I had fun today, and went out to take photos cause it looked GREAT outside. I experimented abit with HDRs and stuff, so.. here's the result?:D
I know I still have a long way to go, but gotta start somewhere, eh? ^^
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Friday, 30 October 2009
I would never go so far as to call my granddad "delicious"
For the Norwegians that read this blog, you understandis what stands on the cup, and see that this is rather disgusting. Who in the world would call their morfar "deilig"? The one and only person in the WORLD that I would call "deilig" is my boyfriend. And that's the only one. Really the only one.
Deilig would be translated as perhaps.. deilicious. It's an expression we use to either describe a damn good cake, or to describe your boyfriend/girlfriend/better half/whatever. "Morfar" means granddad. What says on the cup is translated "The worlds most delicious granddad". Delicious is not, not in a million years, an expression you'd use to describe your granddad. Unless you're really disgusting, that is.
Wonder if this cup sells good...
Deilig would be translated as perhaps.. deilicious. It's an expression we use to either describe a damn good cake, or to describe your boyfriend/girlfriend/better half/whatever. "Morfar" means granddad. What says on the cup is translated "The worlds most delicious granddad". Delicious is not, not in a million years, an expression you'd use to describe your granddad. Unless you're really disgusting, that is.
Wonder if this cup sells good...
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Google Wave!
So, I've gotten my fingers in this thing after drooling from it a while. All thanks to twitter and a nice dude sending me an invite :) Now, there's one problem though.. What is the point with Google Wave when I have NOONE in my contactlist? What's fancy is that I can twitter from it, but what more? Nuthin. You are kindof addicted of having someone there to talk to. I assumed I'd get invites to give out, so I could get my boyfriend and some friends to talk to, but nay. So here I am, in full desperation, writing a blog about this problem, hoping some nice people will visit it, feel sorry for me, and gimme a mail so I get someone nice to talk to, and test out this thing with. Just leave your mail in the comment field, and you will never regret it! :D
PS: Disgusting men who tries to find me and rape me, and who expects boobies on cam can just stay faaaar away. I want nice people.
PS: Disgusting men who tries to find me and rape me, and who expects boobies on cam can just stay faaaar away. I want nice people.
Google Wave,
Monday, 26 October 2009
CSI: Dogs&Cats..& Rabbits.
October 26th, 2009.
Body found in Stokmarknes.The victim is a rabbit, 30 cms long, average bodyweight. It is probably around 1-2 years old. Eyes are blue. The victim has several colors, grey, orange and white.Bitemarks can be found all over the victims body, it's ears are almost ripped off, the nose is hanging in nothing but a thin thread, and you can still see panic in its eyes. The victim is still warm, it's been dead for less than one hour.

It is clear that the victim has been tortured.
Cause of death is probably a stroke as the murderer made it go through hours and hours of pain. Through it's dental records we've been able to locate its family, unfortunatly they are all six feet under. Victim has been identified as Eddy Bunny.
A very important tips is sent in, cameras has captured the murderer, in the act! The murderer is a Japanese Spitz, age 1 year. After an interview we're certain that the murder is commited due to strong jealousy. The case is hereby solved and closed.
Cleaning is fun!
Lately I've been in a place where I find cleaning, then especially vacuuming, entertaining. Not cause I get a kick out of hearing the shit getting sucked in, and knowing it never comes back. Not because I like the vibrations of the vaccumcleaner when holding in it. Not because I'm of the type that likes cleaning, I mean.. Jesus. No, it's simply because our lil' Japanese spitz, Hope, makes the cleaning more than cleaning.
Not one second does she let the vacuumbeast out of sight, she's so damn curious it's cute. She follows it with her eyes, goes closer and closer..she sneaks in from the sides, from the back, doing whatever to get to as close as possible to the thing.. That is, as soon as the Vacuum-head-thingie (what the heck is it called) doesn't point towards her.. then she runs as fast as she can, and as far away as possible. When you she the lil' white dot runnig away in that speed, you'd suppose her to be away for forever, but na. Doesn't even take 20 seconds before she starts sneaking towards the beast again. Sneaking, sneaking, sneaking, until... OMG, it's pointing towards me again, RUUUUUN! If dogs could talk, or if you could read dogs minds.. that would be exactly what you got out of it. (of course, now we have to imagine then that dogs would know the meaning of OMG). Lets imagine we're inside the dogs head:
Hm, it's pointing somewhere else, now I wanna go there and bite abit on it, maybe it tastes like cheese. Ah, I like cheese. But not as much as I like sausage, God, I love sausage. Hm.. maybe my owner has a sausage, damn then want one, gimmegimme. Oh, wait, no, yes, no.. yes.. Damn Hope, concentrate! That sure looks like a long sausage! MMM, sausage. Maybe if I sneak very carefully it won't hear me, and the lunch today gets better than that boring, dry dog-food. Yes, probably.. Caareful, careful, getting closer, aaalmost there. WAH, the huge, noisy sausage wants to kill me, RUUUUUUUN!
Ok, so I am where I started. Who cares, Hope? The sausage calls! Maybe if I walk extra careful this time, like, very much extra. It won't notice me then. And then I get my teeth in that juicy, delicate sausage. Hm, I wonder why my owner goes around carrying it without giving it to me. I've been a good dog, haven't I? Maybe if I sit.... HELLO, owner, look at me, I'm a good dog, I'm sitting, I'm deserving sausage!.. ah, how great, all that effort, and she's not even noticing me. No chanse in hell I'm doing anything else unless I get something for it. I guess I need to take this in my own paws, God. When did I ever have to do something for the food around here? I really need to let this owner of mine know this! She spoiled me, so GIVE ME THE DAMN SAUSAGE.
Huh, where's she going? Where's the sausage going? I'm not done with you yet! I guess I should just follow, the sausage aint that noisy anymore. Maybe it got tired and sleeping. Where.. where did it go? Hello? Wuff, wuff, I don't like this. Wuff, wuff. Wonder why my owner is angry at me? Wuff, wuff, wuu.... What did I do now? Grh.. what kind of life do I have? I'm such a miserable dog..
[two seconds later]
*sniff, sniff*, *sniff, sniff*. YES! Some dirty underwear. Wuff, life is goooood!
Let's now stop imagining we're in the head of the dog. As an end to the blogpost: Here's the small heartbreaker.
I got abit carried away and this blog ended up mostly imagining we're in the head of Hope. Doesn't really matter that much, I trust you get an idea about how cleaning is with this small white dot wandering around. :)
Not one second does she let the vacuumbeast out of sight, she's so damn curious it's cute. She follows it with her eyes, goes closer and closer..she sneaks in from the sides, from the back, doing whatever to get to as close as possible to the thing.. That is, as soon as the Vacuum-head-thingie (what the heck is it called) doesn't point towards her.. then she runs as fast as she can, and as far away as possible. When you she the lil' white dot runnig away in that speed, you'd suppose her to be away for forever, but na. Doesn't even take 20 seconds before she starts sneaking towards the beast again. Sneaking, sneaking, sneaking, until... OMG, it's pointing towards me again, RUUUUUN! If dogs could talk, or if you could read dogs minds.. that would be exactly what you got out of it. (of course, now we have to imagine then that dogs would know the meaning of OMG). Lets imagine we're inside the dogs head:
Hm, it's pointing somewhere else, now I wanna go there and bite abit on it, maybe it tastes like cheese. Ah, I like cheese. But not as much as I like sausage, God, I love sausage. Hm.. maybe my owner has a sausage, damn then want one, gimmegimme. Oh, wait, no, yes, no.. yes.. Damn Hope, concentrate! That sure looks like a long sausage! MMM, sausage. Maybe if I sneak very carefully it won't hear me, and the lunch today gets better than that boring, dry dog-food. Yes, probably.. Caareful, careful, getting closer, aaalmost there. WAH, the huge, noisy sausage wants to kill me, RUUUUUUUN!
Ok, so I am where I started. Who cares, Hope? The sausage calls! Maybe if I walk extra careful this time, like, very much extra. It won't notice me then. And then I get my teeth in that juicy, delicate sausage. Hm, I wonder why my owner goes around carrying it without giving it to me. I've been a good dog, haven't I? Maybe if I sit.... HELLO, owner, look at me, I'm a good dog, I'm sitting, I'm deserving sausage!.. ah, how great, all that effort, and she's not even noticing me. No chanse in hell I'm doing anything else unless I get something for it. I guess I need to take this in my own paws, God. When did I ever have to do something for the food around here? I really need to let this owner of mine know this! She spoiled me, so GIVE ME THE DAMN SAUSAGE.
Huh, where's she going? Where's the sausage going? I'm not done with you yet! I guess I should just follow, the sausage aint that noisy anymore. Maybe it got tired and sleeping. Where.. where did it go? Hello? Wuff, wuff, I don't like this. Wuff, wuff. Wonder why my owner is angry at me? Wuff, wuff, wuu.... What did I do now? Grh.. what kind of life do I have? I'm such a miserable dog..
[two seconds later]
*sniff, sniff*, *sniff, sniff*. YES! Some dirty underwear. Wuff, life is goooood!
Let's now stop imagining we're in the head of the dog. As an end to the blogpost: Here's the small heartbreaker.
I got abit carried away and this blog ended up mostly imagining we're in the head of Hope. Doesn't really matter that much, I trust you get an idea about how cleaning is with this small white dot wandering around. :)
Friday, 23 October 2009
Kids and ringtones...
Nokia-tune is just as bad in acoustic-guitar sound as it is in original. Maybe even worse. Repeated, repeated, repeated, repeated. Again. Again, over again, once more. I'm going CRAZY!
For funsies the kids stick their fingers in front of the loudspeaker in every second sound so they get a nice cut in every second tone - enough to make every sane person into someone in a white suit in a small room - a place I would rather be in then here right now.
Sometimes they replace nokia-tune with some other song, some very bad song. VERY, again it makes anyone crazy, especially when they stop the song and start it over 10 times in a minute.
If there is a God out there, tell me.. what have I done to deserve this?!
Nokia-tune is just as bad in acoustic-guitar sound as it is in original. Maybe even worse. Repeated, repeated, repeated, repeated. Again. Again, over again, once more. I'm going CRAZY!
For funsies the kids stick their fingers in front of the loudspeaker in every second sound so they get a nice cut in every second tone - enough to make every sane person into someone in a white suit in a small room - a place I would rather be in then here right now.
Sometimes they replace nokia-tune with some other song, some very bad song. VERY, again it makes anyone crazy, especially when they stop the song and start it over 10 times in a minute.
If there is a God out there, tell me.. what have I done to deserve this?!
Monday, 19 October 2009
Sunday, 18 October 2009
A small visit on the beach..
It's very nice here, they have a nearby beach that looks superb, even now in the autumn when bathing is totally out of the question. I like to take pictures, not that I claim I'm good at it or anything, but I like it. Especially when my mum owns a fancy camera. Here's some shots from today:

I actually intended to upload more photos, but for some reason I cannot upload anything without getting a "fail" message, so I'll just give up here, and maybe come back with more later.. Enjoy? :)

I actually intended to upload more photos, but for some reason I cannot upload anything without getting a "fail" message, so I'll just give up here, and maybe come back with more later.. Enjoy? :)
Friday, 16 October 2009
You wouldn't believe the night I had!
There is about three factors that makes your night a living hell.
1) A dog who would rather be somewhere else than in your room.
2) People going to the toilet
3) People running back and forth at 5-6 in the morning.
Please note that these factors have to be combined to make the night a living hell, well.. maybe alternative 1 could work perfectly without the other two, but anyway.
So, I go to bed at 00.00, I was asked to bring the dog. Sure, I thought, why not? A cute lil' creature that can lie there and warm my cold toesies, won't say no to that! So I grab the heartbreaker, carry her into my room, and make a nice corner in my bed for her. But na, she jumps down from the bed, goes to the door, and starts her "buhu, it's so miserable here, let me out" sounds. I chose to ignore her, until she comes jumping up in the bed licking my hands. I ask her "you wanna come up, Hope?", and rise up to lift her up in the bed. But the second I raise up, she walks to the door, like she tries to show me "let me oout, let me oooout!". I lie down again and two seconds later, she's back. I thought that maybe this time she wants to come up, so I rise up again. Guess what happened? Yes, door. I sigh, and lie down again. Two minutes later I hear the tiny dog-feet tripping towards me again, I chose not to rise up, I mean.. what, am I stupid? I lie like I did, but open my eyes, before I know it she suddely sticks her head up right next to me, leaning it abit to the side, givin me nothing but the puppydog-look. And, annoying or not, she is a heartbreaker. So I figured, damn, now she wants to come up! I rise up, reach out my hands... and right before I got my hands in her.. yes, you're right, she's trippin' towards the door. At this point you all must be thinking "damnit! this girl must be stupid", but for my defence.. who could resist the puppydogeyes of this ceature, tell me!
At a certain point she sits right under my bed, and I use the situation to try to calm her down with stroking her, and.. yes, it worked. She was silent for.. perhaps five minutes, until... she suddenly rised up and walked to the door. But! This time she didn't make that much sounds, to my big surprise. So I can actually lie down, in silence, and slowly, slowly I notice that I might actually get some sleep tonight. Note that this is probably 1-2 hours after I actually planned to sleep. So at this point the clock is.. Well, let's say 01.30. Trolldis lies there with a small smile on her mouth, on her way into sleepyland...
Sleepyland was further away than I thought, my soon-to-come sweet dreams got ruined, yes, directly ruined, killed, by someone who just had to go to the toilet in the midle of friggin night. My dear brother, couldn't you have gone before you went to bed? Or should I assume that you "didn't have to go then"? Hmpf, you're just like a kid. I'm gonna blame you for this, after all you're not the one with puppydogeyes in the situation!
Well, half an hour later the dog is relatively calm, and the sandman once again tries to reach out and make me trip around on the big pink cloud that I like to call dreamland. And Sandman, thank you for this. Trolldis gets her good night sleep for.. 3-4 hours, before people already start wandering around, making noise. No chance to get any peace - when the dog finds a hope for escape, then she follows the hope til it dies, or til it works out for her. In this situation it worked out for her, some saviour sent from God (or more like, one of my siblings) came to the door, opening it, taking Hope away, giving me some sleep. And the thought of sleeping long really, really gave me pleasure. So there was a smile around my mouth as I was finally, finally gonna get to sleep more than 1 hour or 2.
Wake up! Time to change your sleepingpatterns! The clock isn't even showing eight, when my mum finds out that today is the day, today is the day. Today is the day for change. No longer sleeping to 12, Trolldis. Embrace the day, embrace the morning.
Today, mum?! I didn't sleep less a single night the whole year, and that includes nights where I'm hangovered, on festivals, on parties. Yes. Could the timing possibly be worse? I believe not. Well, let's look on the positive side, should we? I have embraced the day! The whole day, not only the part from 12.00 and out.
Ah, yes, by the way? Guess who's sleeping now? Hope. After this situation, though, I changed her name to Hopeless. If there's one thing I like about her is that her name can easily be changed when she is indeed.. Hopeless.
Have a great day, everyone, and be sure to embrace it as I did.
1) A dog who would rather be somewhere else than in your room.
2) People going to the toilet
3) People running back and forth at 5-6 in the morning.
Please note that these factors have to be combined to make the night a living hell, well.. maybe alternative 1 could work perfectly without the other two, but anyway.

At a certain point she sits right under my bed, and I use the situation to try to calm her down with stroking her, and.. yes, it worked. She was silent for.. perhaps five minutes, until... she suddenly rised up and walked to the door. But! This time she didn't make that much sounds, to my big surprise. So I can actually lie down, in silence, and slowly, slowly I notice that I might actually get some sleep tonight. Note that this is probably 1-2 hours after I actually planned to sleep. So at this point the clock is.. Well, let's say 01.30. Trolldis lies there with a small smile on her mouth, on her way into sleepyland...
Sleepyland was further away than I thought, my soon-to-come sweet dreams got ruined, yes, directly ruined, killed, by someone who just had to go to the toilet in the midle of friggin night. My dear brother, couldn't you have gone before you went to bed? Or should I assume that you "didn't have to go then"? Hmpf, you're just like a kid. I'm gonna blame you for this, after all you're not the one with puppydogeyes in the situation!
Well, half an hour later the dog is relatively calm, and the sandman once again tries to reach out and make me trip around on the big pink cloud that I like to call dreamland. And Sandman, thank you for this. Trolldis gets her good night sleep for.. 3-4 hours, before people already start wandering around, making noise. No chance to get any peace - when the dog finds a hope for escape, then she follows the hope til it dies, or til it works out for her. In this situation it worked out for her, some saviour sent from God (or more like, one of my siblings) came to the door, opening it, taking Hope away, giving me some sleep. And the thought of sleeping long really, really gave me pleasure. So there was a smile around my mouth as I was finally, finally gonna get to sleep more than 1 hour or 2.
Wake up! Time to change your sleepingpatterns! The clock isn't even showing eight, when my mum finds out that today is the day, today is the day. Today is the day for change. No longer sleeping to 12, Trolldis. Embrace the day, embrace the morning.
Today, mum?! I didn't sleep less a single night the whole year, and that includes nights where I'm hangovered, on festivals, on parties. Yes. Could the timing possibly be worse? I believe not. Well, let's look on the positive side, should we? I have embraced the day! The whole day, not only the part from 12.00 and out.
Ah, yes, by the way? Guess who's sleeping now? Hope. After this situation, though, I changed her name to Hopeless. If there's one thing I like about her is that her name can easily be changed when she is indeed.. Hopeless.
Have a great day, everyone, and be sure to embrace it as I did.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
I'm sorry, I'm taken.
Some people likes to find a sexlife through online communities. Tries to give compliments, and make you interested in as few messages as possible, cause MAYBE this time they will get laid.
This blog is about these people. Lately I've been getting a waay to big amount of these hopeful perverts into my profile on nettby (online community). One dude tries to send "hi, hi!" mails to me everytime he's online. I said hi back the two first times he did, and then I just realized he's senile and stopped. Another dude goes right on, and the first words he ever say to me is "you're beautiful, I like you very much".... I mean.. whoot? For all he knows I'm a rapist, or I eat kids. But nope, he "likes me very much". Nice that you can get to know me thaat much out of a small profile, and a "beautiful" picture.
This very same dude commented on this photo of "me" with "Wow, you're so beautiful". Well, ok. I admit it, I really styled up for this photo, and I do very much to look my best. I'm so glad someone finally saw that. Please look to the right for a beautiful picture of yours truly. The dog is just a small detail, don't mind that. I would never ever want the attention on the dog, I mean, hello. Then I would hide behind it or something.
From joke to revolver, desperate much? You're so fucking horny you comment desperatly or any picture with me in, even if it's just a friggin finger? I'm sorry to disappoint you, but even if you would comment on a photo that's actually of me it wouldn't help either. Maybe you should buy yourself one of these dolls, you know, where you don't actually have to seduce anyone before actually getting to jump them. If you like it I'm sure you can put a photo of a dog over her face too, so you get it really how you like it, hell, maybe you can even print this picture and stick it on? Then you also get my beauty all over. Wouldn't that be nice?
Bottom line: Does people really think they get laid with these things? That someone actually falls on these stupid comments, and asslikcing? I hope not. What's even worse is if people actually falls for this? I don't even wanna think about that. Good night!
PS: This is not about dissing people who tries to find their love or new friends via internet, this is about desperate people trying in silly ways to get laid.
This blog is about these people. Lately I've been getting a waay to big amount of these hopeful perverts into my profile on nettby (online community). One dude tries to send "hi, hi!" mails to me everytime he's online. I said hi back the two first times he did, and then I just realized he's senile and stopped. Another dude goes right on, and the first words he ever say to me is "you're beautiful, I like you very much".... I mean.. whoot? For all he knows I'm a rapist, or I eat kids. But nope, he "likes me very much". Nice that you can get to know me thaat much out of a small profile, and a "beautiful" picture.

From joke to revolver, desperate much? You're so fucking horny you comment desperatly or any picture with me in, even if it's just a friggin finger? I'm sorry to disappoint you, but even if you would comment on a photo that's actually of me it wouldn't help either. Maybe you should buy yourself one of these dolls, you know, where you don't actually have to seduce anyone before actually getting to jump them. If you like it I'm sure you can put a photo of a dog over her face too, so you get it really how you like it, hell, maybe you can even print this picture and stick it on? Then you also get my beauty all over. Wouldn't that be nice?
Bottom line: Does people really think they get laid with these things? That someone actually falls on these stupid comments, and asslikcing? I hope not. What's even worse is if people actually falls for this? I don't even wanna think about that. Good night!
PS: This is not about dissing people who tries to find their love or new friends via internet, this is about desperate people trying in silly ways to get laid.
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Eheheh.. hehe.
Please klick here.
My non-Norwegian readers, I'm sorry that this article is in Norwegian. It's about a German dude who flashed his ass to the ticketcontrollers on the train cause the controller throwed him out for lacking a ticket. His pants got stuck in the door, and he was dragged after the train.. HAHAHAHAHHAH, what a fucking idiot.
PS: He wasn't seriously injured.. If he would be I wouldn't laugh of this... at least not in front of others, ehhehe.
My non-Norwegian readers, I'm sorry that this article is in Norwegian. It's about a German dude who flashed his ass to the ticketcontrollers on the train cause the controller throwed him out for lacking a ticket. His pants got stuck in the door, and he was dragged after the train.. HAHAHAHAHHAH, what a fucking idiot.
PS: He wasn't seriously injured.. If he would be I wouldn't laugh of this... at least not in front of others, ehhehe.
Monday, 12 October 2009
Music Box: Dornenreich
Dornenreich rocks, that's as simple as it is. I'm not gonna lie and pretend that I know everything about this band - to be quite honest I noticed it "for real" not long ago. Before seing them live I knew some songs from "In Luft Geritzt", and they were nice, but my knowledge about Dornenreich ended there. I didn't know their earlier and blacker stuff at that point. At the concert attended in September I was totally captured by the magic of Dornenreich. I loved (correct, "liked" isn't strong enough) every single song they played, and it was straight home to listen to Dornenreich, and I made my lovely boyfriend fill my iPod with all Dornenreich he had.
Dornenreich is a two-man-band from Austria that was founded in 1996 by Thomas "Valñes" Stock, Jochen "Evíga" Stock joined the band the same year, and they started to make songs. They were also joined by a drummer in 1997, but he later quit. In 2006 Thomas Stock quit the band, and was replaced with another Thomas - Thomas "Inve" Riesner joined the band as a violinist. The lineup is today as it was then.
What's so lovely with Dornenreich is that they have stuff in different genres. The first album, Nicht um zu sterben (1996) is black metal, on their second album Bitter ist's dem Tod zu dienen (1997) they are still within the black metal genre, but more towards Symphonic Black Metal. The next album comes in 2001, and is called Hier von welken Nächten, and it's very hard for me to just put a genre on that. All I can tell you is that this album is awesome, and listen, listen, LISTEN. You should especially give the songs Wer hat Angst vor Einsamkeit? and Grell und dunkel strömt das Leben a listen. Listen to Schwarz schaut tiefsten Lichterglanz too, while you're at it. It's in the player to your right.. ;)
In 2005 does Dornenreich release the cd Hexenwind, few songs, but good songs. This album was supposed to go to a blacker sound again, but.. it didn't. During the writing period the band's progression took a "new direction towards a more calm and mature approach" (stolen from last.fm). From this album, please listen to Der Hexe flammend' Blick.
2006 brings Durch Den Traum, and since I don't know this album that much I don't even have recommendations, sorry for that. I can't put a genre on it either. Avant-Garde? I'm sure it's a great cd, but I haven't had time to get into it, unfortunatly.. But I will ;)
Their newest album came in 2008, and it's called In Luft Geritzt. If you'd listen to a song from this album, and to a song from Nicht um zu sterben, you wouldn't know it's the same band! This is completely acoustic, they use a fiddle and an acoustic guitar. It's so atmospheric, so intense! My personal favourite from this album is Jagd, but do also listen to Drang, Meer and Unruhe. Listen to all, actually - superb album!
One small tips you'll thank me for later: If you have the oportunity of seing them live, then DO so! I've seen many bands live. Many. And Dornenreich is on the top 5, maybe even top 3, do I even put them on the top 2 with Primordial? Might be.. The intensity of the singer is sick, it's magic. He captures you and holds you there throughout the concert, and even longer. After the concert you sit there with an awesome feeling of participating in something great. I will do everything to see this band again! I will even go as far as to eat tuna, if that's what it takes. (for those of you who doesn't know me - this means I'm VERY desperate. Tuna tastes worse than words can describe, ugh).
Dornenreich on last.fm, on wikipedia, and their homepage.
I hope someone got something out of this blog, and starts listening to this band :D
This is my 4th post in my series Music Box where I reccomend and write about good music. I previously wrote about Fjoergyn, Arcturus, and Primordial
music box
Sunday, 11 October 2009
What warms a musicians heart...
It's something very cute and charming about this. Piano-stairs, ah. It's one of the ideas in "Rolighetsteorin", in English "the fun theory". Great idea! I would take the stairs - and I'm LAZY. Conclusion: It works.
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Song of the day
This is my song of the day, with video. And the band is among the greatest livebands out there. Volbeat!
Sad Man's Tounge, cause it's very catchy and very cool. God, I wanna see them live again!
Enjoy ;)
Sad Man's Tounge, cause it's very catchy and very cool. God, I wanna see them live again!
Enjoy ;)
Friday, 9 October 2009
MANties, panties made just for men
Guys, do you feel a bit grey sometimes? Are you tired of using the same old boring boxers day in and day out? Do you need a change? A change for you, your partner, junior, your sex, your whole LIFE?!
This is for you.
MANties, panties made just for men. Whether you prefer low cut or high cut, black or white, gay, more gay or most gay. We have what you need, in all different shades of pink, and in all degrees of gay. The man in your pants doesn't only get a more comfortable life, but also the exact space he needs to be able to be himself both in happy, and in sad times.
Guys, do you sometimes feel like the world goes too fast for you? Like the days just fly by so fast that you don't know where the world is anymore? Do you also feel that the man in your pants deserves more comfort, more luxury, yes. that it deserves a better life?
We have exactly what you need!
MANties with the all the days in the week printed on them. No longer do you have to feel that the time is going to fast for you, no longer do you have to check the calendar to know which day it is. Just simply drag down your pants, and there it is!* All MANties are colored in different, elegant colors - every man is sure to find a MANtie of his taste. A new color for every day - certain to make every man who loves colors happy.
MANties Company guarantees 7 intelligent and comfortable MANties - sure to make every man satisfied. Order now, and we'll throw in a extra special treat that's sure to be of good help behind closed bedroom doors.
* Requires that you change your panties daily
Send an order now to: ispeakbullshit@ihopeyouknow.haha
This is for you.

Guys, do you sometimes feel like the world goes too fast for you? Like the days just fly by so fast that you don't know where the world is anymore? Do you also feel that the man in your pants deserves more comfort, more luxury, yes. that it deserves a better life?
We have exactly what you need!
MANties with the all the days in the week printed on them. No longer do you have to feel that the time is going to fast for you, no longer do you have to check the calendar to know which day it is. Just simply drag down your pants, and there it is!* All MANties are colored in different, elegant colors - every man is sure to find a MANtie of his taste. A new color for every day - certain to make every man who loves colors happy.
MANties Company guarantees 7 intelligent and comfortable MANties - sure to make every man satisfied. Order now, and we'll throw in a extra special treat that's sure to be of good help behind closed bedroom doors.
* Requires that you change your panties daily
Send an order now to: ispeakbullshit@ihopeyouknow.haha
Thursday, 8 October 2009
So yesterday I saw what I didn't see for a looong time - yes, snow. I mean, of course I saw it on the mountaintops and stuff when I arrived here... it's northern Norway. But I didn't see the kind falling from the sky. Yes, I admit it, falling snow is beautiful in a way, especially when my brother, who studies to be a cook, mixes up the best hot chocolate you can even imagine. Mmm.. Hot chocolate and falling snow, and a cool program on telly. But..NO, I'm not enjoying the snow. Keep away til December, THEN the snow can come and create chrismasmood like never before. And then I'm gonna hire my brother to make me hot chocolate eeeevery day (and get so fat before christmas that I can fit the whole christmas-dinner myself? Bad idea, Trolldis. Really.).
In the mean time, I'm asking the weathergods nicely to give some better temperatures, and give us autumn? Now it feels like they are skipping from summer to winter without letting the autumn have the oportuinty of show it lovely self for a month or two. And when the autumn is a lovely season, that's not fair!
But, since it now is snow and there's nothing I can do about it.. Here's a (lovely) song that fits. Agalloch - Falling Snow. Enjoy :)
In the mean time, I'm asking the weathergods nicely to give some better temperatures, and give us autumn? Now it feels like they are skipping from summer to winter without letting the autumn have the oportuinty of show it lovely self for a month or two. And when the autumn is a lovely season, that's not fair!
But, since it now is snow and there's nothing I can do about it.. Here's a (lovely) song that fits. Agalloch - Falling Snow. Enjoy :)
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Should we assume that Rudolphs poop is red?
This blog will be about my thoughts of the children-tv of today. I happened to see a program when waiting for the news, and it was not pleasant.
The intro-melody has lyrics like this.
He takes off the top, and what is on the plate? A pile of shit. Not shit in a transferred meaning, but really. Shit. Poop. Exrement, right there on the plate. To be quite honest you kind of doubt what kind of dude this is when he can be SO enthusiastic over a pile of shit, but ok. He asks "Sooo, does anyone know whos shit this is? Hm? Anyone out there?". It pains my soul to think about all the children sitting in their houses watching this screaming out "DOOG!", "SHEEEEP!", "COOOW!", or whichever animal or creature they think took a shit this time.
Mr Hyper Moderator tries to create exitement over the moment where he reveals the great secret behind the pile of shit. Who in the whole wide world might have sat on the plate and released a big, brown and smelly pile of excrement. Or.. I guess we can assume that the moderator hand-plucked it when you see his enthusiasm. Anyway, yes.. the exitement. Shows kids that "yes, sure! it's completely natural to be exited when you see a poop. Overexited, yes, come on! LET'S ALL BE HYPER!"
Let's all be realistic here and see what this does to children. A child that is interested in.. not sports, not music, not games, farms, cars, whatever, no - A child that goes totally banana crazy when he/she sees a pile of poop? And gets hyyper, exited, happy, and.. yes, a pile of shit makes their day. Yep, that is building up intelligence from a small age already. "Mummy! Look! POOOOOOOP!".
I can say right now, that if this continues I won't even LET my child watch this shit. Oh yes, it's gonna watch "Who wants to be a millionare", and when my small angel is old enough, he'll be very smart and win the whole shit - and with this being able to buy his mummy and daddy a very nice car. (of course, by this time the main price in the show is millions and millions higher, and I will get a nice sum myself out of not having let my child watch shit-shows. And yes - I will rub it in the faces of all the parents who has senile kids that knows nothing more than which animal dropped which shit. I will enjoy it too).
Back to the show: When the ass behind the poop is revealed, the moderator dresses up like the animal, and runs around like a reindeer with AD/HD (since the animal of the day was a reindeer). What a great example for children, I feel the headache coming when thinking of this doofy dude.
I wonder... When on earth would a child need to know how reindeer-poop looks? Maybe it's nice to know around christmas, perhaps you can identify Rudolphs poop and then find out approximately when Santa will come. Should we assume that Rudolphs poop is red like his nose? Ask the followers of the poop-show. I have a life, I wouldnt' know.
The intro-melody has lyrics like this.
juck, jucky-juckAs you understand already, this show is doofy. After the intro a dude comes with a serving-plate.. This dude is a children-tv moderator, so you know.. overhyper and acting all stupid. So he is overenthusiastic, and the plate he's coming with has the riddle of the day inside. You cannot see it since it's covered with some kind of top on it, but this is unimportant. What's important is what this show is about...
jucky, jucky, juck
juck, jucky-juck,
jucky, jucky-juck
He takes off the top, and what is on the plate? A pile of shit. Not shit in a transferred meaning, but really. Shit. Poop. Exrement, right there on the plate. To be quite honest you kind of doubt what kind of dude this is when he can be SO enthusiastic over a pile of shit, but ok. He asks "Sooo, does anyone know whos shit this is? Hm? Anyone out there?". It pains my soul to think about all the children sitting in their houses watching this screaming out "DOOG!", "SHEEEEP!", "COOOW!", or whichever animal or creature they think took a shit this time.
Mr Hyper Moderator tries to create exitement over the moment where he reveals the great secret behind the pile of shit. Who in the whole wide world might have sat on the plate and released a big, brown and smelly pile of excrement. Or.. I guess we can assume that the moderator hand-plucked it when you see his enthusiasm. Anyway, yes.. the exitement. Shows kids that "yes, sure! it's completely natural to be exited when you see a poop. Overexited, yes, come on! LET'S ALL BE HYPER!"
Let's all be realistic here and see what this does to children. A child that is interested in.. not sports, not music, not games, farms, cars, whatever, no - A child that goes totally banana crazy when he/she sees a pile of poop? And gets hyyper, exited, happy, and.. yes, a pile of shit makes their day. Yep, that is building up intelligence from a small age already. "Mummy! Look! POOOOOOOP!".
I can say right now, that if this continues I won't even LET my child watch this shit. Oh yes, it's gonna watch "Who wants to be a millionare", and when my small angel is old enough, he'll be very smart and win the whole shit - and with this being able to buy his mummy and daddy a very nice car. (of course, by this time the main price in the show is millions and millions higher, and I will get a nice sum myself out of not having let my child watch shit-shows. And yes - I will rub it in the faces of all the parents who has senile kids that knows nothing more than which animal dropped which shit. I will enjoy it too).
Back to the show: When the ass behind the poop is revealed, the moderator dresses up like the animal, and runs around like a reindeer with AD/HD (since the animal of the day was a reindeer). What a great example for children, I feel the headache coming when thinking of this doofy dude.
I wonder... When on earth would a child need to know how reindeer-poop looks? Maybe it's nice to know around christmas, perhaps you can identify Rudolphs poop and then find out approximately when Santa will come. Should we assume that Rudolphs poop is red like his nose? Ask the followers of the poop-show. I have a life, I wouldnt' know.
.. to me. My blog have never before had this many people visiting it in one day!
.. yes, it's a big day.
.. yes, it's a big day.
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Monday, 5 October 2009
When you can sleep as loooong as you want..

So if you ever see this lil creature, and if you would like to sleep.. Then lock your doors! But.. doors locked or not - I'm certain that Hope manages to sneak into your heart anyway. You'll love her EVEN though she wakes you up - I can confirm that.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
What do you say when..
.. your brother gets driven home from a party by the police?
1) What the FUCK did you do now?
2) Again?
3) What a nice policeman!
I followed alternative one.. Until it turns out it was just a nice policeman. You can say what you want about Northern Norway (like how damn cold it is, for example) but the people here are nice! Just go to the anywhere in Northern Norway to shop (for example) and anywhere in Western Norway to shop. You notice a huge difference, there's something unique with people from Northern Norway.
Oh, btw. I'm in Northern Norway.
1) What the FUCK did you do now?
2) Again?
3) What a nice policeman!
I followed alternative one.. Until it turns out it was just a nice policeman. You can say what you want about Northern Norway (like how damn cold it is, for example) but the people here are nice! Just go to the anywhere in Northern Norway to shop (for example) and anywhere in Western Norway to shop. You notice a huge difference, there's something unique with people from Northern Norway.
Oh, btw. I'm in Northern Norway.
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Plenty of reasons to love Germany, Part 3
Continuing on my 'reasons to love Germany'. Here's part one and part two
.. and Summer Breeze, and various other big open-air festivals. A metalheads idea of paradise. Especially Wacken. God, 3 days of beer, metal and.. drunk metalheads?
Of constant metal, constant party. Man do I look forward to the festival-season again, and I swear I will be in Germany during it. What's Norwegian festivals compared to this? Lice. Hell of expensive lice too. Gosh, gotta love Wacken.
8) Schnauzer
The Schnauzer - my all time favourite dog-breed is German. Look at the adorable creature on your right now. That used to be my dear Alexi. Had to give him up, unfortunatly. Miss him deeply.
I don't actually know what more to write about that. They are adorable, both how they look and their personality... aaand where they are from. Reason enough to mention it here. Schnauzers are lovely! Ye... next!
9) Maggi Fix/Knorr Fix
Cause it's easy, cheap, and cause it has a good taste. Ah, the thought about the taste of Gebratene Nudeln almost makes me drool.
Nice thing is that they have about everything, Chili Con Carne, Spaghetti Bolognese, Chicken-soup. Roulade... It's not like we don't have any of this in Norway, but they have it SO much more there. HUGE shelves in the stores containing nothing but these Fix bags. And I like it, I dig it. It's one of the things I always bring home to Norway after a Germany trip.. Maaaany Fix bags.
.. and Summer Breeze, and various other big open-air festivals. A metalheads idea of paradise. Especially Wacken. God, 3 days of beer, metal and.. drunk metalheads?
Of constant metal, constant party. Man do I look forward to the festival-season again, and I swear I will be in Germany during it. What's Norwegian festivals compared to this? Lice. Hell of expensive lice too. Gosh, gotta love Wacken.
8) Schnauzer
The Schnauzer - my all time favourite dog-breed is German. Look at the adorable creature on your right now. That used to be my dear Alexi. Had to give him up, unfortunatly. Miss him deeply.
I don't actually know what more to write about that. They are adorable, both how they look and their personality... aaand where they are from. Reason enough to mention it here. Schnauzers are lovely! Ye... next!
9) Maggi Fix/Knorr Fix
Cause it's easy, cheap, and cause it has a good taste. Ah, the thought about the taste of Gebratene Nudeln almost makes me drool.
Nice thing is that they have about everything, Chili Con Carne, Spaghetti Bolognese, Chicken-soup. Roulade... It's not like we don't have any of this in Norway, but they have it SO much more there. HUGE shelves in the stores containing nothing but these Fix bags. And I like it, I dig it. It's one of the things I always bring home to Norway after a Germany trip.. Maaaany Fix bags.
Yesterdays metalevents...
So yesterday I attended a "South of Heaven" event in Oslo. The bands playing were Vreid, Iskald, Emancer, Violated, The Batallion & In Vain. Gonna give a small review :) .. review might be the wrong word.. I'll just tell abit about it.. Ye.. :P
First ouuuut.. Violated. We didn't find the concertplace that easily, so we arrived a bit too late to get the whole concert, but we got 3 songs or so, and it was CATCHYYY. I had no knowledge of this band before this concert, but I'm very tempted to check it out. It was nice ;)
Emancer next, and it was cool. Not awesome, but it was not bad ;) I'm extremely happy that they played Cunning Vital Guardian! Awesome song.
I listened to In Vain for the first time two days before the concert, and I liked it. It actually sounded damn good to me, so I was a bit exited. But for me the concert wasn't that exiting...
The Batallion was really present, and really good as a live band! Too bad their music is boring. At the first song you thought "Hmm, this is catchy! Nice song!".. at the next song you thought ".. ye.. cool.", at the rest of the songs you had the feeling you heard everything in the two first songs - unfortunatley. If their music'd be great, then the band would come far. Awesome live-show!
The next band up was Iskald, and they were rockin. I really, really, really would love it if they had played "Shades of Misery", but they did not. They played Daa Gjallarhorn Song, though, and that was the highlight of the concert ;)
Vreid. Ahh. What a gig, great variety of songs, they played from every album. They are a superb liveband, period.
There was this one lil' thing though, that kinda ruined the concert for me, and this is.. An asshole. A huge asshole. A lil story about a big asshole:
The introsong of Vreid is starting, I have a good place, everyone chills, no pressing. It's nice. Right before the band starts playing an asshole runs fast into the fence, to be able to push himself into an already filled front row. He gets space. I get squeezed. He holds a beer in his left hand, I'm on his left side. He thinks it's a good idea to headbang and show metalhorns holding a beer. Sure. 0,5 liter beer all over me. And every fucking time he raises his hands (= all the time) he mashes me hard when he puts them down again (I have bluemarks..). He also found it nice to hit me in the face sometimes with his uncontrolled drunk-arms. He was so darned drunk he couldn't control bodyparts. Other than hitting and stuff he wanted to take his hands around my shoulders and "headbang with me" sometimes. Fear enough, can be cosy and nice (when it's not assholes...), but that friggin bastard took a firm grip on the back of my NECK and held hard. This is the part where I hit him. Nice that he almost strangles me, the bastard. Every single time the bastard stepped on me, hit me, spilled beer on me etc I wanted SO bad to kick him in his mandarines. I was never so close to hitting someone.
And I know, I know. "What do you expect when you're in the first row on a metalconcert?"
Believe me, I know what I can expect. I've been to over 100 metalconcerts, and of course they are drunk, of course they are brutal. But not once did a dude do this, most people have a decent behaviour. Most people have brains? This dude was just stupid. You should have seen him with the photographers, every single one he hit on the shoulders probably 10 times cause he wanted them to take photos of him. Comeon, you're a soking drunk, annoying, unattractive metalhead, who wants photos of that anyway? I'm glad I could enjoy the concert even with this &%¤¤%""%/ there.
If you read this, asshole. Drink less next time, you act like a prick.
If you read this, Vreid. Great concert!! Go on like this.
If you read this, random person: I'm sorry for sounding like a whiny bitch.
Tudeliu, and watch Vreid if you get the chance ;)
First ouuuut.. Violated. We didn't find the concertplace that easily, so we arrived a bit too late to get the whole concert, but we got 3 songs or so, and it was CATCHYYY. I had no knowledge of this band before this concert, but I'm very tempted to check it out. It was nice ;)
Emancer next, and it was cool. Not awesome, but it was not bad ;) I'm extremely happy that they played Cunning Vital Guardian! Awesome song.
I listened to In Vain for the first time two days before the concert, and I liked it. It actually sounded damn good to me, so I was a bit exited. But for me the concert wasn't that exiting...
The Batallion was really present, and really good as a live band! Too bad their music is boring. At the first song you thought "Hmm, this is catchy! Nice song!".. at the next song you thought ".. ye.. cool.", at the rest of the songs you had the feeling you heard everything in the two first songs - unfortunatley. If their music'd be great, then the band would come far. Awesome live-show!
The next band up was Iskald, and they were rockin. I really, really, really would love it if they had played "Shades of Misery", but they did not. They played Daa Gjallarhorn Song, though, and that was the highlight of the concert ;)
Vreid. Ahh. What a gig, great variety of songs, they played from every album. They are a superb liveband, period.
There was this one lil' thing though, that kinda ruined the concert for me, and this is.. An asshole. A huge asshole. A lil story about a big asshole:
The introsong of Vreid is starting, I have a good place, everyone chills, no pressing. It's nice. Right before the band starts playing an asshole runs fast into the fence, to be able to push himself into an already filled front row. He gets space. I get squeezed. He holds a beer in his left hand, I'm on his left side. He thinks it's a good idea to headbang and show metalhorns holding a beer. Sure. 0,5 liter beer all over me. And every fucking time he raises his hands (= all the time) he mashes me hard when he puts them down again (I have bluemarks..). He also found it nice to hit me in the face sometimes with his uncontrolled drunk-arms. He was so darned drunk he couldn't control bodyparts. Other than hitting and stuff he wanted to take his hands around my shoulders and "headbang with me" sometimes. Fear enough, can be cosy and nice (when it's not assholes...), but that friggin bastard took a firm grip on the back of my NECK and held hard. This is the part where I hit him. Nice that he almost strangles me, the bastard. Every single time the bastard stepped on me, hit me, spilled beer on me etc I wanted SO bad to kick him in his mandarines. I was never so close to hitting someone.
And I know, I know. "What do you expect when you're in the first row on a metalconcert?"
Believe me, I know what I can expect. I've been to over 100 metalconcerts, and of course they are drunk, of course they are brutal. But not once did a dude do this, most people have a decent behaviour. Most people have brains? This dude was just stupid. You should have seen him with the photographers, every single one he hit on the shoulders probably 10 times cause he wanted them to take photos of him. Comeon, you're a soking drunk, annoying, unattractive metalhead, who wants photos of that anyway? I'm glad I could enjoy the concert even with this &%¤¤%""%/ there.
If you read this, asshole. Drink less next time, you act like a prick.
If you read this, Vreid. Great concert!! Go on like this.
If you read this, random person: I'm sorry for sounding like a whiny bitch.
Tudeliu, and watch Vreid if you get the chance ;)
concerts and festivals,
Friday, 2 October 2009
Plenty of reasons to love Germany, Part 2
I'm just gonna continue on my 'reasons to love Germany'. Here's part one.
4) Gesundheit!
The fact that when you sneeze, everyone says "gesundheit!" (=German "bless you") to you. Everyone. Even strangers. It's kinda (very) cosy when you're on a metalfestival and release a maajor sneeze in the tent, followed by 10 different voices screaming "GESUNDHEIT" to you from outside. At times it almost seems like it's a competition going on, the one who says "gesundheit" first wins. It's cosy.. simply :)
I was a week in Norway now, sneezed plenty of times, and not once did I hear a "bless you". Not once. Weird that a small "nothing" like that makes me miss Deutschland.
5) Stefan Raab
Now, ladies and dudes, take a look to the handsome man on your right. Looks like a charming man, right? That's Stefan Raab.Known for for example his shows Tv Total, Schlag den Raab and Schlag den Star. All shows that I love to watch when I'm in lovely Deutschland.
Schlag den Raab and Schlag den Star is really superb entertaining. In Schlag den Raab normal people sign up for a competition towards Raab in 15 different thingies, when they win they win money, when Raab wins.. he wins.. respect? Schlag den Star is the same thing, just that they compete towards other celebs. Usually these shows lasts for hours and hours, and they are really.. kickass. Shame it's sent so damn rarely!
On Tv Total he probably met all the people in the world worth to meet also. Cool, cool. My favourite is when he meets Will Smith.. Here's a lil' nice vid showing that meeting.
Ah, uh-uh, yeah. Stefan Raab ist echt toll.
6) Lederhosen
The people who follows my blog probably knows already my feelings towards Lederhosen. If you're new, then this quote from a previous blog-post will cover it ut nicely.
I've also previously talked about Lederhosen in my blog here and here. So as you probably understand , I just can't get enough. If I get rich someday I'll buy Lederhosen to hang on the walls. It will be my altar.
It's a reason to love Germany, cause of the things I said before, and cause it's so damn GERMAN.
4) Gesundheit!
The fact that when you sneeze, everyone says "gesundheit!" (=German "bless you") to you. Everyone. Even strangers. It's kinda (very) cosy when you're on a metalfestival and release a maajor sneeze in the tent, followed by 10 different voices screaming "GESUNDHEIT" to you from outside. At times it almost seems like it's a competition going on, the one who says "gesundheit" first wins. It's cosy.. simply :)
I was a week in Norway now, sneezed plenty of times, and not once did I hear a "bless you". Not once. Weird that a small "nothing" like that makes me miss Deutschland.
5) Stefan Raab
Now, ladies and dudes, take a look to the handsome man on your right. Looks like a charming man, right? That's Stefan Raab.Known for for example his shows Tv Total, Schlag den Raab and Schlag den Star. All shows that I love to watch when I'm in lovely Deutschland.

On Tv Total he probably met all the people in the world worth to meet also. Cool, cool. My favourite is when he meets Will Smith.. Here's a lil' nice vid showing that meeting.
Ah, uh-uh, yeah. Stefan Raab ist echt toll.
6) Lederhosen

HAHAHAHA!Lederhosen is a own source of happiness and joy for me. The word in itself brings me joy, people who talks about it brings me joy, and pictures of it brings me joy.
I've also previously talked about Lederhosen in my blog here and here. So as you probably understand , I just can't get enough. If I get rich someday I'll buy Lederhosen to hang on the walls. It will be my altar.
It's a reason to love Germany, cause of the things I said before, and cause it's so damn GERMAN.
reasons to love Germany
Spotify goes offline.
What do you think before you click the link? Are you afraid? Nervous? Sad? You do not even want to click the link, right? You don't wanna see it. Hell, I don't wanna see it. I love spotify too much for that.
My heart beat harder, harder. I press the link.
Why won't you press the link.. Now!
At least I can sleep now ;)
My heart beat harder, harder. I press the link.
Why won't you press the link.. Now!
At least I can sleep now ;)
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Movietips reversed
Means I advice you what NOT to see. And believe me, I do the world a favour here. Contains spoilers, but who gives a shit? The movies can't get any worse.
1) Knowing.
What's really sad is that this movie begins good, like a half-creepy and exiting film. It starts with lots of pupils in a class, all of them draws a drawing showing what they think the world will look like in 50 years, one girl is wacko and just writes plenty of numbers. They bury the drawings, and in 50 years, which in the film is 2009, they dig them up again. A lil dude gets the numbers. The dad sees the numbers and finds out that it's dates showing catastrophies that was. 9/11, and other dates where tragedies happened and many people died. He looks around, finds out it's correct.
Then some wacko weird people is stalking his son giving him some black rocks. They turn out to be aliens, and they take his son and a girl to another planet in a huge space-ship. The (sucky) end. And oh yeah, the planet gets overheated cause something fucked up with the sun, and everyone dies.
2) Doomsday
Sad thing here is that the movie seems good when you hear about it. I'm gonna quote someone on imdb:
1) Knowing.
What's really sad is that this movie begins good, like a half-creepy and exiting film. It starts with lots of pupils in a class, all of them draws a drawing showing what they think the world will look like in 50 years, one girl is wacko and just writes plenty of numbers. They bury the drawings, and in 50 years, which in the film is 2009, they dig them up again. A lil dude gets the numbers. The dad sees the numbers and finds out that it's dates showing catastrophies that was. 9/11, and other dates where tragedies happened and many people died. He looks around, finds out it's correct.
Then some wacko weird people is stalking his son giving him some black rocks. They turn out to be aliens, and they take his son and a girl to another planet in a huge space-ship. The (sucky) end. And oh yeah, the planet gets overheated cause something fucked up with the sun, and everyone dies.
2) Doomsday
Sad thing here is that the movie seems good when you hear about it. I'm gonna quote someone on imdb:
Great Britain, 2007. A deadly plague, known as the "Reaper Virus," has broken out, killing hundreds of thousands in its wake. In desperation, the British Government evacuates as many survivors as it can out of the infected area, and then builds a wall, preventing the remainder from escaping. Thirty years later, with the wall still up and the victims all but forgotten, the virus breaks out again. The Government decides to send a crack team of operatives, led by Major Eden Sinclair, into the hot zone to investigate the possibility of a cure.Now, then most people imagine either some creepy, disgusting movie with people looking like SHIIIIT cause they are infected with some fucked up virus. You know, lack of skin, etc. That or some very exiting (rather normal) movie about the fight someone has against the virus, so they can get the antidote and people become nice again, halleluja, there is a God.. right? But no. What you get is, people that looks like friggin punkers. Weird make-up, weird clothes. NOT looking like someone that was infected with a virus for 30 years. Like this
What teh fuck is that about? This is NOT what I signed up for when watching a movie like this, really not. Now imagine a bunch of those, enough to turn off the movie, right? And if these weird creatures with way to much weird make up (where did they get this makeup anyway, they were isolated? HelloOOO?) isn't enough, there's always knights too, castles, you know, old heroish-figures. Luckily I was asleep during parts of the movie, good to know that I wasted just a bit less time of my life then. DO NOT WATCH IT, DON'T! JUST DON'T!
3) Disaster Movie
With that name I guess I do not even have to write more. Check also the rating at imdb for a fun moment. This movie is a parody of many movies, it's stupid, childish, stupid, stupid and stupid (and I need to learn more negative adjectives). Just.. don't watch it, unless you're 14 and extremely childish, and like crap. Then be my guest!
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