts, spam. Some shit happened to my account that I don`t know what was, so while trying to find out how to stop this, and how to change password, I come to my profile. Remember what I said, it`s OLD, I was FOURTEEN. Now, sorry to all of you who don`t understand Norwegian. From here on you won`t understand a shit, but you can imagine Trolldis as fourteen, ps: imagine at own risk, I won`t take the blame for images that hunts you.
Kall meg Susanne, du... ;D ;D
Hår : Brunt m striper
Auge : Brun, Grønn og Blå
Høgde : Ca. 1,60 (ell lavde?)
Jau! Om meg.. tja..:P Eg e morsom veffal;DD e no d folk seie..:) Mn.. Viss d e noke du v vite, so e da berre å ta kontakt vettø:D øh..... "Alkohol løser ingen problemer, men det gjør ikke melk heller;)" "Det er bedre å drite på seg en gang iblant, enn å eksplodere av forstoppelse..:P" "Bombing for peace, is like fu*king for virginity!"
Skule..:P Yess liksom... :P
På TV'n: C.S.I. oxo diverse komedieserier..
I Magen: Pizza, Moussaka, Junk Food, Taco, og MASSE snop!:P
I stereoen: Nightwiiiish..:D
Sitte på dass!!:P
Tilbake til virkeligheten: Når ein lese sånt veit ein ikkje heilt om ein skal le eller grine, eg, for min del, lo so eg grein. Erre MULIG liksom? Vel, alt eg kan sei er at eg er glad those days are over, og eg håpar dokke fekk dokke ein liten latter, eller headdesk, alt etter som. Vel, no må eg gå og bearbeide mine ungdomsår, og prøve og gjer det på ein måte som ikkje gjer så veldig vondt. Tudelidu, og ha ein fin kveld vidare, om det framleis er mulig...
Friday, 19 March 2010
How I met your Mother
So lately I`ve really got addicted to this series called "How I met your mother".
Now, as my boyfriend repeatedly tried to make me watch the series with him, this is is what I replied. Some quotes.
"Come on, it`s childish and stupid."
"Never in my life, it`s for fourteenyearolds with crappy humour."
"Seriously, one of the actors from American Pie plays there, it`s gotta suck."
"A dad telling his kids how he met their mother? Please, how can that possibly be good?"
Now I have swallow every word I said there, every single one. And, as a creature with pride and dignity it`s not necessarily tasting that good, you know. My own words is definitely not on the list of my favourite dishes.
However one good thing did come out of this, the lovely series did. Now, it took me about one episode to love it, and two to get addicted. I just totally dig the characters, the humour, the everything really, and the story is cool (yes, it is cool, it might sound crappy.. but it`s cool. I promise)
So the year is 2030 and Ted is telling his son and daughter the story about how he met their mother. The story starts in 2005 (I think, or 04, or.. who cares) and we hear about his everyday, his adventures, his crazy, his relationships and his.. everything. We also get the stories of his good friends Barney, Lily, Marshall and Robin. All with their own, unique and very lovable personalities.
And his 2030-Ted is telling the story, so now and then you get his 2030 voice over it, which sometimes really gives it a very very funny touch. I wish it`d be easier to make the series seem great with a single blog-post, but guess it`s not. Guess you`ll just have to see it yourselves. You all see what I thought of the series when just hearing of it, so.
I`ve been looking for some funny clips to capture you all for a couple of minutes (lie, alot longer) and I couldn`t really find anything very great, however I felt I had to have something, so here you go, a trailer for the first season:
I hope that maybe somewhere deep inside you there is a small monster, or .. pff, whatever you`d prefer to be deep inside you, knight, something, that actually wants to watch the series cause actually somehow this thing inside you saw that even if I make it seem poopy, it`s not.
Give 'em 3 episodes and they`ve got you. If you still hate it I'll get you an ice-cream, or a banana, whatever you prefer.
Tudelu ^^
Now, as my boyfriend repeatedly tried to make me watch the series with him, this is is what I replied. Some quotes.
"Come on, it`s childish and stupid."
"Never in my life, it`s for fourteenyearolds with crappy humour."
"Seriously, one of the actors from American Pie plays there, it`s gotta suck."
"A dad telling his kids how he met their mother? Please, how can that possibly be good?"
Now I have swallow every word I said there, every single one. And, as a creature with pride and dignity it`s not necessarily tasting that good, you know. My own words is definitely not on the list of my favourite dishes.
So the year is 2030 and Ted is telling his son and daughter the story about how he met their mother. The story starts in 2005 (I think, or 04, or.. who cares) and we hear about his everyday, his adventures, his crazy, his relationships and his.. everything. We also get the stories of his good friends Barney, Lily, Marshall and Robin. All with their own, unique and very lovable personalities.
And his 2030-Ted is telling the story, so now and then you get his 2030 voice over it, which sometimes really gives it a very very funny touch. I wish it`d be easier to make the series seem great with a single blog-post, but guess it`s not. Guess you`ll just have to see it yourselves. You all see what I thought of the series when just hearing of it, so.
I`ve been looking for some funny clips to capture you all for a couple of minutes (lie, alot longer) and I couldn`t really find anything very great, however I felt I had to have something, so here you go, a trailer for the first season:
I hope that maybe somewhere deep inside you there is a small monster, or .. pff, whatever you`d prefer to be deep inside you, knight, something, that actually wants to watch the series cause actually somehow this thing inside you saw that even if I make it seem poopy, it`s not.
Give 'em 3 episodes and they`ve got you. If you still hate it I'll get you an ice-cream, or a banana, whatever you prefer.
Tudelu ^^
Thursday, 18 March 2010
A new design on my blog! Not 100% there yet, but soon. Which, by the way, I will take around zero credit for. I guess it`s no secret that my boyfriend is alot better on this than I am, so thanks alooot to you :) Got kinda nice, didn`t it? I like it. Kinda very white. Almost like metal-Trolldis went.. boyband-Trolldis? Achwell, I too, as everyone else has a side that`s not black. (Guess this already came up when I was blogging about Lady GaGa? Dignity, where did you go?).
Soo I hope y'all will keep reading my blog, and that the whiteness aint burning your eyes.
I guess I can just fill you in on my last week. Went to the movies, for example. Saw Shutter Island, which was kinda crazy. Good-crazy, bad-crazy? I think I land on good-crazy, cause it was not a bad film. Completely sick, but not bad :) Worth watching? Well.. I guess so. Pst, ladies and gentlemen, this here is the reason why I`ll never become a movie-reviewer. Just, yeah.
I was in Munich yesterday, taking a daytrip with my sunshine, and good for us he wasn`t the only sunshine yesterday, cause the weather was.. legend - wait for eeet - dary.( I guess How I met your Mother jokes aint working that good written, on a blog. Hm.Oh, about that, watch How I met your Mother, it rocks:). Let`s say that the temperature was two digits, on the plus-side. Oh the warmth! So how did I find Munich?
Olympiapark - much dogshit, simply. One sad thing in life is that when writing "much" on a blog, how can someone know how much it really was? I`ll try to describe it with more words. You have to watch every step, every single step, not to step in a dogpoop. If you don`t watch, you step in one. I bet I stepped in like 20 yesterday, even though I did watch. Did you get now just how much dogpoop it was? Good, then I continue.
The city in itself was nice, of course, nice buildings, went inside a church, Frauenkirche, also very lovely. And very huge, holy moly! I`m not religious, but some churches are simply stunning, this was one of them. So I liked the city :) I would still say Frankfurt is nicer, and Leipzig. But not bad, really not bad. And just to make some fun of Bayrisch: Bayrisch sounds funny. When the whoever-drives-the-subway says something out loud, you just sit there "what the fuck did he just say?". Even my boyfriend, who`s FROM Bavaria sat like that, totally not understandable. Not at all.
I`m glad I wasn`t there alone, the main station was totally messy and not easy to understand, I could go wild there anyday. But other than that, lovely :)
The three hours in train seemed like nothing when I could look at the lovely nature, and the gorgeous houses. I wanna live in one of these "when I grow up". Dreamhouses!!
They are probably pricy. If I win the lotteries, and a pretty solid amount the first thing I buy will be one of these lovely thingies. The beauty!
So I guess I`m done blabbing about everything and nothing now, so now tudelu and have a nice day and stuffies :)
Soo I hope y'all will keep reading my blog, and that the whiteness aint burning your eyes.
I guess I can just fill you in on my last week. Went to the movies, for example. Saw Shutter Island, which was kinda crazy. Good-crazy, bad-crazy? I think I land on good-crazy, cause it was not a bad film. Completely sick, but not bad :) Worth watching? Well.. I guess so. Pst, ladies and gentlemen, this here is the reason why I`ll never become a movie-reviewer. Just, yeah.
I was in Munich yesterday, taking a daytrip with my sunshine, and good for us he wasn`t the only sunshine yesterday, cause the weather was.. legend - wait for eeet - dary.( I guess How I met your Mother jokes aint working that good written, on a blog. Hm.Oh, about that, watch How I met your Mother, it rocks:). Let`s say that the temperature was two digits, on the plus-side. Oh the warmth! So how did I find Munich?
Olympiapark - much dogshit, simply. One sad thing in life is that when writing "much" on a blog, how can someone know how much it really was? I`ll try to describe it with more words. You have to watch every step, every single step, not to step in a dogpoop. If you don`t watch, you step in one. I bet I stepped in like 20 yesterday, even though I did watch. Did you get now just how much dogpoop it was? Good, then I continue.
The city in itself was nice, of course, nice buildings, went inside a church, Frauenkirche, also very lovely. And very huge, holy moly! I`m not religious, but some churches are simply stunning, this was one of them. So I liked the city :) I would still say Frankfurt is nicer, and Leipzig. But not bad, really not bad. And just to make some fun of Bayrisch: Bayrisch sounds funny. When the whoever-drives-the-subway says something out loud, you just sit there "what the fuck did he just say?". Even my boyfriend, who`s FROM Bavaria sat like that, totally not understandable. Not at all.
I`m glad I wasn`t there alone, the main station was totally messy and not easy to understand, I could go wild there anyday. But other than that, lovely :)
The three hours in train seemed like nothing when I could look at the lovely nature, and the gorgeous houses. I wanna live in one of these "when I grow up". Dreamhouses!!
They are probably pricy. If I win the lotteries, and a pretty solid amount the first thing I buy will be one of these lovely thingies. The beauty!
So I guess I`m done blabbing about everything and nothing now, so now tudelu and have a nice day and stuffies :)
How I met your Mother,
This blog may look funny for a while. Testing and updating the layout. Thanks for your patience. :)
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Since last time..
So, I haven`t been so active on the blog-front lately. There`s some good reasons for that, for example boyfriend, Germany, boyfriend.. And some gaming. I`m guessing the family of my boyfriend doesn't wanna play Monopoly with me anymore. (Yes, I tend to win. And also - when I don`t I tend to be... let`s say ... a tiny, tiny bit grumpy. It`s a small piece of the truth at least.). Other than that I've been losing in Civilization IV and in UNO, and.. in other games. And I`ve been shopping and trying to learn better German. Seems the last part is a problem when I am afaid to open my mouth, but it's going the right way :)
Other than thaaat I was to the movies, watching this very cool German film called Friendship. It's about a couple of dudes from DDR going to USA for the first time after the Berlin wall fell.. I liked it :) And sometime in the future (next week or so) we`re planning a trip to Munich or something like that, would be cool.
And oh, our lovely dog had to take an operation (stood between that and putting her to sleep forever). Get well you lil` charming thing!
Look, she`s even adorable when looking like a lamp:
Gonna go back to playing and stuff, so tudelu, have a nice day ^^
Other than thaaat I was to the movies, watching this very cool German film called Friendship. It's about a couple of dudes from DDR going to USA for the first time after the Berlin wall fell.. I liked it :) And sometime in the future (next week or so) we`re planning a trip to Munich or something like that, would be cool.
And oh, our lovely dog had to take an operation (stood between that and putting her to sleep forever). Get well you lil` charming thing!
Look, she`s even adorable when looking like a lamp:
Gonna go back to playing and stuff, so tudelu, have a nice day ^^
Friday, 5 March 2010
Monday, 22 February 2010
I'm sick of the cold
But it doesn't really matter when I'm going from this:
To this:
In two days :D If I was you I would be jealous at me. Hoho!
Pst, pst: And when it comes to the heavy rain.... it doesn't matter cause I'll pursue my love into having a chill day where I'll crush his ass in civilization ^__^
To this:
In two days :D If I was you I would be jealous at me. Hoho!
Pst, pst: And when it comes to the heavy rain.... it doesn't matter cause I'll pursue my love into having a chill day where I'll crush his ass in civilization ^__^
This advertisement is cool too :)
No, I won`t come with more, I think. I realize that too many advertisements miiiight get just a lil' bit boring. Enjoy :)
No, I won`t come with more, I think. I realize that too many advertisements miiiight get just a lil' bit boring. Enjoy :)
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Love your hair before it leaves
Some commercials are damn good, I think this one is:
There's something... cute?.. about it. Dig it : )
There's something... cute?.. about it. Dig it : )
Saturday, 20 February 2010
God hates me
Germany - such a lovely, lovely country. I adore everything with Germany, everything except from one thing. Just one little thing, this thing is the Carglass commercial. Every other commercial is ok, everything else is ok. This commercial however.. When I hear it a small part of me dies. The only positive thing about going back to Norway after having been in Germany, is getting free from that commercial. I need these breaks to survive the commercial, to try to keep life in myself.
Today, I sat in the sofa, chillin`, I didn't know what was waiting right after innocent commercial. But there it comes - the carglass doodle - the annoying tiny tune I heard way to many times. The only thing that was different was the text, and I never thought I'd say this, but the German carglass commercial isn't the worst thing in the world anymore. The Swedish one is.
Listen on own risk, I do not take responsibility for deaths.
God must really hate me, the one thing I hate about Germany, the one thing. The only thing, whhyyyy?!
Today, I sat in the sofa, chillin`, I didn't know what was waiting right after innocent commercial. But there it comes - the carglass doodle - the annoying tiny tune I heard way to many times. The only thing that was different was the text, and I never thought I'd say this, but the German carglass commercial isn't the worst thing in the world anymore. The Swedish one is.
Listen on own risk, I do not take responsibility for deaths.
God must really hate me, the one thing I hate about Germany, the one thing. The only thing, whhyyyy?!
I was scooping through different channels, and I ended up at a channel showing `America's got Talent` from I-don`t-know which year, not that it matters. I was totally touched to tears by this one participant.
I cried.. That's right, I cried. What an adorable little kid!
Here ye go!
He touched your hearts as well?
I cried.. That's right, I cried. What an adorable little kid!
Here ye go!
He touched your hearts as well?
Thursday, 18 February 2010
At least I`ll have a good night, the last evenings I fell asleep to this right outside my windows, I slaughtered the sheep, and shoved a sock in the mouth of whoever wanted to sing me a lullaby. This is the best way to get to sleep, and it's so, so beautiful.
Sweet dreams ^__^
Photos are mine, do not steal!
Sweet dreams ^__^
Photos are mine, do not steal!
northern light,
Monday, 15 February 2010
LiveJournal is clearly a naziregime. Of course nazi isn`t a word to be throwing around like some kinda toy. It`s a strong word, a word that makes many people shiver, a word that you don`t wanna hear around you, a word you`d rather forget. However, the naziregime of today is here, maybe you didn`t know, but it was here all along.
A friend of mine doesn`t use blogspot, she uses LiveJournal, and obviously it`s some quite cool stuff. Of course I wanna follow her blog, so I ask her. What`s the address? She gives it to me, but tells me most are written for "friends" anyway, and that I can`t read then. So much for being yer friend, huh? "Friends only", pff, was sharing candy, farts and secrets through the childhood not enough to be your friend? Me, as a normal blogspot-user obviously have no rights to be reading her blogs through that page. Then the LJ-gestapo will eat me alive or torment me til I die.To be quite honest I`d prefer to get tormented til death, between the teeth of LJ-gestapo is the last place in the would I wanna die.
She wanted to follow me, though. Maybe our friendship can be saved, maybe we can find a way to trick the LJ-gestapo. She tries, she tries. NO WAY, she cannot read outside LJ borders, maybe there`s a huge, mental brick wall there, if you try to pass.. you know what happens (that is, if you know some German history, if not - come on dude, even I know that!). Hitler has come back to live to lead the LJ-REICH! To draw the lines, to make the rules, to allow one, and just one way of life. It is no way anymore, the boarders are too strong.
So there it went, our friendship, all our years of laughter, and tears, all the years of all the beautiful things we shared. Gone. Like bombed with a huge atom-bomb, like shot by the gestapo. I am BRD, she is DDR. There is no way for us to meet anymore. Goodbye.
PS: Still up for pizza tomorrow?
A friend of mine doesn`t use blogspot, she uses LiveJournal, and obviously it`s some quite cool stuff. Of course I wanna follow her blog, so I ask her. What`s the address? She gives it to me, but tells me most are written for "friends" anyway, and that I can`t read then. So much for being yer friend, huh? "Friends only", pff, was sharing candy, farts and secrets through the childhood not enough to be your friend? Me, as a normal blogspot-user obviously have no rights to be reading her blogs through that page. Then the LJ-gestapo will eat me alive or torment me til I die.To be quite honest I`d prefer to get tormented til death, between the teeth of LJ-gestapo is the last place in the would I wanna die.
She wanted to follow me, though. Maybe our friendship can be saved, maybe we can find a way to trick the LJ-gestapo. She tries, she tries. NO WAY, she cannot read outside LJ borders, maybe there`s a huge, mental brick wall there, if you try to pass.. you know what happens (that is, if you know some German history, if not - come on dude, even I know that!). Hitler has come back to live to lead the LJ-REICH! To draw the lines, to make the rules, to allow one, and just one way of life. It is no way anymore, the boarders are too strong.
So there it went, our friendship, all our years of laughter, and tears, all the years of all the beautiful things we shared. Gone. Like bombed with a huge atom-bomb, like shot by the gestapo. I am BRD, she is DDR. There is no way for us to meet anymore. Goodbye.
PS: Still up for pizza tomorrow?
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Our style up north..
When we`re unhappy with the press crossing every line of privacy, we send our pets on them:
I probably watched this a hundred times now, and I laugh louder every single time.
Stolen/borrowed/pick your favourite from Inishmore.
I probably watched this a hundred times now, and I laugh louder every single time.
Stolen/borrowed/pick your favourite from Inishmore.
Friday, 12 February 2010
When you thought it was bad from before
Ok so earlier today I wrote about my morning, the bus passing me, no other bus, blablablaa. And I thought it was bad. However, as I mentioned this episode to my stepfather he thought for two seconds, and told me he probably knows who this busdriver was, and that he probably did it on purpose.
Let me fill you in. Before my stepfather was married, let`s call his ex Veronica. Veronica`s uncle is the bus-driver. Let`s call him John. John and my stepfather were good friends at that time. They had a pretty good relationship actually. However, my stepfathers relationship with Veronica was not good. In fact, it was very bad. Veronica spent all day watching tv, doing nothing around the house. All day. Nothing. When my stepfather was away cause of work, the kids could do what they wanted, be up as long as they wanted. Hell, she might even leave all kids alone to go out do something herself. When my stepfather came home from work after a certain period of time he came home to a house that looked like it went through World War III. When he was depressed she laughed in his face, no, when he was deeply depressed she laughed in his face. He had gotten himself into a bad, bad marriage.
One day my stepfather decided to leave this witch, try to get a happier life somewhere. Then he found my mum. When my mum decided to move to him, Veronica had already managed to do her bullshit. She told her and his kids, all small, that he had had an affair with my mum years ago, and that they have a kid together. The six year old is still trying to find the sibling she didn`t yet meet. Do you shove these lies in the faces of small kids?
Before my mother even got to move up her for real, Veronica made sure to make my stepfathers brother, mother, father, everyone hate mum, cause of the lies Veronica spread. Lies with no roots in the truth, however good you look for it.
And the bus-driver? Since the divorce not a single word to my stepfather. He knows where we live, though, and therefore probably didn`t stop on this stop on purpose. I probably looked like my mother. I believe it is true, it is what happened. In a place like this the same bus-drivers drives through all the time, people knows people. When my stepfather says that only one bus-driver is so mean that he can do such a thing, it is probably that way. Every single bus-driver I`ve met up here has been great, happy, talkative and incredibly funny. This one is clearly the biggest asshole on the planet. Letting me stand there in the rain, cause he does not approve of my stepfathers new fiancee. How professional. Not stopping cause he does not want me to ride with his bus. I can tell you one thing - I am incredibly shocked over how someone can behave.Had I been a bit more daring, I would have done anything in my power to get him fired. I would have sent the bill I will receive straight to the bus-company, I would demand that this asshole gets consequences for doing such a thing on purpose.
With such messed up heads I`m wondering if this family has been doing inbreed as long back as it goes? Burn in hell, you filthy, shithead of a bus-driver.
Let me fill you in. Before my stepfather was married, let`s call his ex Veronica. Veronica`s uncle is the bus-driver. Let`s call him John. John and my stepfather were good friends at that time. They had a pretty good relationship actually. However, my stepfathers relationship with Veronica was not good. In fact, it was very bad. Veronica spent all day watching tv, doing nothing around the house. All day. Nothing. When my stepfather was away cause of work, the kids could do what they wanted, be up as long as they wanted. Hell, she might even leave all kids alone to go out do something herself. When my stepfather came home from work after a certain period of time he came home to a house that looked like it went through World War III. When he was depressed she laughed in his face, no, when he was deeply depressed she laughed in his face. He had gotten himself into a bad, bad marriage.
One day my stepfather decided to leave this witch, try to get a happier life somewhere. Then he found my mum. When my mum decided to move to him, Veronica had already managed to do her bullshit. She told her and his kids, all small, that he had had an affair with my mum years ago, and that they have a kid together. The six year old is still trying to find the sibling she didn`t yet meet. Do you shove these lies in the faces of small kids?
Before my mother even got to move up her for real, Veronica made sure to make my stepfathers brother, mother, father, everyone hate mum, cause of the lies Veronica spread. Lies with no roots in the truth, however good you look for it.
And the bus-driver? Since the divorce not a single word to my stepfather. He knows where we live, though, and therefore probably didn`t stop on this stop on purpose. I probably looked like my mother. I believe it is true, it is what happened. In a place like this the same bus-drivers drives through all the time, people knows people. When my stepfather says that only one bus-driver is so mean that he can do such a thing, it is probably that way. Every single bus-driver I`ve met up here has been great, happy, talkative and incredibly funny. This one is clearly the biggest asshole on the planet. Letting me stand there in the rain, cause he does not approve of my stepfathers new fiancee. How professional. Not stopping cause he does not want me to ride with his bus. I can tell you one thing - I am incredibly shocked over how someone can behave.Had I been a bit more daring, I would have done anything in my power to get him fired. I would have sent the bill I will receive straight to the bus-company, I would demand that this asshole gets consequences for doing such a thing on purpose.
With such messed up heads I`m wondering if this family has been doing inbreed as long back as it goes? Burn in hell, you filthy, shithead of a bus-driver.
This is how your day gets ruined
You have an appointment, one of those that costs money pr hour. Lets say a doctors appointment. You usually walk to the center of the town, takes around 45 minutes, it`s a refreshing walk. Well, today you don`t wanna walk, the weather is the worst you`ve seen in months, and there`s a bus going around when you need it. It`s perfect, you decide to take the bus.Since this is early on the day you need to do something drastic about when you wake up your alarm-clock is on. You wake up very early, and do all your morning duties. You still consider walking, but you see that the weather will drown you before you`d even reach to get out of the driveway, so you decide to go outside 10 minutes before the bus comes. After all you don`t even know when the bus will be right outside your house, so you take good time rather than coming to late, missing the bus would be crap, right?
10 minutes goes, you regret going out so early, you`re already soaking wet, and your jacket doesn`t hold out a drop of water. However, it`s soon coming, it has to. 5 minutes goes, 10.. 15 minutes more.. and way over there, you see the bus coming towards you. A small smile spreads on your face and you start digging out your wallet. As your bus closes up, however, you see that it`s not breaking down or making any attempt to stop and put you on, so you wave at it. However it still doesn`t drive slower. The bus-driver looks at you and points backwards. It`s not the first time you see that, obviously a bus is right behind it that will pick you up. You assume it will be there any minute, so you keep holding your wallet, and your headset remains half on your ears and half off, so you can hear what the bus-driver will tell you when you go on. Aaany second now.
Obviously any second became to any minute, and any minute turned out to be never. No other bus came, not in 1 minute, not in 2, not in 5, 10 or 15. You became more and more wet, and even your sweater was soaking wet now. Your shoes luckily were pretty damn good, so two small parts of your body was dry. After 20 minutes the anger and the fear to drown bubbled up inside you, so you screwed it. The stupid bus, you went inside. This way you wouldn`t die.
Well inside stripped down from all the soaking wet clothes you gathered the courage to call and say you wouldn`t make it. You really hated to call these phones, but ok, it`s the least you can do. You found the phone, and then digged up some numbers on internet.. You dialed the number and... it turned out to be the wrong one. You looked other places for numbers, however it`s the same everywhere. So.. hurray.
The person whos day started like this.... She`s not happy, and probably won`t be the whole day. And she`ll get a bill in her mailbox for an appointment she never attended.
Tudelu now!
10 minutes goes, you regret going out so early, you`re already soaking wet, and your jacket doesn`t hold out a drop of water. However, it`s soon coming, it has to. 5 minutes goes, 10.. 15 minutes more.. and way over there, you see the bus coming towards you. A small smile spreads on your face and you start digging out your wallet. As your bus closes up, however, you see that it`s not breaking down or making any attempt to stop and put you on, so you wave at it. However it still doesn`t drive slower. The bus-driver looks at you and points backwards. It`s not the first time you see that, obviously a bus is right behind it that will pick you up. You assume it will be there any minute, so you keep holding your wallet, and your headset remains half on your ears and half off, so you can hear what the bus-driver will tell you when you go on. Aaany second now.
Obviously any second became to any minute, and any minute turned out to be never. No other bus came, not in 1 minute, not in 2, not in 5, 10 or 15. You became more and more wet, and even your sweater was soaking wet now. Your shoes luckily were pretty damn good, so two small parts of your body was dry. After 20 minutes the anger and the fear to drown bubbled up inside you, so you screwed it. The stupid bus, you went inside. This way you wouldn`t die.
Well inside stripped down from all the soaking wet clothes you gathered the courage to call and say you wouldn`t make it. You really hated to call these phones, but ok, it`s the least you can do. You found the phone, and then digged up some numbers on internet.. You dialed the number and... it turned out to be the wrong one. You looked other places for numbers, however it`s the same everywhere. So.. hurray.
The person whos day started like this.... She`s not happy, and probably won`t be the whole day. And she`ll get a bill in her mailbox for an appointment she never attended.
Tudelu now!
Monday, 8 February 2010
Just so you know
I'll be doing some experimenting the next days, simply cause I wanna fresh up my blog. And before it's fresh I can promise you it's gonna be veryvery unfresh, so be patient :)
Enjoy some good music in the mean time :)
Alcest - Souvernirs D'un Autre Monde, lovely, lovely french post-rock/shoegaze/please don't ask me to put genre on this. Enjoy nevertheless :)
Enjoy some good music in the mean time :)
Alcest - Souvernirs D'un Autre Monde, lovely, lovely french post-rock/shoegaze/please don't ask me to put genre on this. Enjoy nevertheless :)
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
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